import { readFile, readFileSync } from "./fs.ts"; import { test } from "../testing/mod.ts"; import * as path from "../path/mod.ts"; import { assertEquals, assert } from "../testing/asserts.ts"; const testData = path.resolve(path.join("node", "testdata", "hello.txt")); // Need to convert to promises, otherwise test() won't report error correctly. test(async function readFileSuccess() { const data = await new Promise((res, rej) => { readFile(testData, (err, data) => { if (err) { rej(err); } res(data); }); }); assert(data instanceof Uint8Array); assertEquals(new TextDecoder().decode(data as Uint8Array), "hello world"); }); test(async function readFileEncodeUtf8Success() { const data = await new Promise((res, rej) => { readFile(testData, { encoding: "utf8" }, (err, data) => { if (err) { rej(err); } res(data); }); }); assertEquals(typeof data, "string"); assertEquals(data as string, "hello world"); }); test(function readFileSyncSuccess() { const data = readFileSync(testData); assert(data instanceof Uint8Array); assertEquals(new TextDecoder().decode(data as Uint8Array), "hello world"); }); test(function readFileEncodeUtf8Success() { const data = readFileSync(testData, { encoding: "utf8" }); assertEquals(typeof data, "string"); assertEquals(data as string, "hello world"); });