diff --git a/test_util/src/lib.rs b/test_util/src/lib.rs
index ba54ef6249..c4789621fb 100644
--- a/test_util/src/lib.rs
+++ b/test_util/src/lib.rs
@@ -1,62 +1,18 @@
// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
// Usage: provide a port as argument to run hyper_hello benchmark server
// otherwise this starts multiple servers on many ports for test endpoints.
-use anyhow::anyhow;
-use base64::prelude::BASE64_STANDARD;
-use base64::Engine;
-use bytes::Bytes;
-use denokv_proto::datapath::AtomicWrite;
-use denokv_proto::datapath::AtomicWriteOutput;
-use denokv_proto::datapath::AtomicWriteStatus;
-use denokv_proto::datapath::ReadRangeOutput;
-use denokv_proto::datapath::SnapshotRead;
-use denokv_proto::datapath::SnapshotReadOutput;
-use denokv_proto::datapath::SnapshotReadStatus;
-use fastwebsockets::FragmentCollector;
-use fastwebsockets::Frame;
-use fastwebsockets::OpCode;
-use fastwebsockets::Role;
-use fastwebsockets::WebSocket;
-use futures::future::join3;
-use futures::future::poll_fn;
-use futures::Future;
use futures::FutureExt;
use futures::Stream;
use futures::StreamExt;
-use h2::server::Handshake;
-use h2::server::SendResponse;
-use h2::Reason;
-use h2::RecvStream;
-use https::get_tls_listener_stream;
-use https::SupportedHttpVersions;
-use hyper::header::HeaderValue;
-use hyper::http;
-use hyper::server::Server;
-use hyper::service::make_service_fn;
-use hyper::service::service_fn;
-use hyper::upgrade::Upgraded;
-use hyper::Body;
-use hyper::Method;
-use hyper::Request;
-use hyper::Response;
-use hyper::StatusCode;
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
-use prost::Message;
use pty::Pty;
use regex::Regex;
-use rustls_tokio_stream::TlsStream;
use serde::Serialize;
-use serde_json::json;
use std::collections::HashMap;
-use std::convert::Infallible;
use std::env;
use std::io;
use std::io::Write;
-use std::net::Ipv6Addr;
-use std::net::SocketAddr;
-use std::net::SocketAddrV6;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::process::Child;
@@ -68,11 +24,7 @@ use std::sync::Mutex;
use std::sync::MutexGuard;
use std::task::Context;
use std::task::Poll;
-use std::time::Duration;
-use tokio::io::AsyncReadExt;
-use tokio::io::AsyncWriteExt;
use tokio::net::TcpStream;
-use tokio::task::LocalSet;
use url::Url;
pub mod assertions;
@@ -83,6 +35,7 @@ mod https;
pub mod lsp;
mod npm;
pub mod pty;
+pub mod servers;
pub use builders::DenoChild;
pub use builders::TestCommandBuilder;
@@ -92,37 +45,6 @@ pub use builders::TestContextBuilder;
pub use fs::PathRef;
pub use fs::TempDir;
-const PORT: u16 = 4545;
-const TEST_AUTH_TOKEN: &str = "abcdef123456789";
-const TEST_BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME: &str = "testuser123";
-const TEST_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD: &str = "testpassabc";
-const KV_DATABASE_ID: &str = "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111";
-const KV_ACCESS_TOKEN: &str = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa";
-const REDIRECT_PORT: u16 = 4546;
-const ANOTHER_REDIRECT_PORT: u16 = 4547;
-const DOUBLE_REDIRECTS_PORT: u16 = 4548;
-const INF_REDIRECTS_PORT: u16 = 4549;
-const REDIRECT_ABSOLUTE_PORT: u16 = 4550;
-const AUTH_REDIRECT_PORT: u16 = 4551;
-const TLS_CLIENT_AUTH_PORT: u16 = 4552;
-const BASIC_AUTH_REDIRECT_PORT: u16 = 4554;
-const TLS_PORT: u16 = 4557;
-const HTTPS_PORT: u16 = 5545;
-const H1_ONLY_TLS_PORT: u16 = 5546;
-const H2_ONLY_TLS_PORT: u16 = 5547;
-const H1_ONLY_PORT: u16 = 5548;
-const H2_ONLY_PORT: u16 = 5549;
-const HTTPS_CLIENT_AUTH_PORT: u16 = 5552;
-const WS_PORT: u16 = 4242;
-const WSS_PORT: u16 = 4243;
-const WSS2_PORT: u16 = 4249;
-const WS_CLOSE_PORT: u16 = 4244;
-const WS_PING_PORT: u16 = 4245;
-const H2_GRPC_PORT: u16 = 4246;
-const H2S_GRPC_PORT: u16 = 4247;
-const REGISTRY_SERVER_PORT: u16 = 4250;
pub const PERMISSION_VARIANTS: [&str; 5] =
["read", "write", "env", "net", "run"];
pub const PERMISSION_DENIED_PATTERN: &str = "PermissionDenied";
@@ -243,342 +165,6 @@ fn ensure_test_server_built() {
-/// Benchmark server that just serves "hello world" responses.
