2023-03-22 00:13:24 -04:00
// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
use std ::borrow ::Cow ;
2023-06-02 14:12:26 -04:00
use std ::cell ::Cell ;
2023-03-22 00:13:24 -04:00
use std ::cell ::RefCell ;
use std ::marker ::PhantomData ;
use std ::path ::Path ;
use std ::path ::PathBuf ;
use std ::rc ::Rc ;
2023-06-13 20:49:57 -04:00
use std ::rc ::Weak ;
use std ::sync ::Arc ;
use std ::time ::Duration ;
use std ::time ::SystemTime ;
2023-03-22 00:13:24 -04:00
use async_trait ::async_trait ;
use deno_core ::error ::type_error ;
use deno_core ::error ::AnyError ;
2023-06-13 20:49:57 -04:00
use deno_core ::futures ;
use deno_core ::futures ::FutureExt ;
use deno_core ::task ::spawn ;
2023-06-02 14:12:26 -04:00
use deno_core ::task ::spawn_blocking ;
use deno_core ::AsyncRefCell ;
2023-03-22 00:13:24 -04:00
use deno_core ::OpState ;
use rusqlite ::params ;
2023-03-22 06:49:29 -04:00
use rusqlite ::OpenFlags ;
2023-03-22 00:13:24 -04:00
use rusqlite ::OptionalExtension ;
use rusqlite ::Transaction ;
2023-06-13 20:49:57 -04:00
use tokio ::sync ::mpsc ;
use tokio ::sync ::watch ;
use tokio ::sync ::OnceCell ;
use tokio ::sync ::OwnedSemaphorePermit ;
use tokio ::sync ::Semaphore ;
use uuid ::Uuid ;
2023-03-22 00:13:24 -04:00
use crate ::AtomicWrite ;
2023-03-30 14:57:21 -04:00
use crate ::CommitResult ;
2023-03-22 00:13:24 -04:00
use crate ::Database ;
use crate ::DatabaseHandler ;
use crate ::KvEntry ;
use crate ::MutationKind ;
2023-06-13 20:49:57 -04:00
use crate ::QueueMessageHandle ;
2023-03-22 00:13:24 -04:00
use crate ::ReadRange ;
use crate ::ReadRangeOutput ;
use crate ::SnapshotReadOptions ;
use crate ::Value ;
" update data_version set version = version + 1 where k = 0 returning version " ;
" select k, v, v_encoding, version from kv where k >= ? and k < ? order by k asc limit ? " ;
" select k, v, v_encoding, version from kv where k >= ? and k < ? order by k desc limit ? " ;
" select v, v_encoding from kv where k = ? " ;
" select version from kv where k = ? " ;
const STATEMENT_KV_POINT_SET : & str =
" insert into kv (k, v, v_encoding, version) values (:k, :v, :v_encoding, :version) on conflict(k) do update set v = :v, v_encoding = :v_encoding, version = :version " ;
const STATEMENT_KV_POINT_DELETE : & str = " delete from kv where k = ? " ;
2023-06-13 20:49:57 -04:00
const STATEMENT_QUEUE_ADD_READY : & str = " insert into queue (ts, id, data, backoff_schedule, keys_if_undelivered) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?) " ;
const STATEMENT_QUEUE_GET_NEXT_READY : & str = " select ts, id, data, backoff_schedule, keys_if_undelivered from queue where ts <= ? order by ts limit 100 " ;
" select ts from queue order by ts limit 1 " ;
const STATEMENT_QUEUE_REMOVE_READY : & str = " delete from queue where id = ? " ;
const STATEMENT_QUEUE_ADD_RUNNING : & str = " insert into queue_running (deadline, id, data, backoff_schedule, keys_if_undelivered) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?) " ;
" delete from queue_running where id = ? " ;
const STATEMENT_QUEUE_GET_RUNNING_BY_ID : & str = " select deadline, id, data, backoff_schedule, keys_if_undelivered from queue_running where id = ? " ;
