// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. ((window) => { const { setIsTrusted } = window.__bootstrap.event; const add = Symbol("add"); const signalAbort = Symbol("signalAbort"); const remove = Symbol("remove"); const illegalConstructorKey = Symbol("illegalConstructorKey"); class AbortSignal extends EventTarget { #aborted = false; #abortAlgorithms = new Set(); [add](algorithm) { this.#abortAlgorithms.add(algorithm); } [signalAbort]() { if (this.#aborted) { return; } this.#aborted = true; for (const algorithm of this.#abortAlgorithms) { algorithm(); } this.#abortAlgorithms.clear(); const event = new Event("abort"); setIsTrusted(event, true); this.dispatchEvent(event); } [remove](algorithm) { this.#abortAlgorithms.delete(algorithm); } constructor(key = null) { if (key != illegalConstructorKey) { throw new TypeError("Illegal constructor."); } super(); } get aborted() { return Boolean(this.#aborted); } get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { return "AbortSignal"; } } defineEventHandler(AbortSignal.prototype, "abort"); class AbortController { #signal = new AbortSignal(illegalConstructorKey); get signal() { return this.#signal; } abort() { this.#signal[signalAbort](); } get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { return "AbortController"; } } const handlerSymbol = Symbol("eventHandlers"); function makeWrappedHandler(handler) { function wrappedHandler(...args) { if (typeof wrappedHandler.handler !== "function") { return; } return wrappedHandler.handler.call(this, ...args); } wrappedHandler.handler = handler; return wrappedHandler; } // TODO(benjamingr) reuse this here and websocket where possible function defineEventHandler(emitter, name) { // HTML specification section Object.defineProperty(emitter, `on${name}`, { get() { return this[handlerSymbol]?.get(name)?.handler; }, set(value) { if (!this[handlerSymbol]) { this[handlerSymbol] = new Map(); } let handlerWrapper = this[handlerSymbol]?.get(name); if (handlerWrapper) { handlerWrapper.handler = value; } else { handlerWrapper = makeWrappedHandler(value); this.addEventListener(name, handlerWrapper); } this[handlerSymbol].set(name, handlerWrapper); }, configurable: true, enumerable: true, }); } window.AbortSignal = AbortSignal; window.AbortController = AbortController; window.__bootstrap = window.__bootstrap || {}; window.__bootstrap.abortSignal = { add, signalAbort, remove, }; })(this);