-async fn hyper_hello(port: u16) {
- println!("hyper hello");
- let addr = SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], port));
- let hello_svc = make_service_fn(|_| async move {
- Ok::<_, Infallible>(service_fn(move |_: Request
| async move {
- Ok::<_, Infallible>(Response::new(Body::from("Hello World!")))
- }))
- });
- let server = Server::bind(&addr).serve(hello_svc);
- if let Err(e) = server.await {
- eprintln!("server error: {e}");
- }
-fn redirect_resp(url: String) -> Response {
- let mut redirect_resp = Response::new(Body::empty());
- *redirect_resp.status_mut() = StatusCode::MOVED_PERMANENTLY;
- redirect_resp.headers_mut().insert(
- hyper::header::LOCATION,
- HeaderValue::from_str(&url[..]).unwrap(),
- );
- redirect_resp
-async fn redirect(req: Request) -> hyper::Result> {
- let p = req.uri().path();
- assert_eq!(&p[0..1], "/");
- let url = format!("http://localhost:{PORT}{p}");
- Ok(redirect_resp(url))
-async fn double_redirects(req: Request) -> hyper::Result> {
- let p = req.uri().path();
- assert_eq!(&p[0..1], "/");
- let url = format!("http://localhost:{REDIRECT_PORT}{p}");
- Ok(redirect_resp(url))
-async fn inf_redirects(req: Request) -> hyper::Result> {
- let p = req.uri().path();
- assert_eq!(&p[0..1], "/");
- let url = format!("http://localhost:{INF_REDIRECTS_PORT}{p}");
- Ok(redirect_resp(url))
-async fn another_redirect(req: Request) -> hyper::Result> {
- let p = req.uri().path();
- assert_eq!(&p[0..1], "/");
- let url = format!("http://localhost:{PORT}/subdir{p}");
- Ok(redirect_resp(url))
-async fn auth_redirect(req: Request) -> hyper::Result> {
- if let Some(auth) = req
- .headers()
- .get("authorization")
- .map(|v| v.to_str().unwrap())
- {
- if auth.to_lowercase() == format!("bearer {TEST_AUTH_TOKEN}") {
- let p = req.uri().path();
- assert_eq!(&p[0..1], "/");
- let url = format!("http://localhost:{PORT}{p}");
- return Ok(redirect_resp(url));
- }
- }
- let mut resp = Response::new(Body::empty());
- *resp.status_mut() = StatusCode::NOT_FOUND;
- Ok(resp)
-async fn basic_auth_redirect(
- req: Request,
-) -> hyper::Result> {
- if let Some(auth) = req
- .headers()
- .get("authorization")
- .map(|v| v.to_str().unwrap())
- {
- let credentials =
- if auth == format!("Basic {}", BASE64_STANDARD.encode(credentials)) {
- let p = req.uri().path();
- assert_eq!(&p[0..1], "/");
- let url = format!("http://localhost:{PORT}{p}");
- return Ok(redirect_resp(url));
- }
- }
- let mut resp = Response::new(Body::empty());
- *resp.status_mut() = StatusCode::NOT_FOUND;
- Ok(resp)
-async fn echo_websocket_handler(
- ws: fastwebsockets::WebSocket,
-) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
- let mut ws = fastwebsockets::FragmentCollector::new(ws);
- loop {
- let frame = ws.read_frame().await.unwrap();
- match frame.opcode {
- fastwebsockets::OpCode::Close => break,
- fastwebsockets::OpCode::Text | fastwebsockets::OpCode::Binary => {
- ws.write_frame(frame).await.unwrap();
- }
- _ => {}
- }
- }
- Ok(())
-type WsHandler =
- fn(
- fastwebsockets::WebSocket,
- ) -> Pin> + Send>>;
-fn spawn_ws_server(stream: S, handler: WsHandler)
- S: tokio::io::AsyncRead + tokio::io::AsyncWrite + Unpin + Send + 'static,
- let srv_fn = service_fn(move |mut req: Request| async move {
- let (response, upgrade_fut) = fastwebsockets::upgrade::upgrade(&mut req)
- .map_err(|e| anyhow!("Error upgrading websocket connection: {}", e))?;
- tokio::spawn(async move {
- let ws = upgrade_fut
- .await
- .map_err(|e| anyhow!("Error upgrading websocket connection: {}", e))
- .unwrap();
- if let Err(e) = handler(ws).await {
- eprintln!("Error in websocket connection: {}", e);
- }
- });
- Ok::<_, anyhow::Error>(response)
- });
- tokio::spawn(async move {
- let conn_fut = hyper::server::conn::Http::new()
- .serve_connection(stream, srv_fn)
- .with_upgrades();
- if let Err(e) = conn_fut.await {
- eprintln!("websocket server error: {e:?}");
- }
- });
-async fn run_ws_server(port: u16) {
- let mut tcp = get_tcp_listener_stream("ws", port).await;
- while let Some(Ok(stream)) = tcp.next().await {
- spawn_ws_server(stream, |ws| Box::pin(echo_websocket_handler(ws)));
- }
-async fn ping_websocket_handler(
- ws: fastwebsockets::WebSocket,
-) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
- let mut ws = fastwebsockets::FragmentCollector::new(ws);
- for i in 0..9 {
- ws.write_frame(Frame::new(true, OpCode::Ping, None, vec![].into()))
- .await
- .unwrap();