" select id from queue_running order by deadline limit 100 " ;
2023-03-22 00:13:24 -04:00
create table if not exists migration_state (
k integer not null primary key ,
version integer not null
" ;
const MIGRATIONS : [ & str ; 2 ] = [
create table data_version (
k integer primary key ,
version integer not null
) ;
insert into data_version ( k , version ) values ( 0 , 0 ) ;
create table kv (
k blob primary key ,
v blob not null ,
v_encoding integer not null ,
version integer not null
) without rowid ;
" ,
create table queue (
ts integer not null ,
id text not null ,
data blob not null ,
backoff_schedule text not null ,
keys_if_undelivered blob not null ,
primary key ( ts , id )
) ;
create table queue_running (
deadline integer not null ,
id text not null ,
data blob not null ,
backoff_schedule text not null ,
keys_if_undelivered blob not null ,
primary key ( deadline , id )
) ;
" ,
] ;
2023-06-13 20:49:57 -04:00
const DISPATCH_CONCURRENCY_LIMIT : usize = 100 ;
const DEFAULT_BACKOFF_SCHEDULE : [ u32 ; 5 ] = [ 100 , 1000 , 5000 , 30000 , 60000 ] ;
2023-03-22 00:13:24 -04:00
pub struct SqliteDbHandler < P : SqliteDbHandlerPermissions + 'static > {
pub default_storage_dir : Option < PathBuf > ,
_permissions : PhantomData < P > ,
pub trait SqliteDbHandlerPermissions {
fn check_read ( & mut self , p : & Path , api_name : & str ) -> Result < ( ) , AnyError > ;
fn check_write ( & mut self , p : & Path , api_name : & str ) -> Result < ( ) , AnyError > ;
impl < P : SqliteDbHandlerPermissions > SqliteDbHandler < P > {
pub fn new ( default_storage_dir : Option < PathBuf > ) -> Self {
Self {
default_storage_dir ,
_permissions : PhantomData ,
#[ async_trait(?Send) ]
impl < P : SqliteDbHandlerPermissions > DatabaseHandler for SqliteDbHandler < P > {
type DB = SqliteDb ;
async fn open (
& self ,
state : Rc < RefCell < OpState > > ,
path : Option < String > ,
) -> Result < Self ::DB , AnyError > {
2023-06-02 14:12:26 -04:00
// Validate path
if let Some ( path ) = & path {
if path ! = " :memory: " {
2023-03-22 06:49:29 -04:00
if path . is_empty ( ) {
return Err ( type_error ( " Filename cannot be empty " ) ) ;
if path . starts_with ( ':' ) {
return Err ( type_error (
" Filename cannot start with ':' unless prefixed with './' " ,
) ) ;
2023-03-22 00:13:24 -04:00
let path = Path ::new ( path ) ;
let mut state = state . borrow_mut ( ) ;
let permissions = state . borrow_mut ::< P > ( ) ;
2023-03-22 15:23:36 -04:00
permissions . check_read ( path , " Deno.openKv " ) ? ;
permissions . check_write ( path , " Deno.openKv " ) ? ;
2023-03-22 00:13:24 -04:00
2023-06-02 14:12:26 -04:00
let default_storage_dir = self . default_storage_dir . clone ( ) ;
let conn = spawn_blocking ( move | | {
let conn = match ( path . as_deref ( ) , & default_storage_dir ) {
( Some ( " :memory: " ) , _ ) | ( None , None ) = > {
rusqlite ::Connection ::open_in_memory ( ) ?
( Some ( path ) , _ ) = > {
let flags =
OpenFlags ::default ( ) . difference ( OpenFlags ::SQLITE_OPEN_URI ) ;
rusqlite ::Connection ::open_with_flags ( path , flags ) ?
( None , Some ( path ) ) = > {
std ::fs ::create_dir_all ( path ) ? ;
let path = path . join ( " kv.sqlite3 " ) ;
rusqlite ::Connection ::open ( & path ) ?
