"op_blob_read_part"=>["read from a Blob or File","awaiting the result of a Blob or File read"],
"op_broadcast_recv"=>["receive a message from a BroadcastChannel","closing the BroadcastChannel"],
"op_broadcast_send"=>["send a message to a BroadcastChannel","closing the BroadcastChannel"],
"op_chmod_async"=>["change the permissions of a file","awaiting the result of a `Deno.chmod` call"],
"op_chown_async"=>["change the owner of a file","awaiting the result of a `Deno.chown` call"],
"op_copy_file_async"=>["copy a file","awaiting the result of a `Deno.copyFile` call"],
"op_crypto_decrypt"=>["decrypt data","awaiting the result of a `crypto.subtle.decrypt` call"],
"op_crypto_derive_bits"=>["derive bits from a key","awaiting the result of a `crypto.subtle.deriveBits` call"],
"op_crypto_encrypt"=>["encrypt data","awaiting the result of a `crypto.subtle.encrypt` call"],
"op_crypto_generate_key"=>["generate a key","awaiting the result of a `crypto.subtle.generateKey` call"],
"op_crypto_sign_key"=>["sign data","awaiting the result of a `crypto.subtle.sign` call"],
"op_crypto_subtle_digest"=>["digest data","awaiting the result of a `crypto.subtle.digest` call"],
"op_crypto_verify_key"=>["verify data","awaiting the result of a `crypto.subtle.verify` call"],
"op_net_recv_udp"=>["receive a datagram message via UDP","awaiting the result of `Deno.DatagramConn#receive` call, or not breaking out of a for await loop looping over a `Deno.DatagramConn`"],
"op_net_recv_unixpacket"=>["receive a datagram message via Unixpacket","awaiting the result of `Deno.DatagramConn#receive` call, or not breaking out of a for await loop looping over a `Deno.DatagramConn`"],
"op_net_send_udp"=>["send a datagram message via UDP","awaiting the result of `Deno.DatagramConn#send` call"],
"op_net_send_unixpacket"=>["send a datagram message via Unixpacket","awaiting the result of `Deno.DatagramConn#send` call"],
"op_dns_resolve"=>["resolve a DNS name","awaiting the result of a `Deno.resolveDns` call"],
"op_fdatasync_async"=>["flush pending data operations for a file to disk","awaiting the result of a `file.fdatasync` call"],
"op_fetch_send"=>["send a HTTP request","awaiting the result of a `fetch` call"],
"op_ffi_call_nonblocking"=>["do a non blocking ffi call","awaiting the returned promise"],
"op_ffi_call_ptr_nonblocking"=>["do a non blocking ffi call","awaiting the returned promise"],
"op_flock_async"=>["lock a file","awaiting the result of a `Deno.flock` call"],
"op_fs_events_poll"=>["get the next file system event","breaking out of a for await loop looping over `Deno.FsEvents`"],
"op_link_async"=>["create a hard link","awaiting the result of a `Deno.link` call"],
"op_make_temp_dir_async"=>["create a temporary directory","awaiting the result of a `Deno.makeTempDir` call"],
"op_make_temp_file_async"=>["create a temporary file","awaiting the result of a `Deno.makeTempFile` call"],
"op_message_port_recv_message"=>["receive a message from a MessagePort","awaiting the result of not closing a `MessagePort`"],
"op_mkdir_async"=>["create a directory","awaiting the result of a `Deno.mkdir` call"],
"op_net_accept_tcp"=>["accept a TCP stream","closing a `Deno.Listener`"],
"op_net_accept_unix"=>["accept a Unix stream","closing a `Deno.Listener`"],
"op_net_connect_tcp"=>["connect to a TCP server","awaiting a `Deno.connect` call"],
"op_net_connect_unix"=>["connect to a Unix server","awaiting a `Deno.connect` call"],
"op_open_async"=>["open a file","awaiting the result of a `Deno.open` call"],
"op_read_dir_async"=>["read a directory","collecting all items in the async iterable returned from a `Deno.readDir` call"],
"op_read_link_async"=>["read a symlink","awaiting the result of a `Deno.readLink` call"],
"op_realpath_async"=>["resolve a path","awaiting the result of a `Deno.realpath` call"],
"op_remove_async"=>["remove a file or directory","awaiting the result of a `Deno.remove` call"],
"op_rename_async"=>["rename a file or directory","awaiting the result of a `Deno.rename` call"],
"op_run_status"=>["get the status of a subprocess","awaiting the result of a `Deno.Process#status` call"],
"op_seek_async"=>["seek in a file","awaiting the result of a `Deno.File#seek` call"],
"op_signal_poll"=>["get the next signal","un-registering a OS signal handler"],
"op_stat_async"=>["get file metadata","awaiting the result of a `Deno.stat` call"],
"op_symlink_async"=>["create a symlink","awaiting the result of a `Deno.symlink` call"],
"op_net_accept_tls"=>["accept a TLS stream","closing a `Deno.TlsListener`"],
"op_net_connect_tls"=>["connect to a TLS server","awaiting a `Deno.connectTls` call"],
"op_tls_handshake"=>["perform a TLS handshake","awaiting a `Deno.TlsConn#handshake` call"],
"op_tls_start"=>["start a TLS connection","awaiting a `Deno.startTls` call"],
"op_truncate_async"=>["truncate a file","awaiting the result of a `Deno.truncate` call"],
"op_utime_async"=>["change file timestamps","awaiting the result of a `Deno.utime` call"],
"op_host_recv_message"=>["receive a message from a web worker","terminating a `Worker`"],
"op_host_recv_ctrl"=>["receive a message from a web worker","terminating a `Worker`"],
"op_webgpu_buffer_get_map_async"=>["map a WebGPU buffer","awaiting the result of a `GPUBuffer#mapAsync` call"],
"op_webgpu_request_adapter"=>["request a WebGPU adapter","awaiting the result of a `navigator.gpu.requestAdapter` call"],
"op_webgpu_request_device"=>["request a WebGPU device","awaiting the result of a `GPUAdapter#requestDevice` call"],
"op_ws_close"=>["close a WebSocket","awaiting until the `close` event is emitted on a `WebSocket`, or the `WebSocketStream#closed` promise resolves"],
"op_ws_create"=>["create a WebSocket","awaiting until the `open` event is emitted on a `WebSocket`, or the result of a `WebSocketStream#connection` promise"],
"op_ws_next_event"=>["receive the next message on a WebSocket","closing a `WebSocket` or `WebSocketStream`"],
"op_ws_send_text"=>["send a message on a WebSocket","closing a `WebSocket` or `WebSocketStream`"],
"op_ws_send_binary"=>["send a message on a WebSocket","closing a `WebSocket` or `WebSocketStream`"],
"op_ws_send_binary_ab"=>["send a message on a WebSocket","closing a `WebSocket` or `WebSocketStream`"],
"op_ws_send_ping"=>["send a message on a WebSocket","closing a `WebSocket` or `WebSocketStream`"],
"op_spawn_wait"=>["wait for a subprocess to exit","awaiting the result of a `Deno.Process#status` call"],