- let frame = ws.read_frame().await.unwrap();
- assert_eq!(frame.opcode, OpCode::Pong);
- assert!(frame.payload.is_empty());
- ws.write_frame(Frame::text(
- format!("hello {}", i).as_bytes().to_vec().into(),
- ))
- .await
- .unwrap();
- let frame = ws.read_frame().await.unwrap();
- assert_eq!(frame.opcode, OpCode::Text);
- assert_eq!(frame.payload, format!("hello {}", i).as_bytes());
- }
- ws.write_frame(fastwebsockets::Frame::close(1000, b""))
- .await
- .unwrap();
- Ok(())
-async fn run_ws_ping_server(port: u16) {
- let mut tcp = get_tcp_listener_stream("ws (ping)", port).await;
- while let Some(Ok(stream)) = tcp.next().await {
- spawn_ws_server(stream, |ws| Box::pin(ping_websocket_handler(ws)));
- }
-async fn close_websocket_handler(
- ws: fastwebsockets::WebSocket,
-) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
- let mut ws = fastwebsockets::FragmentCollector::new(ws);
- ws.write_frame(fastwebsockets::Frame::close_raw(vec![].into()))
- .await
- .unwrap();
- Ok(())
-async fn run_ws_close_server(port: u16) {
- let mut tcp = get_tcp_listener_stream("ws (close)", port).await;
- while let Some(Ok(stream)) = tcp.next().await {
- spawn_ws_server(stream, |ws| Box::pin(close_websocket_handler(ws)));
- }
-async fn handle_wss_stream(
- recv: Request,
- mut send: SendResponse,
-) -> Result<(), h2::Error> {
- if recv.method() != Method::CONNECT {
- eprintln!("wss2: refusing non-CONNECT stream");
- send.send_reset(Reason::REFUSED_STREAM);
- return Ok(());
- }
- let Some(protocol) = recv.extensions().get::() else {
- eprintln!("wss2: refusing no-:protocol stream");
- send.send_reset(Reason::REFUSED_STREAM);
- return Ok(());
- };
- if protocol.as_str() != "websocket" && protocol.as_str() != "WebSocket" {
- eprintln!("wss2: refusing non-websocket stream");
- send.send_reset(Reason::REFUSED_STREAM);
- return Ok(());
- }
- let mut body = recv.into_body();
- let mut response = Response::new(());
- *response.status_mut() = StatusCode::OK;
- let mut resp = send.send_response(response, false)?;
- // Use a duplex stream to talk to fastwebsockets because it's just faster to implement
- let (a, b) = tokio::io::duplex(65536);
- let f1 = tokio::spawn(tokio::task::unconstrained(async move {
- let ws = WebSocket::after_handshake(a, Role::Server);
- let mut ws = FragmentCollector::new(ws);
- loop {
- let frame = ws.read_frame().await.unwrap();
- if frame.opcode == OpCode::Close {
- break;
- }
- ws.write_frame(frame).await.unwrap();
- }
- }));
- let (mut br, mut bw) = tokio::io::split(b);
- let f2 = tokio::spawn(tokio::task::unconstrained(async move {
- loop {
- let Some(Ok(data)) = poll_fn(|cx| body.poll_data(cx)).await else {
- return;
- };
- body.flow_control().release_capacity(data.len()).unwrap();
- let Ok(_) = bw.write_all(&data).await else {
- break;
- };
- }
- }));
- let f3 = tokio::spawn(tokio::task::unconstrained(async move {
- loop {
- let mut buf = [0; 65536];
- let n = br.read(&mut buf).await.unwrap();
- if n == 0 {
- break;
- }
- resp.reserve_capacity(n);
- poll_fn(|cx| resp.poll_capacity(cx)).await;
- resp
- .send_data(Bytes::copy_from_slice(&buf[0..n]), false)
- .unwrap();
- }
- resp.send_data(Bytes::new(), true).unwrap();
- }));
- _ = join3(f1, f2, f3).await;
- Ok(())
-async fn run_wss2_server(port: u16) {
- let mut tls = get_tls_listener_stream(
- "wss2 (tls)",
- port,
- SupportedHttpVersions::Http2Only,
- )
- .await;
- while let Some(Ok(tls)) = tls.next().await {
- tokio::spawn(async move {
- let mut h2 = h2::server::Builder::new();
- h2.enable_connect_protocol();
- // Using Bytes is pretty alloc-heavy but this is a test server
- let server: Handshake<_, Bytes> = h2.handshake(tls);
- let mut server = match server.await {
- Ok(server) => server,
- Err(e) => {
- println!("Failed to handshake h2: {e:?}");
- return;
- }
- };
- loop {
- let Some(conn) = server.accept().await else {
- break;
- };
- let (recv, send) = match conn {
- Ok(conn) => conn,
- Err(e) => {
- println!("Failed to accept a connection: {e:?}");
- break;
- }
- };
- tokio::spawn(handle_wss_stream(recv, send));
- }
- });
- }
-async fn run_wss_server(port: u16) {
- let mut tls = get_tls_listener_stream("wss", port, Default::default()).await;
- while let Some(Ok(tls_stream)) = tls.next().await {
- tokio::spawn(async move {
- spawn_ws_server(tls_stream, |ws| Box::pin(echo_websocket_handler(ws)));
- });
- }
/// Returns a [`Stream`] of [`TcpStream`]s accepted from the given port.