} ;
conn . pragma_update ( None , " journal_mode " , " wal " ) ? ;
conn . execute ( STATEMENT_CREATE_MIGRATION_TABLE , [ ] ) ? ;
let current_version : usize = conn
. query_row (
" select version from migration_state where k = 0 " ,
[ ] ,
| row | row . get ( 0 ) ,
. optional ( ) ?
. unwrap_or ( 0 ) ;
for ( i , migration ) in MIGRATIONS . iter ( ) . enumerate ( ) {
let version = i + 1 ;
if version > current_version {
conn . execute_batch ( migration ) ? ;
conn . execute (
" replace into migration_state (k, version) values(?, ?) " ,
[ & 0 , & version ] ,
) ? ;
Ok ::< _ , AnyError > ( conn )
} )
. await
. unwrap ( ) ? ;
2023-06-13 20:49:57 -04:00
Ok ( SqliteDb {
conn : Rc ::new ( AsyncRefCell ::new ( Cell ::new ( Some ( conn ) ) ) ) ,
queue : OnceCell ::new ( ) ,
} )
2023-03-22 00:13:24 -04:00
2023-06-13 20:49:57 -04:00
pub struct SqliteDb {
conn : Rc < AsyncRefCell < Cell < Option < rusqlite ::Connection > > > > ,
queue : OnceCell < SqliteQueue > ,
2023-06-02 14:12:26 -04:00
impl SqliteDb {
2023-06-13 20:49:57 -04:00
async fn run_tx < F , R > (
conn : Rc < AsyncRefCell < Cell < Option < rusqlite ::Connection > > > > ,
f : F ,
) -> Result < R , AnyError >
2023-06-02 14:12:26 -04:00
F : ( FnOnce ( rusqlite ::Transaction < '_ > ) -> Result < R , AnyError > )
+ Send
+ 'static ,
R : Send + 'static ,
// Transactions need exclusive access to the connection. Wait until
// we can borrow_mut the connection.
2023-06-13 20:49:57 -04:00
let cell = conn . borrow_mut ( ) . await ;
2023-06-02 14:12:26 -04:00
// Take the db out of the cell and run the transaction via spawn_blocking.
let mut db = cell . take ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let ( result , db ) = spawn_blocking ( move | | {
let result = {
match db . transaction ( ) {
Ok ( tx ) = > f ( tx ) ,
Err ( e ) = > Err ( e . into ( ) ) ,
} ;
( result , db )
} )
. await
. unwrap ( ) ;
// Put the db back into the cell.
cell . set ( Some ( db ) ) ;
2023-03-22 00:13:24 -04:00
2023-06-13 20:49:57 -04:00
pub struct DequeuedMessage {
conn : Weak < AsyncRefCell < Cell < Option < rusqlite ::Connection > > > > ,
id : String ,
payload : Option < Vec < u8 > > ,
waker_tx : mpsc ::Sender < ( ) > ,
_permit : OwnedSemaphorePermit ,
#[ async_trait(?Send) ]
impl QueueMessageHandle for DequeuedMessage {
async fn finish ( & self , success : bool ) -> Result < ( ) , AnyError > {
let Some ( conn ) = self . conn . upgrade ( ) else {
return Ok ( ( ) ) ;
} ;
let id = self . id . clone ( ) ;
let requeued = SqliteDb ::run_tx ( conn , move | tx | {
let requeued = {
if success {
let changed = tx
. execute ( [ & id ] ) ? ;
assert! ( changed < = 1 ) ;
} else {
SqliteQueue ::requeue_message ( & id , & tx ) ?
