// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { core, primordials } from "ext:core/mod.js"; import { op_crypto_get_random_values, op_otel_instrumentation_scope_create_and_enter, op_otel_instrumentation_scope_enter, op_otel_instrumentation_scope_enter_builtin, op_otel_log, op_otel_span_attribute, op_otel_span_attribute2, op_otel_span_attribute3, op_otel_span_continue, op_otel_span_flush, op_otel_span_set_dropped, op_otel_span_start, } from "ext:core/ops"; import { Console } from "ext:deno_console/01_console.js"; import { performance } from "ext:deno_web/15_performance.js"; const { SafeWeakMap, Array, ObjectEntries, SafeMap, ReflectApply, SymbolFor, Error, Uint8Array, TypedArrayPrototypeSubarray, ObjectAssign, ObjectDefineProperty, WeakRefPrototypeDeref, String, ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf, DataView, DataViewPrototypeSetUint32, SafeWeakRef, TypedArrayPrototypeGetBuffer, } = primordials; const { AsyncVariable, setAsyncContext } = core; let TRACING_ENABLED = false; let DETERMINISTIC = false; enum SpanKind { INTERNAL = 0, SERVER = 1, CLIENT = 2, PRODUCER = 3, CONSUMER = 4, } interface TraceState { set(key: string, value: string): TraceState; unset(key: string): TraceState; get(key: string): string | undefined; serialize(): string; } interface SpanContext { traceId: string; spanId: string; isRemote?: boolean; traceFlags: number; traceState?: TraceState; } type HrTime = [number, number]; enum SpanStatusCode { UNSET = 0, OK = 1, ERROR = 2, } interface SpanStatus { code: SpanStatusCode; message?: string; } export type AttributeValue = | string | number | boolean | Array | Array | Array; interface Attributes { [attributeKey: string]: AttributeValue | undefined; } type SpanAttributes = Attributes; interface Link { context: SpanContext; attributes?: SpanAttributes; droppedAttributesCount?: number; } interface TimedEvent { time: HrTime; name: string; attributes?: SpanAttributes; droppedAttributesCount?: number; } interface IArrayValue { values: IAnyValue[]; } interface IAnyValue { stringValue?: string | null; boolValue?: boolean | null; intValue?: number | null; doubleValue?: number | null; arrayValue?: IArrayValue; kvlistValue?: IKeyValueList; bytesValue?: Uint8Array; } interface IKeyValueList { values: IKeyValue[]; } interface IKeyValue { key: string; value: IAnyValue; } interface IResource { attributes: IKeyValue[]; droppedAttributesCount: number; } interface InstrumentationLibrary { readonly name: string; readonly version?: string; readonly schemaUrl?: string; } interface ReadableSpan { readonly name: string; readonly kind: SpanKind; readonly spanContext: () => SpanContext; readonly parentSpanId?: string; readonly startTime: HrTime; readonly endTime: HrTime; readonly status: SpanStatus; readonly attributes: SpanAttributes; readonly links: Link[]; readonly events: TimedEvent[]; readonly duration: HrTime; readonly ended: boolean; readonly resource: IResource; readonly instrumentationLibrary: InstrumentationLibrary; readonly droppedAttributesCount: number; readonly droppedEventsCount: number; readonly droppedLinksCount: number; } enum ExportResultCode { SUCCESS = 0, FAILED = 1, } interface ExportResult { code: ExportResultCode; error?: Error; } function hrToSecs(hr: [number, number]): number { return ((hr[0] * 1e3 + hr[1] / 1e6) / 1000); } const TRACE_FLAG_SAMPLED = 1 << 0; const instrumentationScopes = new SafeWeakMap< InstrumentationLibrary, { __key: "instrumentation-library" } >(); let activeInstrumentationLibrary: WeakRef | null = null; function submit( spanId: string | Uint8Array, traceId: string | Uint8Array, traceFlags: number, parentSpanId: string | Uint8Array | null, span: Omit< ReadableSpan, | "spanContext" | "startTime" | "endTime" | "parentSpanId" | "duration" | "ended" | "resource" >, startTime: number, endTime: number, ) { if (!