// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use std::collections::HashSet; use std::collections::VecDeque; use std::fmt::Write; use std::path::Path; use std::path::PathBuf; use deno_core::anyhow::Context; use deno_core::ModuleSpecifier; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use deno_core::error::AnyError; use crate::resolution::NodeResolverRc; use crate::NodeModuleKind; use crate::NodePermissions; use crate::NodeResolutionMode; use crate::NpmResolverRc; use crate::PackageJson; use crate::PathClean; use crate::NODE_GLOBAL_THIS_NAME; static NODE_GLOBALS: &[&str] = &[ "Buffer", "clearImmediate", "clearInterval", "clearTimeout", "console", "global", "process", "setImmediate", "setInterval", "setTimeout", "performance", ]; #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct CjsAnalysis { pub exports: Vec, pub reexports: Vec, } /// Code analyzer for CJS and ESM files. pub trait CjsEsmCodeAnalyzer { /// Analyzes CommonJs code for exports and reexports, which is /// then used to determine the wrapper ESM module exports. fn analyze_cjs( &self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, source: &str, ) -> Result; /// Analyzes ESM code for top level declarations. This is used /// to help inform injecting node specific globals into Node ESM /// code. For example, if a top level `setTimeout` function exists /// then we don't want to inject a `setTimeout` declaration. /// /// Note: This will go away in the future once we do this all in v8. fn analyze_esm_top_level_decls( &self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, source: &str, ) -> Result, AnyError>; } pub struct NodeCodeTranslator { cjs_esm_code_analyzer: TCjsEsmCodeAnalyzer, fs: deno_fs::FileSystemRc, node_resolver: NodeResolverRc, npm_resolver: NpmResolverRc, } impl NodeCodeTranslator { pub fn new( cjs_esm_code_analyzer: TCjsEsmCodeAnalyzer, fs: deno_fs::FileSystemRc, node_resolver: NodeResolverRc, npm_resolver: NpmResolverRc, ) -> Self { Self { cjs_esm_code_analyzer, fs, node_resolver, npm_resolver, } } /// Resolves the code to be used when executing Node specific ESM code. /// /// Note: This will go away in the future once we do this all in v8. pub fn esm_code_with_node_globals( &self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, source: &str, ) -> Result { let top_level_decls = self .cjs_esm_code_analyzer .analyze_esm_top_level_decls(specifier, source)?; Ok(esm_code_from_top_level_decls(source, &top_level_decls)) } /// Translates given CJS module into ESM. This function will perform static /// analysis on the file to find defined exports and reexports. /// /// For all discovered reexports the analysis will be performed recursively. /// /// If successful a source code for equivalent ES module is returned. pub fn translate_cjs_to_esm( &self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, source: &str, permissions: &dyn NodePermissions, ) -> Result { let mut temp_var_count = 0; let mut handled_reexports: HashSet = HashSet::default(); let analysis = self.cjs_esm_code_analyzer.analyze_cjs(specifier, source)?; let mut source = vec![ r#"import {createRequire as __internalCreateRequire} from "node:module"; const require = __internalCreateRequire(import.meta.url);"# .to_string(), ]; let mut all_exports = analysis .exports .iter() .map(|s| s.to_string()) .collect::>(); // (request, referrer) let mut reexports_to_handle = VecDeque::new(); for reexport in analysis.reexports { reexports_to_handle.push_back((reexport, specifier.clone())); } while let Some((reexport, referrer)) = reexports_to_handle.pop_front() { if handled_reexports.contains(&reexport) { continue; } handled_reexports.insert(reexport.to_string()); // First, resolve relate reexport specifier let resolved_reexport = self.resolve( &reexport, &referrer, // FIXME(bartlomieju): check if these conditions are okay, probably // should be `deno-require`, because `deno` is already used in `esm_resolver.rs` &["deno", "require", "default"], NodeResolutionMode::Execution, permissions, )?; // Second, read the source code from disk let reexport_specifier = ModuleSpecifier::from_file_path(&resolved_reexport).unwrap(); let reexport_file_text = self .fs .read_to_string(&resolved_reexport) .map_err(AnyError::from) .with_context(|| { format!