} ;
tx . commit ( ) ? ;
Ok ( requeued )
} )
. await ? ;
if requeued {
// If the message was requeued, wake up the dequeue loop.
self . waker_tx . send ( ( ) ) . await ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
async fn take_payload ( & mut self ) -> Result < Vec < u8 > , AnyError > {
. payload
. take ( )
. ok_or_else ( | | type_error ( " Payload already consumed " ) )
type DequeueReceiver = mpsc ::Receiver < ( Vec < u8 > , String ) > ;
struct SqliteQueue {
conn : Rc < AsyncRefCell < Cell < Option < rusqlite ::Connection > > > > ,
dequeue_rx : Rc < AsyncRefCell < DequeueReceiver > > ,
concurrency_limiter : Arc < Semaphore > ,
waker_tx : mpsc ::Sender < ( ) > ,
shutdown_tx : watch ::Sender < ( ) > ,
impl SqliteQueue {
fn new ( conn : Rc < AsyncRefCell < Cell < Option < rusqlite ::Connection > > > > ) -> Self {
let conn_clone = conn . clone ( ) ;
let ( shutdown_tx , shutdown_rx ) = watch ::channel ::< ( ) > ( ( ) ) ;
let ( waker_tx , waker_rx ) = mpsc ::channel ::< ( ) > ( 1 ) ;
let ( dequeue_tx , dequeue_rx ) = mpsc ::channel ::< ( Vec < u8 > , String ) > ( 64 ) ;
spawn ( async move {
// Oneshot requeue of all inflight messages.
Self ::requeue_inflight_messages ( conn . clone ( ) ) . await . unwrap ( ) ;
// Continous dequeue loop.
Self ::dequeue_loop ( conn . clone ( ) , dequeue_tx , shutdown_rx , waker_rx )
. await
. unwrap ( ) ;
} ) ;
Self {
conn : conn_clone ,
dequeue_rx : Rc ::new ( AsyncRefCell ::new ( dequeue_rx ) ) ,
waker_tx ,
shutdown_tx ,
concurrency_limiter : Arc ::new ( Semaphore ::new ( DISPATCH_CONCURRENCY_LIMIT ) ) ,
async fn dequeue ( & self ) -> Result < DequeuedMessage , AnyError > {
// Wait for the next message to be available from dequeue_rx.
let ( payload , id ) = {
let mut queue_rx = self . dequeue_rx . borrow_mut ( ) . await ;
let Some ( msg ) = queue_rx . recv ( ) . await else {
return Err ( type_error ( " Database closed " ) ) ;
} ;
} ;
let permit = self . concurrency_limiter . clone ( ) . acquire_owned ( ) . await ? ;
Ok ( DequeuedMessage {
conn : Rc ::downgrade ( & self . conn ) ,
id ,
payload : Some ( payload ) ,
waker_tx : self . waker_tx . clone ( ) ,
_permit : permit ,
} )
async fn wake ( & self ) -> Result < ( ) , AnyError > {
self . waker_tx . send ( ( ) ) . await ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
fn shutdown ( & self ) {
self . shutdown_tx . send ( ( ) ) . unwrap ( ) ;
async fn dequeue_loop (
conn : Rc < AsyncRefCell < Cell < Option < rusqlite ::Connection > > > > ,
dequeue_tx : mpsc ::Sender < ( Vec < u8 > , String ) > ,
mut shutdown_rx : watch ::Receiver < ( ) > ,
mut waker_rx : mpsc ::Receiver < ( ) > ,
) -> Result < ( ) , AnyError > {
loop {
let messages = SqliteDb ::run_tx ( conn . clone ( ) , move | tx | {
let now = SystemTime ::now ( )
. duration_since ( SystemTime ::UNIX_EPOCH )
. unwrap ( )
. as_millis ( ) as u64 ;
let messages = tx
. prepare_cached ( STATEMENT_QUEUE_GET_NEXT_READY ) ?
. query_map ( [ now ] , | row | {
let ts : u64 = row . get ( 0 ) ? ;
let id : String = row . get ( 1 ) ? ;
let data : Vec < u8 > = row . get ( 2 ) ? ;
let backoff_schedule : String = row . get ( 3 ) ? ;
let keys_if_undelivered : String = row . get ( 4 ) ? ;
Ok ( ( ts , id , data , backoff_schedule , keys_if_undelivered ) )
} ) ?