(traceFlags & TRACE_FLAG_SAMPLED)) return; // TODO(@lucacasonato): `resource` is ignored for now, should we implement it? const instrumentationLibrary = span.instrumentationLibrary; if ( !activeInstrumentationLibrary || WeakRefPrototypeDeref(activeInstrumentationLibrary) !== instrumentationLibrary ) { activeInstrumentationLibrary = new SafeWeakRef(instrumentationLibrary); if (instrumentationLibrary === BUILTIN_INSTRUMENTATION_LIBRARY) { op_otel_instrumentation_scope_enter_builtin(); } else { let instrumentationScope = instrumentationScopes .get(instrumentationLibrary); if (instrumentationScope === undefined) { instrumentationScope = op_otel_instrumentation_scope_create_and_enter( instrumentationLibrary.name, instrumentationLibrary.version, instrumentationLibrary.schemaUrl, ) as { __key: "instrumentation-library" }; instrumentationScopes.set( instrumentationLibrary, instrumentationScope, ); } else { op_otel_instrumentation_scope_enter( instrumentationScope, ); } } } op_otel_span_start( traceId, spanId, parentSpanId, span.kind, span.name, startTime, endTime, ); const status = span.status; if (status !== null && status.code !== 0) { op_otel_span_continue(status.code, status.message ?? ""); } const attributeKvs = ObjectEntries(span.attributes); let i = 0; while (i < attributeKvs.length) { if (i + 2 < attributeKvs.length) { op_otel_span_attribute3( attributeKvs.length, attributeKvs[i][0], attributeKvs[i][1], attributeKvs[i + 1][0], attributeKvs[i + 1][1], attributeKvs[i + 2][0], attributeKvs[i + 2][1], ); i += 3; } else if (i + 1 < attributeKvs.length) { op_otel_span_attribute2( attributeKvs.length, attributeKvs[i][0], attributeKvs[i][1], attributeKvs[i + 1][0], attributeKvs[i + 1][1], ); i += 2; } else { op_otel_span_attribute( attributeKvs.length, attributeKvs[i][0], attributeKvs[i][1], ); i += 1; } } // TODO(@lucacasonato): implement links // TODO(@lucacasonato): implement events const droppedAttributesCount = span.droppedAttributesCount; const droppedLinksCount = span.droppedLinksCount + span.links.length; const droppedEventsCount = span.droppedEventsCount + span.events.length; if ( droppedAttributesCount > 0 || droppedLinksCount > 0 || droppedEventsCount > 0 ) { op_otel_span_set_dropped( droppedAttributesCount, droppedLinksCount, droppedEventsCount, ); } op_otel_span_flush(); } const now = () => (performance.timeOrigin + performance.now()) / 1000; const SPAN_ID_BYTES = 8; const TRACE_ID_BYTES = 16; const INVALID_TRACE_ID = new Uint8Array(TRACE_ID_BYTES); const INVALID_SPAN_ID = new Uint8Array(SPAN_ID_BYTES); const NO_ASYNC_CONTEXT = {}; let otelLog: (message: string, level: number) => void; const hexSliceLookupTable = (function () { const alphabet = "0123456789abcdef"; const table = new Array(256); for (let i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { const i16 = i * 16; for (let j = 0; j < 16; ++j) { table[i16 + j] = alphabet[i] + alphabet[j]; } } return table; })(); function bytesToHex(bytes: Uint8Array): string { let out = ""; for (let i = 0; i < bytes.length; i += 1) { out += hexSliceLookupTable[bytes[i]]; } return out; } const SPAN_KEY = SymbolFor("OpenTelemetry Context Key SPAN"); const BUILTIN_INSTRUMENTATION_LIBRARY: InstrumentationLibrary = {} as never; let COUNTER = 1; export let enterSpan: (span: Span) => void; export let exitSpan: (span: Span) => void; export let endSpan: (span: Span) => void; export class Span { #traceId: string | Uint8Array; #spanId: Uint8Array; #traceFlags = TRACE_FLAG_SAMPLED; #spanContext: SpanContext | null = null; #parentSpanId: string | Uint8Array | null = null; #parentSpanIdString: string | null = null; #recording = TRACING_ENABLED; #kind: