// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use deno_core::error::bad_resource_id; use deno_core::error::null_opbuf; use deno_core::error::type_error; use deno_core::error::AnyError; use deno_core::futures::future::poll_fn; use deno_core::futures::FutureExt; use deno_core::futures::Stream; use deno_core::futures::StreamExt; use deno_core::include_js_files; use deno_core::op_async; use deno_core::op_sync; use deno_core::AsyncRefCell; use deno_core::ByteString; use deno_core::CancelHandle; use deno_core::CancelTryFuture; use deno_core::Extension; use deno_core::OpState; use deno_core::RcRef; use deno_core::Resource; use deno_core::ResourceId; use deno_core::ZeroCopyBuf; use hyper::body::HttpBody; use hyper::http; use hyper::server::conn::Http; use hyper::service::Service as HyperService; use hyper::Body; use hyper::Request; use hyper::Response; use serde::Deserialize; use serde::Serialize; use std::borrow::Cow; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::future::Future; use std::net::SocketAddr; use std::pin::Pin; use std::rc::Rc; use std::task::Context; use std::task::Poll; use tokio::io::AsyncRead; use tokio::io::AsyncReadExt; use tokio::io::AsyncWrite; use tokio::sync::oneshot; use tokio_util::io::StreamReader; pub fn init() -> Extension { Extension::builder() .js(include_js_files!( prefix "deno:ext/http", "01_http.js", )) .ops(vec![ ("op_http_request_next", op_async(op_http_request_next)), ("op_http_request_read", op_async(op_http_request_read)), ("op_http_response", op_async(op_http_response)), ("op_http_response_write", op_async(op_http_response_write)), ("op_http_response_close", op_async(op_http_response_close)), ( "op_http_websocket_accept_header", op_sync(op_http_websocket_accept_header), ), ( "op_http_upgrade_websocket", op_async(op_http_upgrade_websocket), ), ]) .build() } struct ServiceInner { request: Request, response_tx: oneshot::Sender>, } #[derive(Clone, Default)] struct Service { inner: Rc>>, waker: Rc, } impl HyperService> for Service { type Response = Response; type Error = http::Error; #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] type Future = Pin>>>; fn poll_ready( &mut self, _cx: &mut Context<'_>, ) -> Poll> { if self.inner.borrow().is_some() { Poll::Pending } else { Poll::Ready(Ok(())) } } fn call(&mut self, req: Request) -> Self::Future { let (resp_tx, resp_rx) = oneshot::channel(); self.inner.borrow_mut().replace(ServiceInner { request: req, response_tx: resp_tx, }); async move { Ok(resp_rx.await.unwrap()) }.boxed_local() } } type ConnFuture = Pin>>>; struct Conn { scheme: &'static str, addr: SocketAddr, conn: Rc>, } struct ConnResource { hyper_connection: Conn, deno_service: Service, cancel: CancelHandle, } impl ConnResource { // TODO(ry) impl Future for ConnResource? fn poll(&self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll> { self .hyper_connection .conn .borrow_mut() .poll_unpin(cx) .map_err(AnyError::from) } } impl Resource for ConnResource { fn name(&self) -> Cow { "httpConnection".into() } fn close(self: Rc) { self.cancel.cancel() } } // We use a tuple instead of struct to avoid serialization overhead of the keys. #[derive(Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct NextRequestResponse( // request_rid: Option, // response_sender_rid: ResourceId, // method: // This is a String rather than a ByteString because reqwest will only return // the method as a str which is guaranteed to be ASCII-only. String, // headers: Vec<(ByteString, ByteString)>, // url: String, ); async fn op_http_request_next( state: Rc>, conn_rid: ResourceId, _: (), ) -> Result, AnyError> { let conn_resource = state .borrow() .resource_table .get::(conn_rid)?; let cancel = RcRef::map(conn_resource.clone(), |r| &r.cancel); poll_fn(|cx| { conn_resource.deno_service.waker.register(cx.waker()); // Check