. collect ::< Result < Vec < _ > , rusqlite ::Error > > ( ) ? ;
for ( ts , id , data , backoff_schedule , keys_if_undelivered ) in & messages {
let changed = tx
. prepare_cached ( STATEMENT_QUEUE_REMOVE_READY ) ?
. execute ( params! [ id ] ) ? ;
assert_eq! ( changed , 1 ) ;
let changed =
tx . prepare_cached ( STATEMENT_QUEUE_ADD_RUNNING ) ? . execute (
params! [ ts , id , & data , & backoff_schedule , & keys_if_undelivered ] ,
) ? ;
assert_eq! ( changed , 1 ) ;
tx . commit ( ) ? ;
Ok (
. into_iter ( )
. map ( | ( _ , id , data , _ , _ ) | ( id , data ) )
. collect ::< Vec < _ > > ( ) ,
} )
. await ? ;
let busy = ! messages . is_empty ( ) ;
for ( id , data ) in messages {
if dequeue_tx . send ( ( data , id ) ) . await . is_err ( ) {
// Queue receiver was dropped. Stop the dequeue loop.
return Ok ( ( ) ) ;
if ! busy {
// There's nothing to dequeue right now; sleep until one of the
// following happens:
// - It's time to dequeue the next message based on its timestamp
// - A new message is added to the queue
// - The database is closed
let sleep_fut = {
match Self ::get_earliest_ready_ts ( conn . clone ( ) ) . await ? {
Some ( ts ) = > {
let now = SystemTime ::now ( )
. duration_since ( SystemTime ::UNIX_EPOCH )
. unwrap ( )
. as_millis ( ) as u64 ;
if ts < = now {
continue ;
tokio ::time ::sleep ( Duration ::from_millis ( ts - now ) ) . boxed ( )
None = > futures ::future ::pending ( ) . boxed ( ) ,
} ;
tokio ::select! {
_ = sleep_fut = > { }
_ = waker_rx . recv ( ) = > { }
_ = shutdown_rx . changed ( ) = > return Ok ( ( ) )
async fn get_earliest_ready_ts (
conn : Rc < AsyncRefCell < Cell < Option < rusqlite ::Connection > > > > ,
) -> Result < Option < u64 > , AnyError > {
SqliteDb ::run_tx ( conn . clone ( ) , move | tx | {
let ts = tx
. query_row ( [ ] , | row | {
let ts : u64 = row . get ( 0 ) ? ;
Ok ( ts )
} )
. optional ( ) ? ;
Ok ( ts )
} )
. await
async fn requeue_inflight_messages (
conn : Rc < AsyncRefCell < Cell < Option < rusqlite ::Connection > > > > ,
) -> Result < ( ) , AnyError > {
loop {
let done = SqliteDb ::run_tx ( conn . clone ( ) , move | tx | {
let entries = tx
. prepare_cached ( STATEMENT_QUEUE_GET_RUNNING ) ?
. query_map ( [ ] , | row | {
let id : String = row . get ( 0 ) ? ;
Ok ( id )
} ) ?
. collect ::< Result < Vec < _ > , rusqlite ::Error > > ( ) ? ;
for id in & entries {
Self ::requeue_message ( id , & tx ) ? ;
tx . commit ( ) ? ;
Ok ( entries . is_empty ( ) )
} )
. await ? ;
if done {
return Ok ( ( ) ) ;
fn requeue_message (
id : & str ,
tx : & rusqlite ::Transaction < '_ > ,
) -> Result < bool , AnyError > {
let Some ( ( _ , id , data , backoff_schedule , keys_if_undelivered ) ) = tx
. prepare_cached ( STATEMENT_QUEUE_GET_RUNNING_BY_ID ) ?