( "Could not find '{}' ({}) referenced from {}", reexport, reexport_specifier, referrer ) })?; { let analysis = self .cjs_esm_code_analyzer .analyze_cjs(&reexport_specifier, &reexport_file_text)?; for reexport in analysis.reexports { reexports_to_handle.push_back((reexport, reexport_specifier.clone())); } all_exports.extend( analysis .exports .into_iter() .filter(|e| e.as_str() != "default"), ); } } source.push(format!( "const mod = require(\"{}\");", specifier .to_file_path() .unwrap() .to_str() .unwrap() .replace('\\', "\\\\") .replace('\'', "\\\'") .replace('\"', "\\\"") )); for export in &all_exports { if export.as_str() != "default" { add_export( &mut source, export, &format!("mod[\"{export}\"]"), &mut temp_var_count, ); } } source.push("export default mod;".to_string()); let translated_source = source.join("\n"); Ok(translated_source) } fn resolve( &self, specifier: &str, referrer: &ModuleSpecifier, conditions: &[&str], mode: NodeResolutionMode, permissions: &dyn NodePermissions, ) -> Result { if specifier.starts_with('/') { todo!(); } let referrer_path = referrer.to_file_path().unwrap(); if specifier.starts_with("./") || specifier.starts_with("../") { if let Some(parent) = referrer_path.parent() { return self .file_extension_probe(parent.join(specifier), &referrer_path); } else { todo!(); } } // We've got a bare specifier or maybe bare_specifier/blah.js" let (package_specifier, package_subpath) = parse_specifier(specifier).unwrap(); // todo(dsherret): use not_found error on not found here let module_dir = self.npm_resolver.resolve_package_folder_from_package( package_specifier.as_str(), referrer, mode, )?; let package_json_path = module_dir.join("package.json"); if self.fs.exists(&package_json_path) { let package_json = PackageJson::load( &*self.fs, &*self.npm_resolver, permissions, package_json_path.clone(), )?; if let Some(exports) = &package_json.exports { return self.node_resolver.package_exports_resolve( &package_json_path, package_subpath, exports, referrer, NodeModuleKind::Esm, conditions, mode, permissions, ); } // old school if package_subpath != "." { let d = module_dir.join(package_subpath); if self.fs.is_dir(&d) { // subdir might have a package.json that specifies the entrypoint let package_json_path = d.join("package.json"); if self.fs.exists(&package_json_path) { let package_json = PackageJson::load( &*self.fs, &*self.npm_resolver, permissions, package_json_path, )?; if let Some(main) = package_json.main(NodeModuleKind::Cjs) { return Ok(d.join(main).clean()); } } return Ok(d.join("index.js").clean()); } return self.file_extension_probe(d, &referrer_path); } else if let Some(main) = package_json.main(NodeModuleKind::Cjs) { return Ok(module_dir.join(main).clean()); } else { return Ok(module_dir.join("index.js").clean()); } } Err(not_found(specifier, &referrer_path)) } fn file_extension_probe( &self, p: PathBuf, referrer: &Path, ) -> Result { let p = p.clean(); if self.fs.exists(&p) { let file_name = p.file_name().unwrap(); let p_js = p.with_file_name(format!("{}.js", file_name.to_str().unwrap())); if self.fs.is_file(&p_js) { return Ok(p_js); } else if self.fs.is_dir(&p) { return Ok(p.join("index.js")); } else { return Ok(p); } } else if let Some(file_name) = p.file_name() { let p_js = p.with_file_name(format!("{}.js", file_name.to_str().unwrap())); if self.fs.is_file(&p_js) { return Ok(p_js); } } Err(not_found(&p.to_string_lossy(), referrer)) } } fn esm_code_from_top_level_decls( file_text: &str, top_level_decls: &HashSet, ) -> String { let mut globals = Vec::with_capacity(NODE_GLOBALS.len()); let has_global_this = top_level_decls.contains("globalThis"); for global in NODE_GLOBALS.iter() { if !top_level_decls.contains(&global.to_string()) { globals.push(*global); } } let mut result = String::new(); let global_this_expr = NODE_GLOBAL_THIS_NAME; let global_this_expr = if has_global_this { global_this_expr } else { write!(result, "var globalThis = {global_this_expr};").unwrap(); "globalThis" }; for global in globals { write!(result, "var {global} = {global_this_expr}.{global};").unwrap(); } // strip the shebang let file_text = if file_text.starts_with("#!