const { readDir, readDirSync, readlink, readlinkSync, stat, statSync } = Deno; import { FileInfo } from "deno"; export interface WalkOptions { maxDepth?: number; exts?: string[]; match?: RegExp[]; skip?: RegExp[]; // FIXME don't use `any` here? onError?: (err: any) => void; followSymlinks?: Boolean; } /** Generate all files in a directory recursively. * * for await (const fileInfo of walk()) { * console.log(fileInfo.path); * assert(fileInfo.isFile()); * }; */ export async function* walk( dir: string = ".", options: WalkOptions = {} ): AsyncIterableIterator { options.maxDepth -= 1; let ls: FileInfo[] = []; try { ls = await readDir(dir); } catch (err) { if (options.onError) { options.onError(err); } } for (let f of ls) { if (f.isSymlink()) { if (options.followSymlinks) { f = await resolve(f); } else { continue; } } if (f.isFile()) { if (include(f, options)) { yield f; } } else { if (!(options.maxDepth < 0)) { yield* walk(f.path, options); } } } } /** Generate all files in a directory recursively. * * for (const fileInfo of walkSync()) { * console.log(fileInfo.path); * assert(fileInfo.isFile()); * }; */ export function* walkSync( dir: string = ".", options: WalkOptions = {} ): IterableIterator { options.maxDepth -= 1; let ls: FileInfo[] = []; try { ls = readDirSync(dir); } catch (err) { if (options.onError) { options.onError(err); } } for (let f of ls) { if (f.isSymlink()) { if (options.followSymlinks) { f = resolveSync(f); } else { continue; } } if (f.isFile()) { if (include(f, options)) { yield f; } } else { if (!(options.maxDepth < 0)) { yield* walkSync(f.path, options); } } } } function include(f: FileInfo, options: WalkOptions): Boolean { if (options.exts && !options.exts.some(ext => f.path.endsWith(ext))) { return false; } if (options.match && !patternTest(options.match, f.path)) { return false; } if (options.skip && patternTest(options.skip, f.path)) { return false; } return true; } function patternTest(patterns: RegExp[], path: string) { // Forced to reset last index on regex while iterating for have // consistent results. // See: return patterns.some(pattern => { let r = pattern.test(path); pattern.lastIndex = 0; return r; }); } async function resolve(f: FileInfo): Promise { // This is the full path, unfortunately if we were to make it relative // it could resolve to a symlink and cause an infinite loop. const fpath = await readlink(f.path); f = await stat(fpath); // workaround path not being returned by stat f.path = fpath; return f; } function resolveSync(f: FileInfo): FileInfo { // This is the full path, unfortunately if we were to make it relative // it could resolve to a symlink and cause an infinite loop. const fpath = readlinkSync(f.path); f = statSync(fpath); // workaround path not being returned by stat f.path = fpath; return f; }