// deno-fmt-ignore-file // deno-lint-ignore-file // Copyright Joyent and Node contributors. All rights reserved. MIT license. // Taken from Node 18.12.1 // This file is automatically generated by `tools/node_compat/setup.ts`. Do not modify this file manually. 'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); const assert = require('assert'); const { Duplex, Readable, Writable, pipeline } = require('stream'); const { Blob } = require('buffer'); { const d = Duplex.from({ readable: new Readable({ read() { this.push('asd'); this.push(null); } }) }); assert.strictEqual(d.readable, true); assert.strictEqual(d.writable, false); d.once('readable', common.mustCall(function() { assert.strictEqual(d.read().toString(), 'asd'); })); d.once('end', common.mustCall(function() { assert.strictEqual(d.readable, false); })); } { const d = Duplex.from(new Readable({ read() { this.push('asd'); this.push(null); } })); assert.strictEqual(d.readable, true); assert.strictEqual(d.writable, false); d.once('readable', common.mustCall(function() { assert.strictEqual(d.read().toString(), 'asd'); })); d.once('end', common.mustCall(function() { assert.strictEqual(d.readable, false); })); } { let ret = ''; const d = Duplex.from(new Writable({ write(chunk, encoding, callback) { ret += chunk; callback(); } })); assert.strictEqual(d.readable, false); assert.strictEqual(d.writable, true); d.end('asd'); d.on('finish', common.mustCall(function() { assert.strictEqual(d.writable, false); assert.strictEqual(ret, 'asd'); })); } { let ret = ''; const d = Duplex.from({ writable: new Writable({ write(chunk, encoding, callback) { ret += chunk; callback(); } }) }); assert.strictEqual(d.readable, false); assert.strictEqual(d.writable, true); d.end('asd'); d.on('finish', common.mustCall(function() { assert.strictEqual(d.writable, false); assert.strictEqual(ret, 'asd'); })); } { let ret = ''; const d = Duplex.from({ readable: new Readable({ read() { this.push('asd'); this.push(null); } }), writable: new Writable({ write(chunk, encoding, callback) { ret += chunk; callback(); } }) }); assert.strictEqual(d.readable, true); assert.strictEqual(d.writable, true); d.once('readable', common.mustCall(function() { assert.strictEqual(d.read().toString(), 'asd'); })); d.once('end', common.mustCall(function() { assert.strictEqual(d.readable, false); })); d.end('asd'); d.once('finish', common.mustCall(function() { assert.strictEqual(d.writable, false); assert.strictEqual(ret, 'asd'); })); } { const d = Duplex.from(Promise.resolve('asd')); assert.strictEqual(d.readable, true); assert.strictEqual(d.writable, false); d.once('readable', common.mustCall(function() { assert.strictEqual(d.read().toString(), 'asd'); })); d.once('end', common.mustCall(function() { assert.strictEqual(d.readable, false); })); } { // https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/40497 pipeline( ['abc\ndef\nghi'], Duplex.from(async function * (source) { let rest = ''; for await (const chunk of source) { const lines = (rest + chunk.toString()).split('\n'); rest = lines.pop(); for (const line of lines) { yield line; } } yield rest; }), async function * (source) { // eslint-disable-line require-yield let ret = ''; for await (const x of source) { ret += x; } assert.strictEqual(ret, 'abcdefghi'); }, common.mustCall(() => {}), ); } // Ensure that isDuplexNodeStream was called { const duplex = new Duplex(); assert.strictEqual(Duplex.from(duplex), duplex); } // Ensure that Duplex.from works for blobs { const blob = new Blob(['blob']); const expectedByteLength = blob.size; const duplex = Duplex.from(blob); duplex.on('data', common.mustCall((arrayBuffer) => { assert.strictEqual(arrayBuffer.byteLength, expectedByteLength); })); } // Ensure that given a promise rejection it emits an error { const myErrorMessage = 'myCustomError'; Duplex.from(Promise.reject(myErrorMessage)) .on('error', common.mustCall((error) => { assert.strictEqual(error, myErrorMessage); })); } // Ensure that given a promise rejection on an async function it emits an error { const myErrorMessage = 'myCustomError'; async function asyncFn() { return Promise.reject(myErrorMessage); } Duplex.from(asyncFn) .on('error', common.mustCall((error) => { assert.strictEqual(error, myErrorMessage); })); } // Ensure that Duplex.from throws an Invalid return value when function is void { assert.throws(() => Duplex.from(() => {}), { code: 'ERR_INVALID_RETURN_VALUE', }); } // Ensure data if a sub object has a readable stream it's duplexified { const msg = Buffer.from('hello'); const duplex = Duplex.from({ readable: Readable({ read() { this.push(msg); this.push(null); } }) }).on('data', common.mustCall((data) => { assert.strictEqual(data, msg); })); assert.strictEqual(duplex.writable, false); } // Ensure data if a sub object has a writable stream it's duplexified { const msg = Buffer.from('hello'); const duplex = Duplex.from({ writable: Writable({ write: common.mustCall((data) => { assert.strictEqual(data, msg); }) }) }); duplex.write(msg); assert.strictEqual(duplex.readable, false); } // Ensure data if a sub object has a writable and readable stream it's duplexified { const msg = Buffer.from('hello'); const duplex = Duplex.from({ readable: Readable({ read() { this.push(msg); this.push(null); } }), writable: Writable({ write: common.mustCall((data) => { assert.strictEqual(data, msg); }) }) }); duplex.pipe(duplex) .on('data', common.mustCall((data) => { assert.strictEqual(data, msg); assert.strictEqual(duplex.readable, true); assert.strictEqual(duplex.writable, true); })) .on('end', common.mustCall()); } // Ensure that given readable stream that throws an error it calls destroy { const myErrorMessage = 'error!'; const duplex = Duplex.from(Readable({ read() { throw new Error(myErrorMessage); } })); duplex.on('error', common.mustCall((msg) => { assert.strictEqual(msg.message, myErrorMessage); })); } // Ensure that given writable stream that throws an error it calls destroy { const myErrorMessage = 'error!'; const duplex = Duplex.from(Writable({ write(chunk, enc, cb) { cb(myErrorMessage); } })); duplex.on('error', common.mustCall((msg) => { assert.strictEqual(msg, myErrorMessage); })); duplex.write('test'); }