number = 0; #name: string; #startTime: number; #status: { code: number; message?: string } | null = null; #attributes: Attributes = { __proto__: null } as never; #droppedEventsCount = 0; #droppedLinksCount = 0; #asyncContext = NO_ASYNC_CONTEXT; static { otelLog = function otelLog(message, level) { let traceId = null; let spanId = null; let traceFlags = 0; const span = CURRENT.get()?.getValue(SPAN_KEY); if (span) { // The lint is wrong, we can not use anything but `in` here because this // is a private field. // deno-lint-ignore prefer-primordials if (#traceId in span) { traceId = span.#traceId; spanId = span.#spanId; traceFlags = span.#traceFlags; } else { const context = span.spanContext(); traceId = context.traceId; spanId = context.spanId; traceFlags = context.traceFlags; } } return op_otel_log(message, level, traceId, spanId, traceFlags); }; enterSpan = (span: Span) => { if (!span.#recording) return; const context = (CURRENT.get() || ROOT_CONTEXT).setValue(SPAN_KEY, span); span.#asyncContext = CURRENT.enter(context); }; exitSpan = (span: Span) => { if (!span.#recording) return; if (span.#asyncContext === NO_ASYNC_CONTEXT) return; setAsyncContext(span.#asyncContext); span.#asyncContext = NO_ASYNC_CONTEXT; }; exitSpan = (span: Span) => { const endTime = now(); submit( span.#spanId, span.#traceId, span.#traceFlags, span.#parentSpanId, { name: span.#name, kind: span.#kind, status: span.#status ?? { code: 0 }, attributes: span.#attributes, events: [], links: [], droppedAttributesCount: 0, droppedEventsCount: span.#droppedEventsCount, droppedLinksCount: span.#droppedLinksCount, instrumentationLibrary: BUILTIN_INSTRUMENTATION_LIBRARY, }, span.#startTime, endTime, ); }; } constructor( name: string, attributes?: Attributes, ) { if (!this.isRecording) { this.#name = ""; this.#startTime = 0; this.#traceId = INVALID_TRACE_ID; this.#spanId = INVALID_SPAN_ID; this.#traceFlags = 0; return; } this.#name = name; this.#startTime = now(); this.#attributes = attributes ?? { __proto__: null } as never; const currentSpan: Span | { spanContext(): { traceId: string; spanId: string }; } = CURRENT.get()?.getValue(SPAN_KEY); if (!currentSpan) { const buffer = new Uint8Array(TRACE_ID_BYTES + SPAN_ID_BYTES); if (DETERMINISTIC) { DataViewPrototypeSetUint32( new DataView(TypedArrayPrototypeGetBuffer(buffer)), TRACE_ID_BYTES - 4, COUNTER, true, ); COUNTER += 1; DataViewPrototypeSetUint32( new DataView(TypedArrayPrototypeGetBuffer(buffer)), TRACE_ID_BYTES + SPAN_ID_BYTES - 4, COUNTER, true, ); COUNTER += 1; } else { op_crypto_get_random_values(buffer); } this.#traceId = TypedArrayPrototypeSubarray(buffer, 0, TRACE_ID_BYTES); this.#spanId = TypedArrayPrototypeSubarray(buffer, TRACE_ID_BYTES); } else { this.#spanId = new Uint8Array(SPAN_ID_BYTES); if (DETERMINISTIC) { DataViewPrototypeSetUint32( new DataView(TypedArrayPrototypeGetBuffer(this.#spanId)), SPAN_ID_BYTES - 4, COUNTER, true, ); COUNTER += 1; } else { op_crypto_get_random_values(this.#spanId); } // deno-lint-ignore prefer-primordials if (#traceId in currentSpan) { this.#traceId = currentSpan.#traceId; this.#parentSpanId = currentSpan.#spanId; } else { const context = currentSpan.spanContext(); this.#traceId = context.traceId; this.#parentSpanId = context.spanId; } } } spanContext() { if (!this.#spanContext) { this.#spanContext = { traceId: typeof this.#traceId === "string" ? this.#traceId : bytesToHex(this.#traceId), spanId: typeof this.#spanId === "string" ? this.#spanId : bytesToHex(this.#spanId), traceFlags: this.#traceFlags, }; } return this.#spanContext; } get parentSpanId() { if (!this.#parentSpanIdString && this.#parentSpanId) { if (typeof this.#parentSpanId === "string") { this.#parentSpanIdString = this.#parentSpanId; } else { this.