{ "streams": [ { "name": "readable-streams/general", "expectFail": [ "ReadableStream can't be constructed with an invalid type", "default ReadableStream getReader() should only accept mode:undefined" ] }, "writable-streams/general" ], "encoding": [ { "name": "api-basics", "expectFail": [ // TODO(lucacasonato): enable when we support utf-16 "Decode sample: utf-16le", "Decode sample: utf-16be", "Decode sample: utf-16" ] }, "api-invalid-label", "api-replacement-encodings", "api-surrogates-utf8", // TODO(lucacasonato): enable encodeInto. It is buggy at the moment. // "encodeInto", // TODO(lucacasonato): enable when we support iso-2022-jp // "iso-2022-jp-decoder", // TODO(lucacasonato): uses XMLHttpRequest unnecessarily. should be fixed upstream before enabling // "replacement-encodings", { "name": "textdecoder-byte-order-marks", "expectFail": [ // TODO(lucacasonato): enable when we support utf-16 "Byte-order marks: utf-16le", "Byte-order marks: utf-16be" ] }, { "name": "textdecoder-copy", "expectFail": [ // TODO(lucacasonato): enable when we have stream support "Modify buffer after passing it in (ArrayBuffer)", "Modify buffer after passing it in (SharedArrayBuffer)" ] }, "textdecoder-fatal-single-byte", { "name": "textdecoder-fatal.", // TODO(lucacasonato): enable when we support utf-16 "expectFail": ["Fatal flag: utf-16le - truncated code unit"] }, { "name": "textdecoder-ignorebom", "expectFail": [ // TODO(lucacasonato): enable when we support utf-16 "BOM is ignored if ignoreBOM option is specified: utf-16le", "BOM is ignored if ignoreBOM option is specified: utf-16be" ] }, { "name": "textdecoder-labels", "expectFail": [ "chinese => GBK", "csgb2312 => GBK", "csiso58gb231280 => GBK", "gb2312 => GBK", "gb_2312 => GBK", "gb_2312-80 => GBK", "gbk => GBK", "iso-ir-58 => GBK", "x-gbk => GBK", "gb18030 => gb18030", "big5 => Big5", "big5-hkscs => Big5", "cn-big5 => Big5", "csbig5 => Big5", "x-x-big5 => Big5", "cseucpkdfmtjapanese => EUC-JP", "euc-jp => EUC-JP", "x-euc-jp => EUC-JP", "csiso2022jp => ISO-2022-JP", "iso-2022-jp => ISO-2022-JP", "csshiftjis => Shift_JIS", "ms932 => Shift_JIS", "ms_kanji => Shift_JIS", "shift-jis => Shift_JIS", "shift_jis => Shift_JIS", "sjis => Shift_JIS", "windows-31j => Shift_JIS", "x-sjis => Shift_JIS", "cseuckr => EUC-KR", "csksc56011987 => EUC-KR", "euc-kr => EUC-KR", "iso-ir-149 => EUC-KR", "korean => EUC-KR", "ks_c_5601-1987 => EUC-KR", "ks_c_5601-1989 => EUC-KR", "ksc5601 => EUC-KR", "ksc_5601 => EUC-KR", "windows-949 => EUC-KR", "unicodefffe => UTF-16BE", "utf-16be => UTF-16BE", "csunicode => UTF-16LE", "iso-10646-ucs-2 => UTF-16LE", "ucs-2 => UTF-16LE", "unicode => UTF-16LE", "unicodefeff => UTF-16LE", "utf-16 => UTF-16LE", "utf-16le => UTF-16LE", "x-user-defined => x-user-defined" ] } // TODO(lucacasonato): enable when we have stream support // "textdecoder-streaming", // TODO(lucacasonato): enable when we support utf-16 // "textdecoder-utf16-surrogates", { "name": "textencoder-constructor-non-utf", "expectFail": [ "Encoding argument supported for decode: GBK", "Encoding argument supported for decode: gb18030", "Encoding argument supported for decode: Big5", "Encoding argument supported for decode: EUC-JP", "Encoding argument supported for decode: ISO-2022-JP", "Encoding argument supported for decode: Shift_JIS", "Encoding argument supported for decode: EUC-KR", "Encoding argument supported for decode: UTF-16BE", "Encoding argument supported for decode: UTF-16LE", "Encoding argument supported for decode: x-user-defined" ] }, // TODO(lucacasonato): enable when we support utf-16 // "textencoder-utf16-surrogates", // TODO(lucacasonato): uses XMLHttpRequest unnecessarily. should be fixed upstream before enabling // "unsupported-encodings", ] }