declare_args() { # Absolute path of rust build files. rust_build = "//build_extra/rust/" } if (is_win) { executable_suffix = ".exe" } else { executable_suffix = "" } # The official way of building Rust executables is to to let rustc do the # linking. However, we'd prefer to leave it in the hands of gn/ninja: # * It allows us to use source sets. # * It allows us to use the bundled lld that Chromium and V8 use. # * We have more control over build flags. # * To sidestep rustc weirdness (e.g. on Windows, it always links with the # release C runtime library, even for debug builds). # # The `get_rust_ldflags` tool outputs the linker flags that are needed to # successfully link rustc object code into an executable. # We generate two sets of ldflags: # `rust_bin_ldflags`: Used for rust_executable targets. # `rust_test_ldflags`: Used for rust_test targets; includes the test harness. # # The tool works by compiling and linking something with rustc, and analyzing # the arguments it passes to the system linker. That's what is for. dummy_rs_path = rebase_path("", root_build_dir) rust_bin_ldflags = exec_script("", [ dummy_rs_path ], "list lines") rust_test_ldflags = exec_script("", [ dummy_rs_path, "--test", ], "list lines") template("run_rustc") { action(target_name) { assert(defined(invoker.source_root), "Must specify source_root") forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "cfg", "crate_name", "crate_type", "deps", "extern", "features", "is_test", "source_root", "testonly", ]) if (!defined(crate_name)) { crate_name = target_name } if (!defined(is_test)) { is_test = false } sources = [ source_root, ] outputs = [] script = "//tools/" # TODO: We want to apply "-Dwarnings" only when treat_warnings_as_errors is not false # args = [ rebase_path(source_root, root_build_dir), "--crate-name=$crate_name", "--crate-type=$crate_type", ] if (!is_win) { args += [ "--color=always" ] } if (crate_type == "staticlib") { output_file = "$target_out_dir/$crate_name.a" emit_type = "link" } else if (crate_type == "bin") { output_file = "$target_out_dir/$crate_name.o" emit_type = "obj" } else if (crate_type == "rlib") { output_file = "$target_out_dir/lib$crate_name.rlib" emit_type = "link" } outputs += [ output_file ] output_file_rel = rebase_path(output_file, root_build_dir) args += [ "--emit=$emit_type=$output_file_rel" ] depfile = "$target_out_dir/$crate_name.d" args += [ "--emit=dep-info=" + rebase_path(depfile, root_build_dir), # The following two args are used by to fix # the depfile on the fly. They are not passed thru to rustc. "--depfile=" + rebase_path(depfile, root_build_dir), "--output_file=" + output_file_rel, ] if (is_debug) { args += [ "-g" ] } if (is_official_build) { args += [ "-O" ] } if (is_test) { args += [ "--test" ] } if (defined(cfg)) { foreach(c, cfg) { args += [ "--cfg", c, ] } } if (defined(features)) { foreach(f, features) { args += [ "--cfg", "feature=\"" + f + "\"", ] } } if (defined(invoker.args)) { args += invoker.args } if (!defined(deps)) { deps = [] } if (defined(extern)) { deps += extern foreach(label, extern) { name = get_label_info(label, "name") dir = get_label_info(label, "target_out_dir") rlib = "$dir/lib$name.rlib" args += [ "--extern", "$name=" + rebase_path(rlib, root_build_dir), ] # This is needed for transitive dependencies. args += [ "-L", "dependency=" + rebase_path(dir, root_build_dir), ] } } } } template("rust_component") { rustc_name = target_name + "_rustc" rustc_label = ":" + rustc_name crate_name = target_name run_rustc(rustc_name) { forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "args", "cfg", "crate_name", "crate_type", "deps", "extern", "features", "is_test", "source_root", "testonly", ]) if (!defined(invoker.crate_type)) { crate_type = "rlib" } } crate_outputs = get_target_outputs(rustc_label) crate_obj = crate_outputs[0] component(target_name) { forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "deps", "libs", "testonly", ]) if (!defined(deps)) { deps = [] } if (!defined(libs)) { libs = [] } libs += [ crate_obj ] deps += [ rustc_label ] } } template("rust_staticlib") { rust_component(target_name) { forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "cfg", "crate_name", "extern", "features", "source_root", "testonly", ]) crate_type = "staticlib" } } template("rust_executable") { bin_name = target_name + "_bin" bin_label = ":" + bin_name rust_component(bin_name) { crate_type = "bin" forward_variables_from(invoker, "*") } executable(target_name) { forward_variables_from(invoker, "*") if (defined(is_test) && is_test) { ldflags = rust_test_ldflags } else { ldflags = rust_bin_ldflags } if (!defined(deps)) { deps = [] } deps += [ bin_label ] if (defined(extern)) { deps += extern } } } template("rust_test") { rust_executable(target_name) { forward_variables_from(invoker, "*") is_test = true testonly = true } }