if conn is open/close/errored let (conn_closed, conn_result) = match conn_resource.poll(cx) { Poll::Pending => (false, Ok(())), Poll::Ready(Ok(())) => (true, Ok(())), Poll::Ready(Err(e)) => { if should_ignore_error(&e) { (true, Ok(())) } else { (true, Err(e)) } } }; // Drop conn resource if closed if conn_closed { // TODO(ry) close RequestResource associated with connection // TODO(ry) close ResponseBodyResource associated with connection // try to close ConnResource, but don't unwrap as it might // already be closed let _ = state .borrow_mut() .resource_table .take::(conn_rid); // Fail with err if unexpected conn error, early return None otherwise return Poll::Ready(conn_result.map(|_| None)); } if let Some(inner) = conn_resource.deno_service.inner.borrow_mut().take() { let Conn { scheme, addr, .. } = conn_resource.hyper_connection; let mut state = state.borrow_mut(); let next = prepare_next_request(&mut state, conn_rid, inner, scheme, addr)?; Poll::Ready(Ok(Some(next))) } else { Poll::Pending } }) .try_or_cancel(cancel) .await .map_err(AnyError::from) } fn prepare_next_request( state: &mut OpState, conn_rid: ResourceId, request_resource: ServiceInner, scheme: &'static str, addr: SocketAddr, ) -> Result { let tx = request_resource.response_tx; let req = request_resource.request; let method = req.method().to_string(); let headers = req_headers(&req); let url = req_url(&req, scheme, addr)?; let is_websocket = is_websocket_request(&req); let has_body = if let Some(exact_size) = req.size_hint().exact() { exact_size > 0 } else { true }; let maybe_request_rid = if is_websocket || has_body { let request_rid = state.resource_table.add(RequestResource { conn_rid, inner: AsyncRefCell::new(RequestOrStreamReader::Request(Some(req))), cancel: CancelHandle::default(), }); Some(request_rid) } else { None }; let response_sender_rid = state.resource_table.add(ResponseSenderResource { sender: tx, conn_rid, }); Ok(NextRequestResponse( maybe_request_rid, response_sender_rid, method, headers, url, )) } fn req_url( req: &hyper::Request, scheme: &'static str, addr: SocketAddr, ) -> Result { let host: Cow = if let Some(host) = req.uri().host() { Cow::Borrowed(host) } else if let Some(host) = req.headers().get("HOST") { Cow::Borrowed(host.to_str()?) } else { Cow::Owned(addr.to_string()) }; let path = req.uri().path_and_query().map_or("/", |p| p.as_str()); Ok([scheme, "://", &host, path].concat()) } fn req_headers( req: &hyper::Request, ) -> Vec<(ByteString, ByteString)> { // We treat cookies specially, because we don't want them to get them // mangled by the `Headers` object in JS. What we do is take all cookie // headers and concat them into a single cookie header, seperated by // semicolons. let cookie_sep = "; ".as_bytes(); let mut cookies = vec![]; let mut headers = Vec::with_capacity(req.headers().len()); for (name, value) in req.headers().iter() { if name == hyper::header::COOKIE { cookies.push(value.as_bytes()); } else { let name: &[u8] = name.as_ref(); let value = value.as_bytes(); headers.push((ByteString(name.to_owned()), ByteString(value.to_owned()))); } } if !cookies.is_empty() { headers.push(( ByteString("cookie".as_bytes().to_owned()), ByteString(cookies.join(cookie_sep)), )); } headers } fn is_websocket_request(req: &hyper::Request) -> bool { req_header_contains(req, hyper::header::CONNECTION, "upgrade") && req_header_contains(req, hyper::header::UPGRADE, "websocket") } fn req_header_contains( req: &hyper::Request, key: impl hyper::header::AsHeaderName, value: &str, ) -> bool { req.headers().get_all(key).iter().any(|v| { v.to_str() .map(|s| s.to_lowercase().contains(value)) .unwrap_or(false) }) } fn should_ignore_error(e: &AnyError) -> bool { if let Some(e) = e.downcast_ref::() { use std::error::Error; if let Some(std_err) = e.source() { if let Some(io_err) = std_err.downcast_ref::() { if io_err.