#parentSpanIdString = bytesToHex(this.#parentSpanId); } } return this.#parentSpanIdString; } setAttribute(name: string, value: AttributeValue) { if (this.#recording) this.#attributes[name] = value; return this; } setAttributes(attributes: Attributes) { if (this.#recording) ObjectAssign(this.#attributes, attributes); return this; } setStatus(status: { code: number; message?: string }) { if (this.#recording) { if (status.code === 0) { this.#status = null; } else if (status.code > 2) { throw new Error("Invalid status code"); } else { this.#status = status; } } return this; } updateName(name: string) { if (this.#recording) this.#name = name; return this; } addEvent(_name: never) { // TODO(@lucacasonato): implement events if (this.#recording) this.#droppedEventsCount += 1; return this; } addLink(_link: never) { // TODO(@lucacasonato): implement links if (this.#recording) this.#droppedLinksCount += 1; return this; } addLinks(links: never[]) { // TODO(@lucacasonato): implement links if (this.#recording) this.#droppedLinksCount += links.length; return this; } isRecording() { return this.#recording; } } // Exporter compatible with opentelemetry js library class SpanExporter { export( spans: ReadableSpan[], resultCallback: (result: ExportResult) => void, ) { try { for (let i = 0; i < spans.length; i += 1) { const span = spans[i]; const context = span.spanContext(); submit( context.spanId, context.traceId, context.traceFlags, span.parentSpanId ?? null, span, hrToSecs(span.startTime), hrToSecs(span.endTime), ); } resultCallback({ code: 0 }); } catch (error) { resultCallback({ code: 1, error: ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(error, Error) ? error as Error : new Error(String(error)), }); } } async shutdown() {} async forceFlush() {} } const CURRENT = new AsyncVariable(); class Context { #data = new SafeMap(); // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any constructor(data?: Iterable | null | undefined) { this.#data = data ? new SafeMap(data) : new SafeMap(); } getValue(key: symbol): unknown { return this.#data.get(key); } setValue(key: symbol, value: unknown): Context { const c = new Context(this.#data); c.#data.set(key, value); return c; } deleteValue(key: symbol): Context { const c = new Context(this.#data); c.#data.delete(key); return c; } } // TODO(lucacasonato): @opentelemetry/api defines it's own ROOT_CONTEXT const ROOT_CONTEXT = new Context(); // Context manager for opentelemetry js library class ContextManager { active(): Context { return CURRENT.get() ?? ROOT_CONTEXT; } with ReturnType>( context: Context, fn: F, thisArg?: ThisParameterType, ...args: A ): ReturnType { const ctx = CURRENT.enter(context); try { return ReflectApply(fn, thisArg, args); } finally { setAsyncContext(ctx); } } // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any bind any>( context: Context, target: T, ): T { return ((...args) => { const ctx = CURRENT.enter(context); try { return ReflectApply(target, this, args); } finally { setAsyncContext(ctx); } }) as T; } enable() { return this; } disable() { return this; } } const otelConsoleConfig = { ignore: 0, capture: 1, replace: 2, }; export function bootstrap( config: [] | [ typeof otelConsoleConfig[keyof typeof otelConsoleConfig], number, ], ): void { if (config.length === 0) return; const { 0: consoleConfig, 1: deterministic } = config; TRACING_ENABLED = true; DETERMINISTIC = deterministic === 1; switch (consoleConfig) { case otelConsoleConfig.capture: core.wrapConsole(globalThis.console, new Console(otelLog)); break; case otelConsoleConfig.replace: ObjectDefineProperty( globalThis, "console", core.propNonEnumerable(new Console(otelLog)), ); break; default: break; } } export const telemetry = { SpanExporter, ContextManager };