async fn get_tcp_listener_stream(
name: &'static str,
@@ -615,848 +201,6 @@ async fn get_tcp_listener_stream(
-/// This server responds with 'PASS' if client authentication was successful. Try it by running
-/// test_server and
-/// curl --key cli/tests/testdata/tls/localhost.key \
-/// --cert cli/tests/testsdata/tls/localhost.crt \
-/// --cacert cli/tests/testdata/tls/RootCA.crt https://localhost:4552/
-async fn run_tls_client_auth_server() {
- let mut tls = get_tls_listener_stream(
- "tls client auth",
- Default::default(),
- )
- .await;
- while let Some(Ok(mut tls_stream)) = tls.next().await {
- tokio::spawn(async move {
- let Ok(handshake) = tls_stream.handshake().await else {
- eprintln!("Failed to handshake");
- return;
- };
- // We only need to check for the presence of client certificates
- // here. Rusttls ensures that they are valid and signed by the CA.
- let response = match handshake.has_peer_certificates {
- true => b"PASS",
- false => b"FAIL",
- };
- tls_stream.write_all(response).await.unwrap();
- });
- }
-/// This server responds with 'PASS' if client authentication was successful. Try it by running
-/// test_server and
-/// curl --cacert cli/tests/testdata/tls/RootCA.crt https://localhost:4553/
-async fn run_tls_server() {
- let mut tls =
- get_tls_listener_stream("tls", TLS_PORT, Default::default()).await;
- while let Some(Ok(mut tls_stream)) = tls.next().await {
- tokio::spawn(async move {
- tls_stream.write_all(b"PASS").await.unwrap();
- });
- }
-async fn absolute_redirect(
- req: Request,
-) -> hyper::Result> {
- let path = req.uri().path();
- if path == "/" {
- // We have to manually extract query params here,
- // as `req.uri()` returns `PathAndQuery` only,
- // and we cannot use `Url::parse(req.uri()).query_pairs()`,
- // as it requires url to have a proper base.
- let query_params: HashMap<_, _> = req
- .uri()
- .query()
- .unwrap_or_default()
- .split('&')
- .filter_map(|s| {
- s.split_once('=').map(|t| (t.0.to_owned(), t.1.to_owned()))
- })
- .collect();
- if let Some(url) = query_params.get("redirect_to") {
- println!("URL: {url:?}");
- let redirect = redirect_resp(url.to_owned());
- return Ok(redirect);
- }
- }
- if path.starts_with("/REDIRECT") {
- let url = &req.uri().path()[9..];
- println!("URL: {url:?}");
- let redirect = redirect_resp(url.to_string());
- return Ok(redirect);
- }
- if path.starts_with("/a/b/c") {
- if let Some(x_loc) = req.headers().get("x-location") {
- let loc = x_loc.to_str().unwrap();
- return Ok(redirect_resp(loc.to_string()));
- }
- }
- let file_path = testdata_path().join(&req.uri().path()[1..]);
- if file_path.is_dir() || !file_path.exists() {
- let mut not_found_resp = Response::new(Body::empty());
- *not_found_resp.status_mut() = StatusCode::NOT_FOUND;
- return Ok(not_found_resp);
- }
- let file = tokio::fs::read(file_path).await.unwrap();
- let file_resp = custom_headers(req.uri().path(), file);
- Ok(file_resp)
-async fn main_server(
- req: Request,
-) -> Result, hyper::http::Error> {
- return match (req.method(), req.uri().path()) {
- (_, "/echo_server") => {
- let (parts, body) = req.into_parts();
- let mut response = Response::new(body);
- if let Some(status) = parts.headers.get("x-status") {
- *response.status_mut() =
- StatusCode::from_bytes(status.as_bytes()).unwrap();
- }
- response.headers_mut().extend(parts.headers);
- Ok(response)
- }
- (&hyper::Method::POST, "/echo_multipart_file") => {
- let body = req.into_body();
- let bytes = &hyper::body::to_bytes(body).await.unwrap()[0..];
- let start = b"--boundary\t \r\n\
- Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"field_1\"\r\n\
- \r\n\
- value_1 \r\n\
- \r\n--boundary\r\n\
- Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"file\"; \
- filename=\"file.bin\"\r\n\
- Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n\
- \r\n";
- let end = b"\r\n--boundary--\r\n";
- let b = [start as &[u8], bytes, end].concat();
- let mut response = Response::new(Body::from(b));