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::NotConnected { return true; } } } } false } pub fn start_http( state: &mut OpState, io: IO, addr: SocketAddr, scheme: &'static str, ) -> Result { let deno_service = Service::default(); let hyper_connection = Http::new() .with_executor(LocalExecutor) .serve_connection(io, deno_service.clone()) .with_upgrades(); let conn = Pin::new(Box::new(hyper_connection)); let conn_resource = ConnResource { hyper_connection: Conn { scheme, addr, conn: Rc::new(RefCell::new(conn)), }, deno_service, cancel: CancelHandle::default(), }; let rid = state.resource_table.add(conn_resource); Ok(rid) } // We use a tuple instead of struct to avoid serialization overhead of the keys. #[derive(Deserialize)] struct RespondArgs( // rid: u32, // status: u16, // headers: Vec<(ByteString, ByteString)>, ); async fn op_http_response( state: Rc>, args: RespondArgs, data: Option, ) -> Result, AnyError> { let RespondArgs(rid, status, headers) = args; let response_sender = state .borrow_mut() .resource_table .take::(rid)?; let response_sender = Rc::try_unwrap(response_sender) .ok() .expect("multiple op_http_respond ongoing"); let conn_rid = response_sender.conn_rid; let conn_resource = state .borrow() .resource_table .get::(conn_rid)?; let mut builder = Response::builder().status(status); builder.headers_mut().unwrap().reserve(headers.len()); for (key, value) in &headers { builder = builder.header(key.as_ref(), value.as_ref()); } let res; let maybe_response_body_rid = if let Some(d) = data { // If a body is passed, we use it, and don't return a body for streaming. res = builder.body(Vec::from(&*d).into())?; None } else { // If no body is passed, we return a writer for streaming the body. let (sender, body) = Body::channel(); res = builder.body(body)?; let response_body_rid = state.borrow_mut().resource_table.add(ResponseBodyResource { body: AsyncRefCell::new(sender), conn_rid, }); Some(response_body_rid) }; // oneshot::Sender::send(v) returns |v| on error, not an error object. // The only failure mode is the receiver already having dropped its end // of the channel. if response_sender.sender.send(res).is_err() { if let Some(rid) = maybe_response_body_rid { let _ = state .borrow_mut() .resource_table .take::(rid); } return Err(type_error("internal communication error")); } let result = poll_fn(|cx| match conn_resource.poll(cx) { Poll::Ready(x) => { state.borrow_mut().resource_table.close(conn_rid).ok(); Poll::Ready(x) } Poll::Pending => Poll::Ready(Ok(())), }) .await; if let Err(e) = result { if let Some(rid) = maybe_response_body_rid { let _ = state .borrow_mut() .resource_table .take::(rid); } return Err(e); } if maybe_response_body_rid.is_none() { conn_resource.deno_service.waker.wake(); } Ok(maybe_response_body_rid) } async fn op_http_response_close( state: Rc>, rid: ResourceId, _: (), ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let resource = state .borrow_mut() .resource_table .take::(rid)?; let conn_resource = state .borrow() .resource_table .get::(resource.conn_rid)?; drop(resource); let r = poll_fn(|cx| match conn_resource.poll(cx) { Poll::Ready(x) => Poll::Ready(x), Poll::Pending => Poll::Ready(Ok(())), }) .await; conn_resource.deno_service.waker.wake(); r } async fn op_http_request_read( state: Rc>, rid: ResourceId, data: Option, ) -> Result { let mut data = data.ok_or_else(null_opbuf)?; let resource = state .borrow() .resource_table .get::(rid as u32)?; let conn_resource = state .borrow() .resource_table .get::(resource.conn_rid)?; let mut inner = RcRef::map(resource.clone(), |r| &r.inner) .borrow_mut() .await; if let RequestOrStreamReader::Request(req) = &mut *inner { let req = req.take().unwrap(); let stream: BytesStream = Box::pin(req.into_body().map(|r| { r.map_err(|err| std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::Other, err)) })); let reader = StreamReader::new(stream); *inner = RequestOrStreamReader::StreamReader(reader); }; let reader = match &mut *inner { RequestOrStreamReader::StreamReader(reader) => reader, _ => unreachable!