# Deno example programs This module contains small scripts that demonstrate use of Deno and its standard library. You can run these examples by importing them via `deno` command: ``` > deno https://deno.land/std/examples/echo_server.ts --allow-net ``` Some of them are useful CLI programs that can be installed as executables: `cat.ts` - print file to standard output ``` deno install deno_cat https://deno.land/examples.cat.ts --allow-read deno_cat file.txt ``` `catj.ts` - print flattened JSON to standard output ``` deno install catj https://deno.land/examples/catj.ts --allow-read catj example.json catj file1.json file2.json echo example.json | catj - ``` `gist.ts` - easily create and upload Gists ``` deno install gist https://deno.land/examples/gist.ts --allow-net --allow-env export GIST_TOKEN=ABC # Generate at https://github.com/settings/tokens gist --title "Example gist 1" script.ts gist --t "Example gist 2" script2.ts ```