- response.headers_mut().insert(
- "content-type",
- HeaderValue::from_static("multipart/form-data;boundary=boundary"),
- );
- Ok(response)
- }
- (_, "/multipart_form_data.txt") => {
- let b = "Preamble\r\n\
- --boundary\t \r\n\
- Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"field_1\"\r\n\
- \r\n\
- value_1 \r\n\
- \r\n--boundary\r\n\
- Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"field_2\";\
- filename=\"file.js\"\r\n\
- Content-Type: text/javascript\r\n\
- \r\n\
- console.log(\"Hi\")\
- \r\n--boundary--\r\n\
- Epilogue";
- let mut res = Response::new(Body::from(b));
- res.headers_mut().insert(
- "content-type",
- HeaderValue::from_static("multipart/form-data;boundary=boundary"),
- );
- Ok(res)
- }
- (_, "/multipart_form_bad_content_type") => {
- let b = "Preamble\r\n\
- --boundary\t \r\n\
- Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"field_1\"\r\n\
- \r\n\
- value_1 \r\n\
- \r\n--boundary\r\n\
- Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"field_2\";\
- filename=\"file.js\"\r\n\
- Content-Type: text/javascript\r\n\
- \r\n\
- console.log(\"Hi\")\
- \r\n--boundary--\r\n\
- Epilogue";
- let mut res = Response::new(Body::from(b));
- res.headers_mut().insert(
- "content-type",
- HeaderValue::from_static("multipart/form-datatststs;boundary=boundary"),
- );
- Ok(res)
- }
- (_, "/bad_redirect") => {
- let mut res = Response::new(Body::empty());
- *res.status_mut() = StatusCode::FOUND;
- Ok(res)
- }
- (_, "/server_error") => {
- let mut res = Response::new(Body::empty());
- *res.status_mut() = StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
- Ok(res)
- }
- (_, "/x_deno_warning.js") => {
- let mut res = Response::new(Body::empty());
- *res.status_mut() = StatusCode::MOVED_PERMANENTLY;
- res
- .headers_mut()
- .insert("X-Deno-Warning", HeaderValue::from_static("foobar"));
- res.headers_mut().insert(
- "location",
- HeaderValue::from_bytes(b"/lsp/x_deno_warning_redirect.js").unwrap(),
- );
- Ok(res)
- }
- (_, "/non_ascii_redirect") => {
- let mut res = Response::new(Body::empty());
- *res.status_mut() = StatusCode::MOVED_PERMANENTLY;
- res.headers_mut().insert(
- "location",
- HeaderValue::from_bytes(b"/redirect\xae").unwrap(),
- );
- Ok(res)
- }
- (_, "/etag_script.ts") => {
- let if_none_match = req.headers().get("if-none-match");
- if if_none_match == Some(&HeaderValue::from_static("33a64df551425fcc55e"))
- {
- let mut resp = Response::new(Body::empty());
- *resp.status_mut() = StatusCode::NOT_MODIFIED;
- resp.headers_mut().insert(
- "Content-type",
- HeaderValue::from_static("application/typescript"),
- );
- resp
- .headers_mut()
- .insert("ETag", HeaderValue::from_static("33a64df551425fcc55e"));
- Ok(resp)
- } else {
- let mut resp = Response::new(Body::from("console.log('etag')"));
- resp.headers_mut().insert(
- "Content-type",
- HeaderValue::from_static("application/typescript"),
- );
- resp
- .headers_mut()
- .insert("ETag", HeaderValue::from_static("33a64df551425fcc55e"));
- Ok(resp)
- }
- }
- (_, "/xTypeScriptTypes.js") => {
- let mut res = Response::new(Body::from("export const foo = 'foo';"));
- res.headers_mut().insert(
- "Content-type",
- HeaderValue::from_static("application/javascript"),
- );
- res.headers_mut().insert(
- "X-TypeScript-Types",
- HeaderValue::from_static("./xTypeScriptTypes.d.ts"),
- );
- Ok(res)
- }
- (_, "/xTypeScriptTypes.jsx") => {
- let mut res = Response::new(Body::from("export const foo = 'foo';"));
- res
- .headers_mut()
- .insert("Content-type", HeaderValue::from_static("text/jsx"));
- res.headers_mut().insert(
- "X-TypeScript-Types",
- HeaderValue::from_static("./xTypeScriptTypes.d.ts"),
- );
- Ok(res)
- }
- (_, "/xTypeScriptTypes.ts") => {
- let mut res =
- Response::new(Body::from("export const foo: string = 'foo';"));
- res.headers_mut().insert(
- "Content-type",
- HeaderValue::from_static("application/typescript"),
- );
- res.headers_mut().insert(
- "X-TypeScript-Types",
- HeaderValue::from_static("./xTypeScriptTypes.d.ts"),