(), }; let cancel = RcRef::map(resource, |r| &r.cancel); let mut read_fut = reader.read(&mut data).try_or_cancel(cancel).boxed_local(); poll_fn(|cx| { if let Poll::Ready(Err(e)) = conn_resource.poll(cx) { // close ConnResource // close RequestResource associated with connection // close ResponseBodyResource associated with connection return Poll::Ready(Err(e)); } read_fut.poll_unpin(cx).map_err(AnyError::from) }) .await } async fn op_http_response_write( state: Rc>, rid: ResourceId, data: Option, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let buf = data.ok_or_else(null_opbuf)?; let resource = state .borrow() .resource_table .get::(rid as u32)?; let conn_resource = state .borrow() .resource_table .get::(resource.conn_rid)?; let mut body = RcRef::map(&resource, |r| &r.body).borrow_mut().await; let mut send_data_fut = body.send_data(Vec::from(&*buf).into()).boxed_local(); poll_fn(|cx| { let r = send_data_fut.poll_unpin(cx).map_err(AnyError::from); // Poll connection so the data is flushed if let Poll::Ready(Err(e)) = conn_resource.poll(cx) { // close ConnResource // close RequestResource associated with connection // close ResponseBodyResource associated with connection return Poll::Ready(Err(e)); } r }) .await?; Ok(()) } fn op_http_websocket_accept_header( _: &mut OpState, key: String, _: (), ) -> Result { let digest = ring::digest::digest( &ring::digest::SHA1_FOR_LEGACY_USE_ONLY, format!("{}258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11", key).as_bytes(), ); Ok(base64::encode(digest)) } async fn op_http_upgrade_websocket( state: Rc>, rid: ResourceId, _: (), ) -> Result { let req_resource = state .borrow_mut() .resource_table .take::(rid)?; let mut inner = RcRef::map(&req_resource, |r| &r.inner).borrow_mut().await; if let RequestOrStreamReader::Request(req) = inner.as_mut() { let upgraded = hyper::upgrade::on(req.as_mut().unwrap()).await?; let stream = deno_websocket::tokio_tungstenite::WebSocketStream::from_raw_socket( upgraded, deno_websocket::tokio_tungstenite::tungstenite::protocol::Role::Server, None, ) .await; let (ws_tx, ws_rx) = stream.split(); let rid = state .borrow_mut() .resource_table .add(deno_websocket::WsStreamResource { stream: deno_websocket::WebSocketStreamType::Server { rx: AsyncRefCell::new(ws_rx), tx: AsyncRefCell::new(ws_tx), }, cancel: Default::default(), }); Ok(rid) } else { Err(bad_resource_id()) } } type BytesStream = Pin> + Unpin>>; enum RequestOrStreamReader { Request(Option>), StreamReader(StreamReader), } struct RequestResource { conn_rid: ResourceId, inner: AsyncRefCell, cancel: CancelHandle, } impl Resource for RequestResource { fn name(&self) -> Cow { "request".into() } fn close(self: Rc) { self.cancel.cancel() } } struct ResponseSenderResource { sender: oneshot::Sender>, conn_rid: ResourceId, } impl Resource for ResponseSenderResource { fn name(&self) -> Cow { "responseSender".into() } } struct ResponseBodyResource { body: AsyncRefCell, conn_rid: ResourceId, } impl Resource for ResponseBodyResource { fn name(&self) -> Cow { "responseBody".into() } } // Needed so hyper can use non Send futures #[derive(Clone)] struct LocalExecutor; impl hyper::rt::Executor for LocalExecutor where Fut: Future + 'static, Fut::Output: 'static, { fn execute(&self, fut: Fut) { tokio::task::spawn_local(fut); } }