// Copyright 2018-2025 the Deno authors. MIT license. // Copyright Joyent and Node contributors. All rights reserved. MIT license. // TODO(petamoriken): enable prefer-primordials for node polyfills // deno-lint-ignore-file prefer-primordials ban-untagged-todo import { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE } from "ext:deno_node/internal/errors.ts"; import { validateFunction } from "ext:deno_node/internal/validators.mjs"; import { nextTick } from "node:process"; import { primordials } from "ext:core/mod.js"; const { ArrayPrototypeAt, ArrayPrototypeIndexOf, ArrayPrototypePush, ArrayPrototypeSplice, ObjectDefineProperty, ObjectGetPrototypeOf, ObjectSetPrototypeOf, Promise, PromisePrototypeThen, PromiseReject, PromiseResolve, ReflectApply, SafeFinalizationRegistry, SafeMap, SymbolHasInstance, } = primordials; import { WeakReference } from "ext:deno_node/internal/util.mjs"; // Can't delete when weakref count reaches 0 as it could increment again. // Only GC can be used as a valid time to clean up the channels map. class WeakRefMap extends SafeMap { #finalizers = new SafeFinalizationRegistry((key) => { this.delete(key); }); set(key, value) { this.#finalizers.register(value, key); return super.set(key, new WeakReference(value)); } get(key) { return super.get(key)?.get(); } incRef(key) { return super.get(key)?.incRef(); } decRef(key) { return super.get(key)?.decRef(); } } function markActive(channel) { ObjectSetPrototypeOf(channel, ActiveChannel.prototype); channel._subscribers = []; channel._stores = new SafeMap(); } function maybeMarkInactive(channel) { // When there are no more active subscribers or bound, restore to fast prototype. if (!channel._subscribers.length && !channel._stores.size) { ObjectSetPrototypeOf(channel, Channel.prototype); channel._subscribers = undefined; channel._stores = undefined; } } function defaultTransform(data) { return data; } function wrapStoreRun(store, data, next, transform = defaultTransform) { return () => { let context; try { context = transform(data); } catch (err) { nextTick(() => { // TODO(bartlomieju): in Node.js this is using `triggerUncaughtException` API, need // to clarify if we need that or if just throwing the error is enough here. throw err; // triggerUncaughtException(err, false); }); return next(); } return store.run(context, next); }; } class ActiveChannel { subscribe(subscription) { validateFunction(subscription, "subscription"); ArrayPrototypePush(this._subscribers, subscription); channels.incRef(this.name); } unsubscribe(subscription) { const index = ArrayPrototypeIndexOf(this._subscribers, subscription); if (index === -1) return false; ArrayPrototypeSplice(this._subscribers, index, 1); channels.decRef(this.name); maybeMarkInactive(this); return true; } bindStore(store, transform) { const replacing = this._stores.has(store); if (!replacing) channels.incRef(this.name); this._stores.set(store, transform); } unbindStore(store) { if (!this._stores.has(store)) { return false; } this._stores.delete(store); channels.decRef(this.name); maybeMarkInactive(this); return true; } get hasSubscribers() { return true; } publish(data) { for (let i = 0; i < (this._subscribers?.length || 0); i++) { try { const onMessage = this._subscribers[i]; onMessage(data, this.name); } catch (err) { nextTick(() => { // TODO(bartlomieju): in Node.js this is using `triggerUncaughtException` API, need // to clarify if we need that or if just throwing the error is enough here. throw err; // triggerUncaughtException(err, false); }); } } } runStores(data, fn, thisArg, ...args) { let run = () => { this.publish(data); return ReflectApply(fn, thisArg, args); }; for (const entry of this._stores.entries()) { const store = entry[0]; const transform = entry[1]; run = wrapStoreRun(store, data, run, transform); } return run(); } } class Channel { constructor(name) { this._subscribers = undefined; this._stores = undefined; this.name = name; channels.set(name, this); } static [SymbolHasInstance](instance) { const prototype = ObjectGetPrototypeOf(instance); return prototype === Channel.prototype || prototype === ActiveChannel.prototype; } subscribe(subscription) { markActive(this); this.subscribe(subscription); } unsubscribe() { return false; } bindStore(store, transform) { markActive(this); this.bindStore(store, transform); } unbindStore() { return false; } get hasSubscribers() { return false; } publish() {} runStores(_data, fn, thisArg, ...args) { return ReflectApply(fn, thisArg, args); } } const channels = new WeakRefMap(); export function channel(name) { const channel = channels.get(name); if (channel) return channel; if (typeof name !