. query_row ( [ id ] , | row | {
let deadline : u64 = row . get ( 0 ) ? ;
let id : String = row . get ( 1 ) ? ;
let data : Vec < u8 > = row . get ( 2 ) ? ;
let backoff_schedule : String = row . get ( 3 ) ? ;
let keys_if_undelivered : String = row . get ( 4 ) ? ;
Ok ( ( deadline , id , data , backoff_schedule , keys_if_undelivered ) )
} )
. optional ( ) ? else {
return Ok ( false ) ;
} ;
let backoff_schedule = {
let backoff_schedule =
serde_json ::from_str ::< Option < Vec < u64 > > > ( & backoff_schedule ) ? ;
backoff_schedule . unwrap_or_default ( )
} ;
let mut requeued = false ;
if ! backoff_schedule . is_empty ( ) {
// Requeue based on backoff schedule
let now = SystemTime ::now ( )
. duration_since ( SystemTime ::UNIX_EPOCH )
. unwrap ( )
. as_millis ( ) as u64 ;
let new_ts = now + backoff_schedule [ 0 ] ;
let new_backoff_schedule = serde_json ::to_string ( & backoff_schedule [ 1 .. ] ) ? ;
let changed = tx
. prepare_cached ( STATEMENT_QUEUE_ADD_READY ) ?
. execute ( params! [
new_ts ,
id ,
& data ,
& new_backoff_schedule ,
& keys_if_undelivered
] )
. unwrap ( ) ;
assert_eq! ( changed , 1 ) ;
requeued = true ;
} else if ! keys_if_undelivered . is_empty ( ) {
// No more requeues. Insert the message into the undelivered queue.
let keys_if_undelivered =
serde_json ::from_str ::< Vec < Vec < u8 > > > ( & keys_if_undelivered ) ? ;
let version : i64 = tx
. query_row ( [ ] , | row | row . get ( 0 ) ) ? ;
for key in keys_if_undelivered {
let changed = tx
. prepare_cached ( STATEMENT_KV_POINT_SET ) ?
. execute ( params! [ key , & data , & VALUE_ENCODING_V8 , & version ] ) ? ;
assert_eq! ( changed , 1 ) ;
// Remove from running
let changed = tx
. execute ( params! [ id ] ) ? ;
assert_eq! ( changed , 1 ) ;
Ok ( requeued )
2023-03-22 00:13:24 -04:00
#[ async_trait(?Send) ]
impl Database for SqliteDb {
2023-06-13 20:49:57 -04:00
type QMH = DequeuedMessage ;
2023-03-22 00:13:24 -04:00
async fn snapshot_read (
& self ,
requests : Vec < ReadRange > ,
_options : SnapshotReadOptions ,
) -> Result < Vec < ReadRangeOutput > , AnyError > {
2023-06-13 20:49:57 -04:00
Self ::run_tx ( self . conn . clone ( ) , move | tx | {
let mut responses = Vec ::with_capacity ( requests . len ( ) ) ;
for request in requests {
let mut stmt = tx . prepare_cached ( if request . reverse {
} else {
} ) ? ;
let entries = stmt
. query_map (
request . start . as_slice ( ) ,
request . end . as_slice ( ) ,
request . limit . get ( ) ,
) ,
| row | {
let key : Vec < u8 > = row . get ( 0 ) ? ;
let value : Vec < u8 > = row . get ( 1 ) ? ;
let encoding : i64 = row . get ( 2 ) ? ;
let value = decode_value ( value , encoding ) ;
let version : i64 = row . get ( 3 ) ? ;
Ok ( KvEntry {
key ,
value ,
versionstamp : version_to_versionstamp ( version ) ,
} )
} ,
) ?
