// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. // This module is browser compatible. interface FarthestPoint { y: number; id: number; } export enum DiffType { removed = "removed", common = "common", added = "added", } export interface DiffResult { type: DiffType; value: T; } const REMOVED = 1; const COMMON = 2; const ADDED = 3; function createCommon(A: T[], B: T[], reverse?: boolean): T[] { const common = []; if (A.length === 0 || B.length === 0) return []; for (let i = 0; i < Math.min(A.length, B.length); i += 1) { if ( A[reverse ? A.length - i - 1 : i] === B[reverse ? B.length - i - 1 : i] ) { common.push(A[reverse ? A.length - i - 1 : i]); } else { return common; } } return common; } /** * Renders the differences between the actual and expected values * @param A Actual value * @param B Expected value */ export function diff(A: T[], B: T[]): Array> { const prefixCommon = createCommon(A, B); const suffixCommon = createCommon( A.slice(prefixCommon.length), B.slice(prefixCommon.length), true, ).reverse(); A = suffixCommon.length ? A.slice(prefixCommon.length, -suffixCommon.length) : A.slice(prefixCommon.length); B = suffixCommon.length ? B.slice(prefixCommon.length, -suffixCommon.length) : B.slice(prefixCommon.length); const swapped = B.length > A.length; [A, B] = swapped ? [B, A] : [A, B]; const M = A.length; const N = B.length; if (!M && !N && !suffixCommon.length && !prefixCommon.length) return []; if (!N) { return [ ...prefixCommon.map( (c): DiffResult => ({ type: DiffType.common, value: c }), ), ...A.map( (a): DiffResult => ({ type: swapped ? DiffType.added : DiffType.removed, value: a, }), ), ...suffixCommon.map( (c): DiffResult => ({ type: DiffType.common, value: c }), ), ]; } const offset = N; const delta = M - N; const size = M + N + 1; const fp = new Array(size).fill({ y: -1 }); /** * INFO: * This buffer is used to save memory and improve performance. * The first half is used to save route and last half is used to save diff * type. * This is because, when I kept new uint8array area to save type,performance * worsened. */ const routes = new Uint32Array((M * N + size + 1) * 2); const diffTypesPtrOffset = routes.length / 2; let ptr = 0; let p = -1; function backTrace( A: T[], B: T[], current: FarthestPoint, swapped: boolean, ): Array<{ type: DiffType; value: T; }> { const M = A.length; const N = B.length; const result = []; let a = M - 1; let b = N - 1; let j = routes[current.id]; let type = routes[current.id + diffTypesPtrOffset]; while (true) { if (!j && !type) break; const prev = j; if (type === REMOVED) { result.unshift({ type: swapped ? DiffType.removed : DiffType.added, value: B[b], }); b -= 1; } else if (type === ADDED) { result.unshift({ type: swapped ? DiffType.added : DiffType.removed, value: A[a], }); a -= 1; } else { result.unshift({ type: DiffType.common, value: A[a] }); a -= 1; b -= 1; } j = routes[prev]; type = routes[prev + diffTypesPtrOffset]; } return result; } function createFP( slide: FarthestPoint, down: FarthestPoint, k: number, M: number, ): FarthestPoint { if (slide && slide.y === -1 && down && down.y === -1) { return { y: 0, id: 0 }; } if ( (down && down.y === -1) || k === M || (slide && slide.y) > (down && down.y) + 1 ) { const prev = slide.id; ptr++; routes[ptr] = prev; routes[ptr + diffTypesPtrOffset] = ADDED; return { y: slide.y, id: ptr }; } else { const prev = down.id; ptr++; routes[ptr] = prev; routes[ptr + diffTypesPtrOffset] = REMOVED; return { y: down.y + 1, id: ptr }; } } function snake( k: number, slide: FarthestPoint, down: FarthestPoint, _offset: number, A: T[], B: T[], ): FarthestPoint { const M = A.length; const N = B.length; if (k < -N || M < k) return { y: -1, id: -1 }; const fp = createFP(slide, down, k, M); while (fp.y + k < M && fp.y < N && A[fp.y + k] === B[fp.y]) { const prev = fp.id; ptr++; fp.id = ptr; fp.y += 1; routes[ptr] = prev; routes[ptr + diffTypesPtrOffset] = COMMON; } return fp; } while (fp[delta + offset].y < N) { p = p + 1; for (let k = -p; k < delta; ++k) { fp[k + offset] = snake( k, fp[k - 1 + offset], fp[k + 1 + offset], offset, A, B, ); } for (let k = delta + p; k > delta; --k) { fp[k + offset] = snake( k, fp[k - 1 + offset], fp[k + 1 + offset], offset, A, B, ); } fp[delta + offset] = snake( delta, fp[delta - 1 + offset], fp[delta + 1 + offset], offset, A, B, ); } return [ ...prefixCommon.map( (c): DiffResult => ({ type: DiffType.common, value: c }), ), ...backTrace(A, B, fp[delta + offset], swapped), ...suffixCommon.map( (c): DiffResult => ({ type: DiffType.common, value: c }), ), ]; }