// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { assert, assertEquals, assertNotEquals, assertThrows, unitTest } from "./test_util.ts"; unitTest({ perms: { env: true } }, function envSuccess(): void { const env = Deno.env(); assert(env !== null); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase env.test_var = "Hello World"; const newEnv = Deno.env(); assertEquals(env.test_var, newEnv.test_var); assertEquals(Deno.env("test_var"), env.test_var); }); unitTest({ perms: { env: true } }, function envNotFound(): void { const r = Deno.env("env_var_does_not_exist!"); assertEquals(r, undefined); }); unitTest(function envPermissionDenied1(): void { let err; try { Deno.env(); } catch (e) { err = e; } assertNotEquals(err, undefined); assert(err instanceof Deno.errors.PermissionDenied); assertEquals(err.name, "PermissionDenied"); }); unitTest(function envPermissionDenied2(): void { let err; try { Deno.env("PATH"); } catch (e) { err = e; } assertNotEquals(err, undefined); assert(err instanceof Deno.errors.PermissionDenied); assertEquals(err.name, "PermissionDenied"); }); // This test verifies that on Windows, environment variables are // case-insensitive. Case normalization needs be done using the collation // that Windows uses, rather than naively using String.toLowerCase(). unitTest( { skip: Deno.build.os !== "win", perms: { env: true, run: true } }, async function envCaseInsensitive() { // Utility function that runs a Deno subprocess with the environment // specified in `inputEnv`. The subprocess reads the environment variables // which are in the keys of `expectedEnv` and writes them to stdout as JSON. // It is then verified that these match with the values of `expectedEnv`. const checkChildEnv = async ( inputEnv: Record, expectedEnv: Record ): Promise => { const src = ` console.log( ${JSON.stringify(Object.keys(expectedEnv))}.map(k => Deno.env(k)) )`; const proc = Deno.run({ args: [Deno.execPath(), "eval", src], env: inputEnv, stdout: "piped" }); const status = await proc.status(); assertEquals(status.success, true); const expectedValues = Object.values(expectedEnv); const actualValues = JSON.parse( new TextDecoder().decode(await proc.output()) ); assertEquals(actualValues, expectedValues); proc.close(); }; assertEquals(Deno.env("path"), Deno.env("PATH")); assertEquals(Deno.env("Path"), Deno.env("PATH")); // Check 'foo', 'Foo' and 'Foo' are case folded. await checkChildEnv({ foo: "X" }, { foo: "X", Foo: "X", FOO: "X" }); // Check that 'µ' and 'Μ' are not case folded. const lc1 = "µ"; const uc1 = lc1.toUpperCase(); assertNotEquals(lc1, uc1); await checkChildEnv( { [lc1]: "mu", [uc1]: "MU" }, { [lc1]: "mu", [uc1]: "MU" } ); // Check that 'dž' and 'DŽ' are folded, but 'Dž' is preserved. const c2 = "Dž"; const lc2 = c2.toLowerCase(); const uc2 = c2.toUpperCase(); assertNotEquals(c2, lc2); assertNotEquals(c2, uc2); await checkChildEnv( { [c2]: "Dz", [lc2]: "dz" }, { [c2]: "Dz", [lc2]: "dz", [uc2]: "dz" } ); await checkChildEnv( { [c2]: "Dz", [uc2]: "DZ" }, { [c2]: "Dz", [uc2]: "DZ", [lc2]: "DZ" } ); } ); unitTest(function osPid(): void { assert(Deno.pid > 0); }); unitTest({ perms: { env: true } }, function getDir(): void { type supportOS = "mac" | "win" | "linux"; interface Runtime { os: supportOS; shouldHaveValue: boolean; } interface Scenes { kind: Deno.DirKind; runtime: Runtime[]; } const scenes: Scenes[] = [ { kind: "config", runtime: [ { os: "mac", shouldHaveValue: true }, { os: "win", shouldHaveValue: true }, { os: "linux", shouldHaveValue: true } ] }, { kind: "cache", runtime: [ { os: "mac", shouldHaveValue: true }, { os: "win", shouldHaveValue: true }, { os: "linux", shouldHaveValue: true } ] }, { kind: "executable", runtime: [ { os: "mac", shouldHaveValue: false }, { os: "win", shouldHaveValue: