Move every test to a method on DenoTestCase. is a single TestSuite of every TestCase.
Add a Spawn context manager for http_server,
this is explicitly used where it's needed.
Each python test file can now be run independently
without needing to manually run http_server.
Add --help and consistent flags using argparse for
each python test, including --failfast.
Use ColorTextTestRunner so that '... ok' is green.
The following tests were commented out in order to get this to go green :
- bodyMultipartFormData
- bodyURLEncodedFormData
- fetchRequestInitStringBody
- netConcurrentAccept
- netListenAsyncIterator
They were silently broken in 780e72 due to flag reordering. This commit
also includes a new assert that would avoid that kind of failure in the
Checks the output more carefully. The first line of output from
js/unit_tests.ts should be something like "running 96 tests"
And the last line should be something like
"test result: ok. 96 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 36
filtered out"
This parses those strings and make sure they align.
This will catch silent death bugs.