. collect ::< Result < Vec < _ > , rusqlite ::Error > > ( ) ? ;
responses . push ( ReadRangeOutput { entries } ) ;
2023-03-22 00:13:24 -04:00
2023-06-13 20:49:57 -04:00
Ok ( responses )
} )
. await
2023-03-22 00:13:24 -04:00
2023-03-30 14:57:21 -04:00
async fn atomic_write (
& self ,
write : AtomicWrite ,
) -> Result < Option < CommitResult > , AnyError > {
2023-06-13 20:49:57 -04:00
let ( has_enqueues , commit_result ) =
Self ::run_tx ( self . conn . clone ( ) , move | tx | {
2023-06-02 14:12:26 -04:00
for check in write . checks {
let real_versionstamp = tx
. query_row ( [ check . key . as_slice ( ) ] , | row | row . get ( 0 ) )
. optional ( ) ?
. map ( version_to_versionstamp ) ;
if real_versionstamp ! = check . versionstamp {
2023-06-13 20:49:57 -04:00
return Ok ( ( false , None ) ) ;
2023-06-02 14:12:26 -04:00
2023-03-22 00:13:24 -04:00
2023-06-02 14:12:26 -04:00
let version : i64 = tx
. query_row ( [ ] , | row | row . get ( 0 ) ) ? ;
for mutation in write . mutations {
match mutation . kind {
MutationKind ::Set ( value ) = > {
let ( value , encoding ) = encode_value ( & value ) ;
let changed = tx
. prepare_cached ( STATEMENT_KV_POINT_SET ) ?
. execute ( params! [ mutation . key , & value , & encoding , & version ] ) ? ;
assert_eq! ( changed , 1 )
MutationKind ::Delete = > {
let changed = tx
. prepare_cached ( STATEMENT_KV_POINT_DELETE ) ?
. execute ( params! [ mutation . key ] ) ? ;
assert! ( changed = = 0 | | changed = = 1 )
MutationKind ::Sum ( operand ) = > {
mutate_le64 (
& tx ,
& mutation . key ,
" sum " ,
& operand ,
version ,
| a , b | a . wrapping_add ( b ) ,
) ? ;
MutationKind ::Min ( operand ) = > {
mutate_le64 (
& tx ,
& mutation . key ,
" min " ,
& operand ,
version ,
| a , b | a . min ( b ) ,
) ? ;
MutationKind ::Max ( operand ) = > {
mutate_le64 (
& tx ,
& mutation . key ,
" max " ,
& operand ,
version ,
| a , b | a . max ( b ) ,
) ? ;
2023-03-22 00:13:24 -04:00
2023-06-13 20:49:57 -04:00
let now = SystemTime ::now ( )
. duration_since ( SystemTime ::UNIX_EPOCH )
. unwrap ( )
. as_millis ( ) as u64 ;
let has_enqueues = ! write . enqueues . is_empty ( ) ;
for enqueue in write . enqueues {
let id = Uuid ::new_v4 ( ) . to_string ( ) ;
let backoff_schedule = serde_json ::to_string (
& enqueue
. backoff_schedule
. or_else ( | | Some ( DEFAULT_BACKOFF_SCHEDULE . to_vec ( ) ) ) ,
) ? ;
let keys_if_undelivered =
serde_json ::to_string ( & enqueue . keys_if_undelivered ) ? ;
let changed =
tx . prepare_cached ( STATEMENT_QUEUE_ADD_READY ) ?
. execute ( params! [
now + enqueue . delay_ms ,
id ,
& enqueue . payload ,
& backoff_schedule ,
& keys_if_undelivered
] ) ? ;
assert_eq! ( changed , 1 )
2023-03-22 00:13:24 -04:00
2023-06-02 14:12:26 -04:00
tx . commit ( ) ? ;
let new_vesionstamp = version_to_versionstamp ( version ) ;
2023-03-30 14:57:21 -04:00
2023-06-13 20:49:57 -04:00
Ok ( (
has_enqueues ,
Some ( CommitResult {
versionstamp : new_vesionstamp ,
} ) ,
) )
2023-06-02 14:12:26 -04:00
} )
2023-06-13 20:49:57 -04:00
. await ? ;
if has_enqueues {
if let Some ( queue ) = self . queue . get ( ) {
queue . wake ( ) . await ? ;
Ok ( commit_result )
async fn dequeue_next_message ( & self ) -> Result < Self ::QMH , AnyError > {
let queue = self
. queue
. get_or_init ( | | async move { SqliteQueue ::new ( self . conn . clone ( ) ) } )
. await ;
let handle = queue . dequeue ( ) . await ? ;
Ok ( handle )
fn close ( & self ) {
if let Some ( queue ) = self . queue . get ( ) {
queue . shutdown ( ) ;
2023-03-22 00:13:24 -04:00
/// Mutates a LE64 value in the database, defaulting to setting it to the
/// operand if it doesn't exist.