false }, { os: "linux", shouldHaveValue: true } ] }, { kind: "data", runtime: [ { os: "mac", shouldHaveValue: true }, { os: "win", shouldHaveValue: true }, { os: "linux", shouldHaveValue: true } ] }, { kind: "data_local", runtime: [ { os: "mac", shouldHaveValue: true }, { os: "win", shouldHaveValue: true }, { os: "linux", shouldHaveValue: true } ] }, { kind: "audio", runtime: [ { os: "mac", shouldHaveValue: true }, { os: "win", shouldHaveValue: true }, { os: "linux", shouldHaveValue: false } ] }, { kind: "desktop", runtime: [ { os: "mac", shouldHaveValue: true }, { os: "win", shouldHaveValue: true }, { os: "linux", shouldHaveValue: false } ] }, { kind: "document", runtime: [ { os: "mac", shouldHaveValue: true }, { os: "win", shouldHaveValue: true }, { os: "linux", shouldHaveValue: false } ] }, { kind: "download", runtime: [ { os: "mac", shouldHaveValue: true }, { os: "win", shouldHaveValue: true }, { os: "linux", shouldHaveValue: false } ] }, { kind: "font", runtime: [ { os: "mac", shouldHaveValue: true }, { os: "win", shouldHaveValue: false }, { os: "linux", shouldHaveValue: true } ] }, { kind: "picture", runtime: [ { os: "mac", shouldHaveValue: true }, { os: "win", shouldHaveValue: true }, { os: "linux", shouldHaveValue: false } ] }, { kind: "public", runtime: [ { os: "mac", shouldHaveValue: true }, { os: "win", shouldHaveValue: true }, { os: "linux", shouldHaveValue: false } ] }, { kind: "template", runtime: [ { os: "mac", shouldHaveValue: false }, { os: "win", shouldHaveValue: true }, { os: "linux", shouldHaveValue: false } ] }, { kind: "tmp", runtime: [ { os: "mac", shouldHaveValue: true }, { os: "win", shouldHaveValue: true }, { os: "linux", shouldHaveValue: true } ] }, { kind: "video", runtime: [ { os: "mac", shouldHaveValue: true }, { os: "win", shouldHaveValue: true }, { os: "linux", shouldHaveValue: false } ] } ]; for (const s of scenes) { for (const r of s.runtime) { if (Deno.build.os !== r.os) continue; if (r.shouldHaveValue) { const d = Deno.dir(s.kind); assert(d); assert(d.length > 0); } } } }); unitTest(function getDirWithoutPermission(): void { assertThrows( () => Deno.dir("home"), Deno.errors.PermissionDenied, `run again with the --allow-env flag` ); }); unitTest({ perms: { env: true } }, function execPath(): void { assertNotEquals(Deno.execPath(), ""); }); unitTest({ perms: { env: false } }, function execPathPerm(): void { let caughtError = false; try { Deno.execPath(); } catch (err) { caughtError = true; assert(err instanceof Deno.errors.PermissionDenied); assertEquals(err.name, "PermissionDenied"); } assert(caughtError); }); unitTest({ perms: { env: true } }, function loadavgSuccess(): void { const load = Deno.loadavg(); assertEquals(load.length, 3); }); unitTest({ perms: { env: false } }, function loadavgPerm(): void { let caughtError = false; try { Deno.loadavg(); } catch (err) { caughtError = true; assert(err instanceof Deno.errors.PermissionDenied); assertEquals(err.name, "PermissionDenied"); } assert(caughtError); }); unitTest({ perms: { env: true } }, function hostnameDir(): void { assertNotEquals(Deno.hostname(), ""); }); unitTest({ perms: { env: false } }, function hostnamePerm(): void { let caughtError = false; try { Deno.hostname(); } catch (err) { caughtError = true; assert(err instanceof Deno.errors.PermissionDenied); assertEquals(err.name, "PermissionDenied"); } assert(caughtError); }); unitTest({ perms: { env: true } }, function releaseDir(): void { assertNotEquals(Deno.osRelease(), ""); }); unitTest({ perms: { env: false } }, function releasePerm(): void { let caughtError = false; try { Deno.osRelease(); } catch (err) { caughtError = true; assert(err instanceof Deno.errors.PermissionDenied); assertEquals(err.name, "PermissionDenied"); } assert(caughtError); });