- );
- Ok(res)
- }
- (_, "/xTypeScriptTypes.d.ts") => {
- let mut res = Response::new(Body::from("export const foo: 'foo';"));
- res.headers_mut().insert(
- "Content-type",
- HeaderValue::from_static("application/typescript"),
- );
- Ok(res)
- }
- (_, "/run/type_directives_redirect.js") => {
- let mut res = Response::new(Body::from("export const foo = 'foo';"));
- res.headers_mut().insert(
- "Content-type",
- HeaderValue::from_static("application/javascript"),
- );
- res.headers_mut().insert(
- "X-TypeScript-Types",
- HeaderValue::from_static(
- "http://localhost:4547/xTypeScriptTypesRedirect.d.ts",
- ),
- );
- Ok(res)
- }
- (_, "/run/type_headers_deno_types.foo.js") => {
- let mut res = Response::new(Body::from(
- "export function foo(text) { console.log(text); }",
- ));
- res.headers_mut().insert(
- "Content-type",
- HeaderValue::from_static("application/javascript"),
- );
- res.headers_mut().insert(
- "X-TypeScript-Types",
- HeaderValue::from_static(
- "http://localhost:4545/run/type_headers_deno_types.d.ts",
- ),
- );
- Ok(res)
- }
- (_, "/run/type_headers_deno_types.d.ts") => {
- let mut res =
- Response::new(Body::from("export function foo(text: number): void;"));
- res.headers_mut().insert(
- "Content-type",
- HeaderValue::from_static("application/typescript"),
- );
- Ok(res)
- }
- (_, "/run/type_headers_deno_types.foo.d.ts") => {
- let mut res =
- Response::new(Body::from("export function foo(text: string): void;"));
- res.headers_mut().insert(
- "Content-type",
- HeaderValue::from_static("application/typescript"),
- );
- Ok(res)
- }
- (_, "/subdir/xTypeScriptTypesRedirect.d.ts") => {
- let mut res = Response::new(Body::from(
- "import './xTypeScriptTypesRedirected.d.ts';",
- ));
- res.headers_mut().insert(
- "Content-type",
- HeaderValue::from_static("application/typescript"),
- );
- Ok(res)
- }
- (_, "/subdir/xTypeScriptTypesRedirected.d.ts") => {
- let mut res = Response::new(Body::from("export const foo: 'foo';"));
- res.headers_mut().insert(
- "Content-type",
- HeaderValue::from_static("application/typescript"),
- );
- Ok(res)
- }
- (_, "/referenceTypes.js") => {
- let mut res = Response::new(Body::from("/// \r\nexport const foo = \"foo\";\r\n"));
- res.headers_mut().insert(
- "Content-type",
- HeaderValue::from_static("application/javascript"),
- );
- Ok(res)
- }
- (_, "/subdir/file_with_:_in_name.ts") => {
- let mut res = Response::new(Body::from(
- "console.log('Hello from file_with_:_in_name.ts');",
- ));
- res.headers_mut().insert(
- "Content-type",
- HeaderValue::from_static("application/typescript"),
- );
- Ok(res)
- }
- (_, "/v1/extensionless") => {
- let mut res =
- Response::new(Body::from(r#"export * from "/subdir/mod1.ts";"#));
- res.headers_mut().insert(
- "content-type",
- HeaderValue::from_static("application/typescript"),
- );
- Ok(res)
- }
- (_, "/subdir/no_js_ext@1.0.0") => {
- let mut res = Response::new(Body::from(
- r#"import { printHello } from "./mod2.ts";
- printHello();
- "#,
- ));
- res.headers_mut().insert(
- "Content-type",
- HeaderValue::from_static("application/javascript"),
- );
- Ok(res)
- }
- (_, "/.well-known/deno-import-intellisense.json") => {
- let file_path =
- testdata_path().join("lsp/registries/deno-import-intellisense.json");
- if let Ok(body) = tokio::fs::read(file_path).await {
- Ok(custom_headers(
- "/.well-known/deno-import-intellisense.json",
- body,
- ))
- } else {
- Ok(Response::new(Body::empty()))
- }
- }
- (_, "/http_version") => {
- let version = format!("{:?}", req.version());
- Ok(Response::new(version.into()))
- }
- (_, "/content_length") => {
- let content_length = format!("{:?}", req.headers().get("content-length"));
- Ok(Response::new(content_length.into()))
- }
- (_, "/jsx/jsx-runtime") | (_, "/jsx/jsx-dev-runtime") => {
- let mut res = Response::new(Body::from(
- r#"export function jsx(
- _type,
- _props,
- _key,
- _source,
- _self,
- ) {}
- export const jsxs = jsx;
- export const jsxDEV = jsx;