/") { let start_index = file_text.find('\n').unwrap_or(file_text.len()); &file_text[start_index..] } else { file_text }; result.push_str(file_text); result } static RESERVED_WORDS: Lazy> = Lazy::new(|| { HashSet::from([ "abstract", "arguments", "async", "await", "boolean", "break", "byte", "case", "catch", "char", "class", "const", "continue", "debugger", "default", "delete", "do", "double", "else", "enum", "eval", "export", "extends", "false", "final", "finally", "float", "for", "function", "get", "goto", "if", "implements", "import", "in", "instanceof", "int", "interface", "let", "long", "native", "new", "null", "package", "private", "protected", "public", "return", "set", "short", "static", "super", "switch", "synchronized", "this", "throw", "throws", "transient", "true", "try", "typeof", "var", "void", "volatile", "while", "with", "yield", ]) }); fn add_export( source: &mut Vec, name: &str, initializer: &str, temp_var_count: &mut usize, ) { fn is_valid_var_decl(name: &str) -> bool { // it's ok to be super strict here name .chars() .all(|c| c.is_ascii_alphanumeric() || c == '_' || c == '$') } // TODO(bartlomieju): Node actually checks if a given export exists in `exports` object, // but it might not be necessary here since our analysis is more detailed? if RESERVED_WORDS.contains(name) || !is_valid_var_decl(name) { *temp_var_count += 1; // we can't create an identifier with a reserved word or invalid identifier name, // so assign it to a temporary variable that won't have a conflict, then re-export // it as a string source.push(format!( "const __deno_export_{temp_var_count}__ = {initializer};" )); source.push(format!( "export {{ __deno_export_{temp_var_count}__ as \"{name}\" }};" )); } else { source.push(format!("export const {name} = {initializer};")); } } fn parse_specifier(specifier: &str) -> Option<(String, String)> { let mut separator_index = specifier.find('/'); let mut valid_package_name = true; // let mut is_scoped = false; if specifier.is_empty() { valid_package_name = false; } else if specifier.starts_with('@') { // is_scoped = true; if let Some(index) = separator_index { separator_index = specifier[index + 1..].find('/').map(|i| i + index + 1); } else { valid_package_name = false; } } let package_name = if let Some(index) = separator_index { specifier[0..index].to_string() } else { specifier.to_string() }; // Package name cannot have leading . and cannot have percent-encoding or separators. for ch in package_name.chars() { if ch == '%' || ch == '\\' { valid_package_name = false; break; } } if !valid_package_name { return None; } let package_subpath = if let Some(index) = separator_index { format!(".{}", specifier.chars().skip(index).collect::()) } else { ".".to_string() }; Some((package_name, package_subpath)) } fn not_found(path: &str, referrer: &Path) -> AnyError { let msg = format!( "[ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND] Cannot find module \"{}\" imported from \"{}\"", path, referrer.to_string_lossy() ); std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound, msg).into() } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn test_esm_code_with_node_globals() { let r = esm_code_from_top_level_decls( "export const x = 1;", &HashSet::from(["x".to_string()]), ); assert!( r.contains(&format!("var globalThis = {};", NODE_GLOBAL_THIS_NAME,)) ); assert!(r.contains("var process = globalThis.process;")); assert!(r.contains("export const x = 1;")); } #[test] fn test_esm_code_with_node_globals_with_shebang() { let r = esm_code_from_top_level_decls( "#!/usr/bin/env node\nexport const x = 1;", &HashSet::from(["x".to_string()]), ); assert_eq!( r, format!( concat!( "var globalThis = {}", ";var Buffer = globalThis.Buffer;", "var clearImmediate = globalThis.clearImmediate;var clearInterval = globalThis.clearInterval;", "var clearTimeout = globalThis.clearTimeout;var console = globalThis.console;", "var global = globalThis.global;var process = globalThis.process;", "var setImmediate = globalThis.setImmediate;var setInterval = globalThis.setInterval;", "var setTimeout = globalThis.setTimeout;var performance = globalThis.performance;\n", "export const x = 1;" ), NODE_GLOBAL_THIS_NAME, ) ); } #[test] fn test_add_export() { let mut temp_var_count = 0; let mut source = vec![]; let exports = vec!["static", "server", "app", "dashed-export"]; for export in exports { add_export(&mut source, export, "init", &mut temp_var_count); } assert_eq!( source, vec![ "const __deno_export_1__ = init;".to_string(), "export { __deno_export_1__ as \"static\" };".to_string(), "export const server = init;".to_string(), "export const app = init;".to_string(), "const __deno_export_2__ = init;".to_string(), "export { __deno_export_2__ as \"dashed-export\" };".to_string(), ] ) } #[test] fn test_parse_specifier() { assert_eq!( parse_specifier("@some-package/core/actions"), Some(("@some-package/core".to_string(), "./actions".to_string())) ); } }