fn mutate_le64 (
tx : & Transaction ,
key : & [ u8 ] ,
op_name : & str ,
operand : & Value ,
new_version : i64 ,
mutate : impl FnOnce ( u64 , u64 ) -> u64 ,
) -> Result < ( ) , AnyError > {
let Value ::U64 ( operand ) = * operand else {
return Err ( type_error ( format! ( " Failed to perform ' {op_name} ' mutation on a non-U64 operand " ) ) ) ;
} ;
let old_value = tx
. prepare_cached ( STATEMENT_KV_POINT_GET_VALUE_ONLY ) ?
. query_row ( [ key ] , | row | {
let value : Vec < u8 > = row . get ( 0 ) ? ;
let encoding : i64 = row . get ( 1 ) ? ;
let value = decode_value ( value , encoding ) ;
Ok ( value )
} )
. optional ( ) ? ;
let new_value = match old_value {
Some ( Value ::U64 ( old_value ) ) = > mutate ( old_value , operand ) ,
Some ( _ ) = > return Err ( type_error ( format! ( " Failed to perform ' {op_name} ' mutation on a non-U64 value in the database " ) ) ) ,
None = > operand ,
} ;
let new_value = Value ::U64 ( new_value ) ;
let ( new_value , encoding ) = encode_value ( & new_value ) ;
let changed = tx . prepare_cached ( STATEMENT_KV_POINT_SET ) ? . execute ( params! [
key ,
& new_value [ .. ] ,
encoding ,
] ) ? ;
assert_eq! ( changed , 1 ) ;
Ok ( ( ) )
fn version_to_versionstamp ( version : i64 ) -> [ u8 ; 10 ] {
let mut versionstamp = [ 0 ; 10 ] ;
versionstamp [ .. 8 ] . copy_from_slice ( & version . to_be_bytes ( ) ) ;
const VALUE_ENCODING_V8 : i64 = 1 ;
const VALUE_ENCODING_LE64 : i64 = 2 ;
const VALUE_ENCODING_BYTES : i64 = 3 ;
fn decode_value ( value : Vec < u8 > , encoding : i64 ) -> crate ::Value {
match encoding {
VALUE_ENCODING_V8 = > crate ::Value ::V8 ( value ) ,
VALUE_ENCODING_BYTES = > crate ::Value ::Bytes ( value ) ,
let mut buf = [ 0 ; 8 ] ;
buf . copy_from_slice ( & value ) ;
crate ::Value ::U64 ( u64 ::from_le_bytes ( buf ) )
_ = > todo! ( ) ,
fn encode_value ( value : & crate ::Value ) -> ( Cow < '_ , [ u8 ] > , i64 ) {
match value {
crate ::Value ::V8 ( value ) = > ( Cow ::Borrowed ( value ) , VALUE_ENCODING_V8 ) ,
crate ::Value ::Bytes ( value ) = > ( Cow ::Borrowed ( value ) , VALUE_ENCODING_BYTES ) ,
crate ::Value ::U64 ( value ) = > {
let mut buf = [ 0 ; 8 ] ;
buf . copy_from_slice ( & value . to_le_bytes ( ) ) ;
( Cow ::Owned ( buf . to_vec ( ) ) , VALUE_ENCODING_LE64 )