// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { CallbackResult, Rule, TestFunction, TestResult, Tokenizer, } from "./tokenizer.ts"; function digits(value: string | number, count = 2): string { return String(value).padStart(count, "0"); } // as declared as in namespace Intl type DateTimeFormatPartTypes = | "day" | "dayPeriod" // | "era" | "hour" | "literal" | "minute" | "month" | "second" | "timeZoneName" // | "weekday" | "year" | "fractionalSecond"; interface DateTimeFormatPart { type: DateTimeFormatPartTypes; value: string; } type TimeZone = "UTC"; interface Options { timeZone?: TimeZone; } function createLiteralTestFunction(value: string): TestFunction { return (string: string): TestResult => { return string.startsWith(value) ? { value, length: value.length } : undefined; }; } function createMatchTestFunction(match: RegExp): TestFunction { return (string: string): TestResult => { const result = match.exec(string); if (result) return { value: result, length: result[0].length }; }; } // according to unicode symbols (http://userguide.icu-project.org/formatparse/datetime) const defaultRules = [ { test: createLiteralTestFunction("yyyy"), fn: (): CallbackResult => ({ type: "year", value: "numeric" }), }, { test: createLiteralTestFunction("yy"), fn: (): CallbackResult => ({ type: "year", value: "2-digit" }), }, { test: createLiteralTestFunction("MM"), fn: (): CallbackResult => ({ type: "month", value: "2-digit" }), }, { test: createLiteralTestFunction("M"), fn: (): CallbackResult => ({ type: "month", value: "numeric" }), }, { test: createLiteralTestFunction("dd"), fn: (): CallbackResult => ({ type: "day", value: "2-digit" }), }, { test: createLiteralTestFunction("d"), fn: (): CallbackResult => ({ type: "day", value: "numeric" }), }, { test: createLiteralTestFunction("hh"), fn: (): CallbackResult => ({ type: "hour", value: "2-digit" }), }, { test: createLiteralTestFunction("h"), fn: (): CallbackResult => ({ type: "hour", value: "numeric" }), }, { test: createLiteralTestFunction("mm"), fn: (): CallbackResult => ({ type: "minute", value: "2-digit" }), }, { test: createLiteralTestFunction("m"), fn: (): CallbackResult => ({ type: "minute", value: "numeric" }), }, { test: createLiteralTestFunction("ss"), fn: (): CallbackResult => ({ type: "second", value: "2-digit" }), }, { test: createLiteralTestFunction("s"), fn: (): CallbackResult => ({ type: "second", value: "numeric" }), }, { test: createLiteralTestFunction("SSS"), fn: (): CallbackResult => ({ type: "fractionalSecond", value: 3 }), }, { test: createLiteralTestFunction("SS"), fn: (): CallbackResult => ({ type: "fractionalSecond", value: 2 }), }, { test: createLiteralTestFunction("S"), fn: (): CallbackResult => ({ type: "fractionalSecond", value: 1 }), }, { test: createLiteralTestFunction("a"), fn: (value: unknown): CallbackResult => ({ type: "dayPeriod", value: value as string, }), }, // quoted literal { test: createMatchTestFunction(/^(')(?\\.|[^\']*)\1/), fn: (match: unknown): CallbackResult => ({ type: "literal", value: (match as RegExpExecArray).groups!.value as string, }), }, // literal { test: createMatchTestFunction(/^.+?\s*/), fn: (match: unknown): CallbackResult => ({ type: "literal", value: (match as RegExpExecArray)[0], }), }, ]; type FormatPart = { type: DateTimeFormatPartTypes; value: string | number }; type Format = FormatPart[]; export class DateTimeFormatter { #format: Format; constructor(formatString: string, rules: Rule[] = defaultRules) { const tokenizer = new Tokenizer(rules); this.#format = tokenizer.tokenize(formatString, ({ type, value }) => ({ type, value, })) as Format; } format(date: Date, options: Options = {}): string { let string = ""; const utc = options.timeZone === "UTC"; const hour12 = this.#format.find( (token: FormatPart) => token.type === "dayPeriod", ); for (const token of this.#format) { const type = token.type; switch (type) { case "year": { const value = utc ? date.getUTCFullYear() : date.getFullYear(); switch (token.value) { case "numeric": { string += value; break; } case "2-digit": { string += digits(value, 2).slice(-2); break; } default: throw Error( `FormatterError: value "${token.value}" is not supported`, ); } break; } case "month": { const value = (utc ? date.getUTCMonth() : date.getMonth()) + 1; switch (token.value) { case "numeric": { string += value; break; } case "2-digit": { string += digits(value, 2); break; } default: throw Error( `FormatterError: value "${token.value}" is not supported`, ); } break; } case "day": { const value = utc ? date.getUTCDate() : date.getDate(); switch (token.value) { case "numeric": { string += value; break; } case "2-digit": { string += digits(value, 2); break; } default: throw Error( `FormatterError: value "${token.value}" is not supported`, ); } break; } case "hour": { let value = utc ? date.getUTCHours() : date.getHours(); value -= hour12 && date.getHours() > 12 ? 