#!/usr/bin/env python # Prereq: # - gcloud auth login # - gcloud config set project deno-223616 # This program uploads the specified file to GCloud Storage in the denoland # bucket. It places a checksum file into the current directory using the base # filename of the specified file. import os import sys import hashlib from util import root_path, run from third_party import tp def print_usage(): print "Usage: ./tools/gcloud_upload.py target/release/libv8.a" sys.exit(1) def compute_sha1(filename): m = hashlib.sha1() with open(filename) as f: m.update(f.read()) return m.hexdigest() def main(argv): if len(argv) != 2: print_usage() os.chdir(root_path) filename = sys.argv[1] basename = os.path.basename(filename) sha1 = compute_sha1(filename) print sha1 gs_url = "gs://denoland/" + sha1 #gsutil = tp("depot_tools/gsutil.py") gsutil = "gsutil" # standalone installation run([gsutil, "cp", filename, gs_url]) run([gsutil, "acl", "ch", "-u", "AllUsers:R", gs_url]) target_filename = basename + ".sha1" with open(target_filename, 'w') as f: f.write(sha1) print "Wrote", target_filename if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv))