import { assert, assertEquals, unitTest } from "./test_util.ts"; // unitTest(async function testImportArrayBufferKey() { const subtle = window.crypto.subtle; assert(subtle); // deno-fmt-ignore const key = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]); const cryptoKey = await subtle.importKey( "raw", key.buffer, { name: "HMAC", hash: "SHA-1" }, true, ["sign"], ); assert(cryptoKey); // Test key usage await subtle.sign({ name: "HMAC" }, cryptoKey, new Uint8Array(8)); }); // TODO(@littledivy): Remove this when we enable WPT for sign_verify unitTest(async function testSignVerify() { const subtle = window.crypto.subtle; assert(subtle); for (const algorithm of ["RSA-PSS", "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5"]) { for ( const hash of [ "SHA-1", "SHA-256", "SHA-384", "SHA-512", ] ) { const keyPair = await subtle.generateKey( { name: algorithm, modulusLength: 2048, publicExponent: new Uint8Array([1, 0, 1]), hash, }, true, ["sign", "verify"], ); const data = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3]); const signAlgorithm = { name: algorithm, saltLength: 32 }; const signature = await subtle.sign( signAlgorithm, keyPair.privateKey, data, ); assert(signature); assert(signature.byteLength > 0); assert(signature.byteLength % 8 == 0); assert(signature instanceof ArrayBuffer); const verified = await subtle.verify( signAlgorithm, keyPair.publicKey, signature, data, ); assert(verified); } } }); unitTest(async function testGenerateRSAKey() { const subtle = window.crypto.subtle; assert(subtle); const keyPair = await subtle.generateKey( { name: "RSA-PSS", modulusLength: 2048, publicExponent: new Uint8Array([1, 0, 1]), hash: "SHA-256", }, true, ["sign", "verify"], ); assert(keyPair.privateKey); assert(keyPair.publicKey); assertEquals(keyPair.privateKey.extractable, true); assert(keyPair.privateKey.usages.includes("sign")); }); unitTest(async function testGenerateHMACKey() { const key = await window.crypto.subtle.generateKey( { name: "HMAC", hash: "SHA-512", }, true, ["sign", "verify"], ); assert(key); assertEquals(key.extractable, true); assert(key.usages.includes("sign")); }); unitTest(async function testSignECDSA() { const key = await window.crypto.subtle.generateKey( { name: "ECDSA", namedCurve: "P-384", }, true, ["sign", "verify"], ); const encoder = new TextEncoder(); const encoded = encoder.encode("Hello, World!"); const signature = await window.crypto.subtle.sign( { name: "ECDSA", hash: "SHA-384" }, key.privateKey, encoded, ); assert(signature); }); // unitTest(async function testSignRSASSAKey() { const subtle = window.crypto.subtle; assert(subtle); const keyPair = await subtle.generateKey( { name: "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5", modulusLength: 2048, publicExponent: new Uint8Array([1, 0, 1]), hash: "SHA-256", }, true, ["sign", "verify"], ); assert(keyPair.privateKey); assert(keyPair.publicKey); assertEquals(keyPair.privateKey.extractable, true); assert(keyPair.privateKey.usages.includes("sign")); const encoder = new TextEncoder(); const encoded = encoder.encode("Hello, World!"); const signature = await window.crypto.subtle.sign( { name: "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5" }, keyPair.privateKey, encoded, ); assert(signature); }); unitTest(async function subtleCryptoHmacImportExport() { // deno-fmt-ignore const rawKey = new Uint8Array([ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 ]); const key = await crypto.subtle.importKey( "raw", rawKey, { name: "HMAC", hash: "SHA-256" }, true, ["sign"], ); const actual = await crypto.subtle.sign( { name: "HMAC" }, key, new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4]), ); // deno-fmt-ignore const expected = new Uint8Array([ 59, 170, 255, 216, 51, 141, 51, 194, 213, 48, 41, 191, 184, 40, 216, 47, 130, 165, 203, 26, 163, 43, 38, 71, 23, 122, 222, 1, 146, 46, 182, 87, ]); assertEquals( new Uint8Array(actual), expected, ); const exportedKey = await crypto.subtle.exportKey("raw", key); assertEquals(new Uint8Array(exportedKey), rawKey); });