12 : 0; switch (token.value) { case "numeric": { string += value; break; } case "2-digit": { string += digits(value, 2); break; } default: throw Error( `FormatterError: value "${token.value}" is not supported`, ); } break; } case "minute": { const value = utc ? date.getUTCMinutes() : date.getMinutes(); switch (token.value) { case "numeric": { string += value; break; } case "2-digit": { string += digits(value, 2); break; } default: throw Error( `FormatterError: value "${token.value}" is not supported`, ); } break; } case "second": { const value = utc ? date.getUTCSeconds() : date.getSeconds(); switch (token.value) { case "numeric": { string += value; break; } case "2-digit": { string += digits(value, 2); break; } default: throw Error( `FormatterError: value "${token.value}" is not supported`, ); } break; } case "fractionalSecond": { const value = utc ? date.getUTCMilliseconds() : date.getMilliseconds(); string += digits(value, Number(token.value)); break; } case "timeZoneName": { // string += utc ? "Z" : token.value // break } case "dayPeriod": { string += hour12 ? (date.getHours() >= 12 ? "PM" : "AM") : ""; break; } case "literal": { string += token.value; break; } default: throw Error(`FormatterError: { ${token.type} ${token.value} }`); } } return string; } parseToParts(string: string): DateTimeFormatPart[] { const parts: DateTimeFormatPart[] = []; for (const token of this.#format) { const type = token.type; let value = ""; switch (token.type) { case "year": { switch (token.value) { case "numeric": { value = /^\d{1,4}/.exec(string)?.[0] as string; break; } case "2-digit": { value = /^\d{1,2}/.exec(string)?.[0] as string; break; } } break; } case "month": { switch (token.value) { case "numeric": { value = /^\d{1,2}/.exec(string)?.[0] as string; break; } case "2-digit": { value = /^\d{2}/.exec(string)?.[0] as string; break; } case "narrow": { value = /^[a-zA-Z]+/.exec(string)?.[0] as string; break; } case "short": { value = /^[a-zA-Z]+/.exec(string)?.[0] as string; break; } case "long": { value = /^[a-zA-Z]+/.exec(string)?.[0] as string; break; } default: throw Error( `ParserError: value "${token.value}" is not supported`, ); } break; } case "day": { switch (token.value) { case "numeric": { value = /^\d{1,2}/.exec(string)?.[0] as string; break; } case "2-digit": { value = /^\d{2}/.exec(string)?.[0] as string; break; } default: throw Error( `ParserError: value "${token.value}" is not supported`, ); } break; } case "hour": { switch (token.value) { case "numeric": { value = /^\d{1,2}/.exec(string)?.[0] as string; break; } case "2-digit": { value = /^\d{2}/.exec(string)?.[0] as string; break; } default: throw Error( `ParserError: value "${token.value}" is not supported`, ); } break; } case "minute": { switch (token.value) { case "numeric": { value = /^\d{1,2}/.exec(string)?.[0] as string; break; } case "2-digit": { value = /^\d{2}/.exec(string)?.[0] as string; break; } default: throw Error( `ParserError: value "${token.value}" is not supported`, ); } break; } case "second": { switch (token.value) { case "numeric": { value = /^\d{1,2}/.exec(string)?.[0] as string; break; } case "2-digit": { value = /^\d{2}/.exec(string)?.[0] as string; break; } default: throw Error( `ParserError: value "${token.value}" is not supported`, ); } break; } case "fractionalSecond": { value = new RegExp(`^\\d{${token.value}}`).exec( string, )?.[0] as string; break; } case "timeZoneName": { value = token.value as string; break; } case "dayPeriod": { value = /^(A|P)M/.exec(string)?.[0] as string; break; } case "literal": { if (!string.startsWith(token.value as string)) { throw Error( `Literal "${token.value}" not found "${string.slice(0, 25)}"`, ); } value = token.value as string; break; } default: throw Error(`${token.type} ${token.value}`); } if (!value) { throw Error( `value not valid for token { ${type} ${value} } ${ string.slice( 0, 25, ) }`, ); } parts.push({ type, value }); string = string.slice(value.length); } if (string.length) { throw Error( `datetime string was not fully parsed! ${string.slice(0, 25)}`, ); } return parts; } partsToDate(parts: DateTimeFormatPart[]): Date { const date = new Date(); const utc = parts.find( (part) => part.type === "timeZoneName" && part.value === "UTC", ); utc ? date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0) : date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); for (const part of parts) { switch (part.type) { case "year": { const value = Number(part.value.padStart(4, "20")); utc ? date.setUTCFullYear(value) : date.setFullYear(value); break; } case "month": { const value = Number(part.value) - 1; utc ? date.setUTCMonth(value) : date.setMonth(value); break; } case "day": { const value = Number(part.value); utc ? date.setUTCDate(value) : date.setDate(value); break; } case "hour": { let value = Number(part.value); const dayPeriod = parts.find( (part: DateTimeFormatPart) => part.type === "dayPeriod", ); if (dayPeriod?.value === "PM") value += 12; utc ? date.setUTCHours(value) : date.setHours(value); break; } case "minute": { const value = Number(part.value); utc ? date.setUTCMinutes(value) : date.setMinutes(value); break; } case "second": { const value = Number(part.value); utc ? date.setUTCSeconds(value) : date.setSeconds(value); break; } case "fractionalSecond": { const value = Number(part.value); utc ? date.setUTCMilliseconds(value) : date.setMilliseconds(value); break; } } } return date; } parse(string: string): Date { const parts = this.parseToParts(string); return this.partsToDate(parts); } }