== "string" && typeof name !== "symbol") { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE("channel", ["string", "symbol"], name); } return new Channel(name); } export function subscribe(name, subscription) { return channel(name).subscribe(subscription); } export function unsubscribe(name, subscription) { return channel(name).unsubscribe(subscription); } export function hasSubscribers(name) { const channel = channels.get(name); if (!channel) return false; return channel.hasSubscribers; } const traceEvents = [ "start", "end", "asyncStart", "asyncEnd", "error", ]; function assertChannel(value, name) { if (!(value instanceof Channel)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE(name, ["Channel"], value); } } function tracingChannelFrom(nameOrChannels, name) { if (typeof nameOrChannels === "string") { return channel(`tracing:${nameOrChannels}:${name}`); } if (typeof nameOrChannels === "object" && nameOrChannels !== null) { const channel = nameOrChannels[name]; assertChannel(channel, `nameOrChannels.${name}`); return channel; } throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE("nameOrChannels", [ "string", "object", "Channel", ], nameOrChannels); } class TracingChannel { constructor(nameOrChannels) { for (const eventName of traceEvents) { ObjectDefineProperty(this, eventName, { __proto__: null, value: tracingChannelFrom(nameOrChannels, eventName), }); } } get hasSubscribers() { return this.start.hasSubscribers || this.end.hasSubscribers || this.asyncStart.hasSubscribers || this.asyncEnd.hasSubscribers || this.error.hasSubscribers; } subscribe(handlers) { for (const name of traceEvents) { if (!handlers[name]) continue; this[name]?.subscribe(handlers[name]); } } unsubscribe(handlers) { let done = true; for (const name of traceEvents) { if (!handlers[name]) continue; if (!this[name]?.unsubscribe(handlers[name])) { done = false; } } return done; } traceSync(fn, context = {}, thisArg, ...args) { if (!this.hasSubscribers) { return ReflectApply(fn, thisArg, args); } const { start, end, error } = this; return start.runStores(context, () => { try { const result = ReflectApply(fn, thisArg, args); context.result = result; return result; } catch (err) { context.error = err; error.publish(context); throw err; } finally { end.publish(context); } }); } tracePromise(fn, context = {}, thisArg, ...args) { if (!this.hasSubscribers) { return ReflectApply(fn, thisArg, args); } const { start, end, asyncStart, asyncEnd, error } = this; function reject(err) { context.error = err; error.publish(context); asyncStart.publish(context); // TODO: Is there a way to have asyncEnd _after_ the continuation? asyncEnd.publish(context); return PromiseReject(err); } function resolve(result) { context.result = result; asyncStart.publish(context); // TODO: Is there a way to have asyncEnd _after_ the continuation? asyncEnd.publish(context); return result; } return start.runStores(context, () => { try { let promise = ReflectApply(fn, thisArg, args); // Convert thenables to native promises if (!(promise instanceof Promise)) { promise = PromiseResolve(promise); } return PromisePrototypeThen(promise, resolve, reject); } catch (err) { context.error = err; error.publish(context); throw err; } finally { end.publish(context); } }); } traceCallback(fn, position = -1, context = {}, thisArg, ...args) { if (!this.hasSubscribers) { return ReflectApply(fn, thisArg, args); } const { start, end, asyncStart, asyncEnd, error } = this; function wrappedCallback(err, res) { if (err) { context.error = err; error.publish(context); } else { context.result = res; } // Using runStores here enables manual context failure recovery asyncStart.runStores(context, () => { try { return ReflectApply(callback, this, arguments); } finally { asyncEnd.publish(context); } }); } const callback = ArrayPrototypeAt(args, position); validateFunction(callback, "callback"); ArrayPrototypeSplice(args, position, 1, wrappedCallback); return start.runStores(context, () => { try { return ReflectApply(fn, thisArg, args); } catch (err) { context.error = err; error.publish(context); throw err; } finally { end.publish(context); } }); } } export function tracingChannel(nameOrChannels) { return new TracingChannel(nameOrChannels); } export default { channel, hasSubscribers, subscribe, tracingChannel, unsubscribe, Channel, };