- export const Fragment = Symbol("Fragment");
- console.log("imported", import.meta.url);
- "#,
- ));
- res.headers_mut().insert(
- "Content-type",
- HeaderValue::from_static("application/javascript"),
- );
- Ok(res)
- }
- (_, "/dynamic") => {
- let mut res = Response::new(Body::from(
- serde_json::to_string_pretty(&std::time::SystemTime::now()).unwrap(),
- ));
- res
- .headers_mut()
- .insert("cache-control", HeaderValue::from_static("no-cache"));
- Ok(res)
- }
- (_, "/dynamic_cache") => {
- let mut res = Response::new(Body::from(
- serde_json::to_string_pretty(&std::time::SystemTime::now()).unwrap(),
- ));
- res.headers_mut().insert(
- "cache-control",
- HeaderValue::from_static("public, max-age=604800, immutable"),
- );
- Ok(res)
- }
- (_, "/dynamic_module.ts") => {
- let mut res = Response::new(Body::from(format!(
- r#"export const time = {};"#,
- std::time::SystemTime::now().elapsed().unwrap().as_nanos()
- )));
- res.headers_mut().insert(
- "Content-type",
- HeaderValue::from_static("application/typescript"),
- );
- Ok(res)
- }
- (_, "/echo_accept") => {
- let accept = req.headers().get("accept").map(|v| v.to_str().unwrap());
- let res = Response::new(Body::from(
- serde_json::json!({ "accept": accept }).to_string(),
- ));
- Ok(res)
- }
- (_, "/search_params") => {
- let query = req.uri().query().map(|s| s.to_string());
- let res = Response::new(Body::from(query.unwrap_or_default()));
- Ok(res)
- }
- (&hyper::Method::POST, "/kv_remote_authorize") => {
- if req
- .headers()
- .get("authorization")
- .and_then(|x| x.to_str().ok())
- .unwrap_or_default()
- != format!("Bearer {}", KV_ACCESS_TOKEN)
- {
- return Ok(
- Response::builder()
- .status(StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED)
- .body(Body::empty())
- .unwrap(),
- );
- }
- Ok(
- Response::builder()
- .header("content-type", "application/json")
- .body(Body::from(
- serde_json::json!({
- "version": 1,
- "databaseId": KV_DATABASE_ID,
- "endpoints": [
- {
- "url": format!("http://localhost:{}/kv_blackhole", PORT),
- "consistency": "strong",
- }
- ],
- "expiresAt": "2099-01-01T00:00:00Z",
- })
- .to_string(),
- ))
- .unwrap(),
- )
- }
- (&hyper::Method::POST, "/kv_remote_authorize_invalid_format") => {
- if req
- .headers()
- .get("authorization")
- .and_then(|x| x.to_str().ok())
- .unwrap_or_default()
- != format!("Bearer {}", KV_ACCESS_TOKEN)
- {
- return Ok(
- Response::builder()
- .status(StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED)
- .body(Body::empty())
- .unwrap(),
- );
- }
- Ok(
- Response::builder()
- .header("content-type", "application/json")
- .body(Body::from(
- serde_json::json!({
- "version": 1,
- "databaseId": KV_DATABASE_ID,
- })
- .to_string(),
- ))
- .unwrap(),
- )
- }
- (&hyper::Method::POST, "/kv_remote_authorize_invalid_version") => {
- if req
- .headers()
- .get("authorization")
- .and_then(|x| x.to_str().ok())
- .unwrap_or_default()
- != format!("Bearer {}", KV_ACCESS_TOKEN)
- {
- return Ok(
- Response::builder()
- .status(StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED)
- .body(Body::empty())
- .unwrap(),
- );
- }
- Ok(
- Response::builder()
- .header("content-type", "application/json")
- .body(Body::from(
- serde_json::json!({
- "version": 1000,
- "databaseId": KV_DATABASE_ID,
- "endpoints": [
- {
- "url": format!("http://localhost:{}/kv_blackhole", PORT),
- "consistency": "strong",
- }
- ],
- "expiresAt": "2099-01-01T00:00:00Z",
- })
- .to_string(),
- ))
- .unwrap(),
- )
- }
- (&hyper::Method::POST, "/kv_blackhole/snapshot_read") => {
- if req
- .headers()
- .get("authorization")
- .and_then(|x| x.to_str().ok())
- .unwrap_or_default()
- != format!("Bearer {}", KV_DATABASE_TOKEN)
- {
- return Ok(
- Response::builder()
- .status(StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED)
- .body(Body::empty())
- .unwrap(),
- );
- }
- let body = hyper::body::to_bytes(req.into_body())
- .await
- .unwrap_or_default();
- let Ok(body): Result = prost::Message::decode(&body[..])
