#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run --allow-read --allow-write --allow-run=cargo,git --allow-net --no-check // Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { DenoWorkspace } from "./deno_workspace.ts"; import { GitLogOutput, path, semver } from "./deps.ts"; const workspace = await DenoWorkspace.load(); const repo = workspace.repo; const cliCrate = workspace.getCliCrate(); const originalCliVersion = cliCrate.version; // update the std version used in the code await updateStdVersion(); // increment the cli version if (Deno.args.some((a) => a === "--patch")) { await cliCrate.increment("patch"); } else if (Deno.args.some((a) => a === "--minor")) { await cliCrate.increment("minor"); } else if (Deno.args.some((a) => a === "--major")) { await cliCrate.increment("major"); } else { await cliCrate.promptAndIncrement(); } // increment the dependency crate versions for (const crate of workspace.getCliDependencyCrates()) { await crate.increment("minor"); } // update the lock file await workspace.getCliCrate().cargoUpdate("--workspace"); // try to update the Releases.md markdown text try { await updateReleasesMd(); } catch (err) { console.error(err); console.error( "Updating Releases.md failed. Please manually run " + "`git log --oneline VERSION_FROM..VERSION_TO` and " + "use the output to update Releases.md", ); } async function updateReleasesMd() { const filePath = path.join(DenoWorkspace.rootDirPath, "Releases.md"); const oldFileText = await Deno.readTextFile(filePath); const insertText = await getReleasesMdText(); await Deno.writeTextFile( filePath, oldFileText.replace(/^### /m, insertText + "\n\n### "), ); await workspace.runFormatter(); console.log( "Updated Release.md -- Please review the output to ensure it's correct.", ); } async function getReleasesMdText() { const gitLog = await getGitLog(); const formattedGitLog = gitLog.formatForReleaseMarkdown(); const formattedDate = getFormattedDate(new Date()); return `### ${cliCrate.version} / ${formattedDate}\n\n` + `${formattedGitLog}`; function getFormattedDate(date: Date) { const formattedMonth = padTwoDigit(date.getMonth() + 1); const formattedDay = padTwoDigit(date.getDate()); return `${date.getFullYear()}.${formattedMonth}.${formattedDay}`; function padTwoDigit(val: number) { return val.toString().padStart(2, "0"); } } } async function getGitLog() { const lastVersion = semver.parse(originalCliVersion)!; const lastVersionTag = `v${originalCliVersion}`; // fetch the upstream tags await repo.gitFetchTags("upstream"); // this means we're on the patch release const latestTag = await repo.gitLatestTag(); if (latestTag === lastVersionTag) { return await repo.getGitLogFromTags( "upstream", lastVersionTag, undefined, ); } else { // otherwise, get the history of the last release await repo.gitFetchHistory("upstream"); const lastMinorHistory = await repo.getGitLogFromTags( "upstream", `v${lastVersion.major}.${lastVersion.minor}.0`, lastVersionTag, ); const currentHistory = await repo.getGitLogFromTags( "upstream", latestTag, undefined, ); const lastMinorMessages = new Set( lastMinorHistory.lines.map((r) => r.message), ); return new GitLogOutput( currentHistory.lines.filter((l) => !lastMinorMessages.has(l.message)), ); } } async function updateStdVersion() { const newStdVersion = await getLatestStdVersion(); const compatFilePath = path.join(cliCrate.folderPath, "compat/mod.rs"); const text = Deno.readTextFileSync(compatFilePath); Deno.writeTextFileSync( compatFilePath, text.replace(/std@[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/, `std@${newStdVersion}`), ); } async function getLatestStdVersion() { const url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/denoland/deno_std/main/version.ts"; const result = await fetch(url); const text = await result.text(); const version = /"([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)"/.exec(text); if (version == null) { throw new Error(`Could not find version in text: ${text}`); } else { return version[1]; } }