- else {
- return Ok(
- Response::builder()
- .status(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST)
- .body(Body::empty())
- .unwrap(),
- );
- };
- if body.ranges.is_empty() {
- return Ok(
- Response::builder()
- .status(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST)
- .body(Body::empty())
- .unwrap(),
- );
- }
- Ok(
- Response::builder()
- .body(Body::from(
- SnapshotReadOutput {
- ranges: body
- .ranges
- .iter()
- .map(|_| ReadRangeOutput { values: vec![] })
- .collect(),
- read_disabled: false,
- read_is_strongly_consistent: true,
- status: SnapshotReadStatus::SrSuccess.into(),
- }
- .encode_to_vec(),
- ))
- .unwrap(),
- )
- }
- (&hyper::Method::POST, "/kv_blackhole/atomic_write") => {
- if req
- .headers()
- .get("authorization")
- .and_then(|x| x.to_str().ok())
- .unwrap_or_default()
- != format!("Bearer {}", KV_DATABASE_TOKEN)
- {
- return Ok(
- Response::builder()
- .status(StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED)
- .body(Body::empty())
- .unwrap(),
- );
- }
- let body = hyper::body::to_bytes(req.into_body())
- .await
- .unwrap_or_default();
- let Ok(_body): Result = prost::Message::decode(&body[..])
- else {
- return Ok(
- Response::builder()
- .status(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST)
- .body(Body::empty())
- .unwrap(),
- );
- };
- Ok(
- Response::builder()
- .body(Body::from(
- AtomicWriteOutput {
- status: AtomicWriteStatus::AwSuccess.into(),
- versionstamp: vec![0u8; 10],
- failed_checks: vec![],
- }
- .encode_to_vec(),
- ))
- .unwrap(),
- )
- }
- (&hyper::Method::GET, "/upgrade/sleep/release-latest.txt") => {
- tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(95)).await;
- return Ok(
- Response::builder()
- .status(StatusCode::OK)
- .body(Body::from("99999.99.99"))
- .unwrap(),
- );
- }
- (&hyper::Method::GET, "/upgrade/sleep/canary-latest.txt") => {
- tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(95)).await;
- return Ok(
- Response::builder()
- .status(StatusCode::OK)
- .body(Body::from("bda3850f84f24b71e02512c1ba2d6bf2e3daa2fd"))
- .unwrap(),
- );
- }
- (&hyper::Method::GET, "/release-latest.txt") => {
- return Ok(
- Response::builder()
- .status(StatusCode::OK)
- // use a deno version that will never happen
- .body(Body::from("99999.99.99"))
- .unwrap(),
- );
- }
- (&hyper::Method::GET, "/canary-latest.txt") => {
- return Ok(
- Response::builder()
- .status(StatusCode::OK)
- .body(Body::from("bda3850f84f24b71e02512c1ba2d6bf2e3daa2fd"))
- .unwrap(),
- );
- }
- _ => {
- let mut file_path = testdata_path().to_path_buf();
- file_path.push(&req.uri().path()[1..].replace("%2f", "/"));
- if let Ok(file) = tokio::fs::read(&file_path).await {
- let file_resp = custom_headers(req.uri().path(), file);
- return Ok(file_resp);
- }
- // serve npm registry files
- if let Some(suffix) = req
- .uri()
- .path()
- .strip_prefix("/npm/registry/@denotest/")
- .or_else(|| req.uri().path().strip_prefix("/npm/registry/@denotest%2f"))
- {
- // serve all requests to /npm/registry/@deno using the file system
- // at that path
- match handle_custom_npm_registry_path(suffix) {
- Ok(Some(response)) => return Ok(response),
- Ok(None) => {} // ignore, not found
- Err(err) => {
- return Response::builder()
- .status(StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
- .body(format!("{err:#}").into());
- }
- }
- } else if req.uri().path().starts_with("/npm/registry/") {
- // otherwise, serve based on registry.json and tgz files
- let is_tarball = req.uri().path().ends_with(".tgz");
- if !is_tarball {
- file_path.push("registry.json");
- }
- if let Ok(file) = tokio::fs::read(&file_path).await {
- let file_resp = custom_headers(req.uri().path(), file);
- return Ok(file_resp);
- } else if should_download_npm_packages() {
- if let Err(err) =
- download_npm_registry_file(req.uri(), &file_path, is_tarball).await
- {
- return Response::builder()
- .status(StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
- .body(format!("{err:#}").into());
- };
- // serve the file
- if let Ok(file) = tokio::fs::read(&file_path).await {
- let file_resp = custom_headers(req.uri().path(), file);
- return Ok(file_resp);
- }
- }
- } else if let Some(suffix) = req.uri().path().strip_prefix("/deno_std/") {
- let file_path = std_path().join(suffix);
- if let Ok(file) = tokio::fs::read(&file_path).await {
- let file_resp = custom_headers(req.uri().path(), file);
- return Ok(file_resp);
- }
- } else if let Some(suffix) = req.uri().path().strip_prefix("/sleep/") {
- let duration = suffix.parse::().unwrap();
- tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(duration)).await;
- return Response::builder()
- .status(StatusCode::OK)
- .header("content-type", "application/typescript")
- .body(Body::empty());
- }
- Response::builder()
- .status(StatusCode::NOT_FOUND)
- .body(Body::empty())
- }
- };
-fn handle_custom_npm_registry_path(
- path: &str,
-) -> Result