// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. // @ts-check /// /// /// /// "use strict"; ((window) => { const core = Deno.core; const ops = core.ops; const { ArrayPrototypeJoin, ArrayPrototypeMap, Error, JSONStringify, NumberPrototypeToString, RegExp, SafeArrayIterator, String, StringPrototypeCharAt, StringPrototypeCharCodeAt, StringPrototypeMatch, StringPrototypePadStart, StringPrototypeReplace, StringPrototypeSlice, StringPrototypeSubstring, StringPrototypeToLowerCase, StringPrototypeToUpperCase, TypeError, } = window.__bootstrap.primordials; const ASCII_DIGIT = ["\u0030-\u0039"]; const ASCII_UPPER_ALPHA = ["\u0041-\u005A"]; const ASCII_LOWER_ALPHA = ["\u0061-\u007A"]; const ASCII_ALPHA = [ ...new SafeArrayIterator(ASCII_UPPER_ALPHA), ...new SafeArrayIterator(ASCII_LOWER_ALPHA), ]; const ASCII_ALPHANUMERIC = [ ...new SafeArrayIterator(ASCII_DIGIT), ...new SafeArrayIterator(ASCII_ALPHA), ]; const HTTP_TAB_OR_SPACE = ["\u0009", "\u0020"]; const HTTP_WHITESPACE = [ "\u000A", "\u000D", ...new SafeArrayIterator(HTTP_TAB_OR_SPACE), ]; const HTTP_TOKEN_CODE_POINT = [ "\u0021", "\u0023", "\u0024", "\u0025", "\u0026", "\u0027", "\u002A", "\u002B", "\u002D", "\u002E", "\u005E", "\u005F", "\u0060", "\u007C", "\u007E", ...new SafeArrayIterator(ASCII_ALPHANUMERIC), ]; const HTTP_TOKEN_CODE_POINT_RE = new RegExp( `^[${regexMatcher(HTTP_TOKEN_CODE_POINT)}]+$`, ); const HTTP_QUOTED_STRING_TOKEN_POINT = [ "\u0009", "\u0020-\u007E", "\u0080-\u00FF", ]; const HTTP_QUOTED_STRING_TOKEN_POINT_RE = new RegExp( `^[${regexMatcher(HTTP_QUOTED_STRING_TOKEN_POINT)}]+$`, ); const HTTP_TAB_OR_SPACE_MATCHER = regexMatcher(HTTP_TAB_OR_SPACE); const HTTP_TAB_OR_SPACE_PREFIX_RE = new RegExp( `^[${HTTP_TAB_OR_SPACE_MATCHER}]+`, "g", ); const HTTP_TAB_OR_SPACE_SUFFIX_RE = new RegExp( `[${HTTP_TAB_OR_SPACE_MATCHER}]+$`, "g", ); const HTTP_WHITESPACE_MATCHER = regexMatcher(HTTP_WHITESPACE); const HTTP_BETWEEN_WHITESPACE = new RegExp( `^[${HTTP_WHITESPACE_MATCHER}]*(.*?)[${HTTP_WHITESPACE_MATCHER}]*$`, ); const HTTP_WHITESPACE_PREFIX_RE = new RegExp( `^[${HTTP_WHITESPACE_MATCHER}]+`, "g", ); const HTTP_WHITESPACE_SUFFIX_RE = new RegExp( `[${HTTP_WHITESPACE_MATCHER}]+$`, "g", ); /** * Turn a string of chars into a regex safe matcher. * @param {string[]} chars * @returns {string} */ function regexMatcher(chars) { const matchers = ArrayPrototypeMap(chars, (char) => { if (char.length === 1) { const a = StringPrototypePadStart( NumberPrototypeToString(StringPrototypeCharCodeAt(char, 0), 16), 4, "0", ); return `\\u${a}`; } else if (char.length === 3 && char[1] === "-") { const a = StringPrototypePadStart( NumberPrototypeToString(StringPrototypeCharCodeAt(char, 0), 16), 4, "0", ); const b = StringPrototypePadStart( NumberPrototypeToString(StringPrototypeCharCodeAt(char, 2), 16), 4, "0", ); return `\\u${a}-\\u${b}`; } else { throw TypeError("unreachable"); } }); return ArrayPrototypeJoin(matchers, ""); } /** * https://infra.spec.whatwg.org/#collect-a-sequence-of-code-points * @param {string} input * @param {number} position * @param {(char: string) => boolean} condition * @returns {{result: string, position: number}} */ function collectSequenceOfCodepoints(input, position, condition) { const start = position; for ( let c = StringPrototypeCharAt(input, position); position < input.length && condition(c); c = StringPrototypeCharAt(input, ++position) ); return { result: StringPrototypeSlice(input, start, position), position }; } /** * @param {string} s * @returns {string} */ function byteUpperCase(s) { return StringPrototypeReplace( String(s), /[a-z]/g, function byteUpperCaseReplace(c) { return StringPrototypeToUpperCase(c); }, ); } /** * @param {string} s * @returns {string} */ function byteLowerCase(s) { // NOTE: correct since all callers convert to ByteString first // TODO(@AaronO): maybe prefer a ByteString_Lower webidl converter return StringPrototypeToLowerCase(s); } /** * https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#collect-an-http-quoted-string * @param {string} input * @param {number} position * @param {boolean} extractValue * @returns {{result: string, position: number}} */ function collectHttpQuotedString(input, position, extractValue) { // 1. const positionStart = position; // 2. let value = ""; // 3. if (input[position] !== "\u0022") throw new TypeError('must be "'); // 4. position++; // 5. while (true) { // 5.1. const res = collectSequenceOfCodepoints( input, position, (c) => c !== "\u0022" && c !== "\u005C", ); value += res.result; position = res.position; // 5.2. if (position >= input.length) break; // 5.3. const quoteOrBackslash = input[position]; // 5.4. position++; // 5.5. if (quoteOrBackslash === "\u005C") { // 5.5.1. if (position >= input.length) { value += "\u005C"; break; } // 5.5.2. value += input[position]; // 5.5.3. position++; } else { // 5.6. // 5.6.1 if (quoteOrBackslash !== "\u0022") throw new TypeError('must be "'); // 5.6.2 break; } } // 6. if (extractValue) return { result: value, position }; // 7. return { result: StringPrototypeSubstring(input, positionStart, position + 1), position, }; } /** * @param {Uint8Array} data * @returns {string} */ function forgivingBase64Encode(data) { return ops.op_base64_encode(data); } /** * @param {string} data * @returns {Uint8Array} */ function forgivingBase64Decode(data) { return ops.op_base64_decode(data); } /** * @param {string} char * @returns {boolean} */ function isHttpWhitespace(char) { switch (char) { case "\u0009": case "\u000A": case "\u000D": case "\u0020": return true; default: return false; } } /** * @param {string} s * @returns {string} */ function httpTrim(s) { if (!isHttpWhitespace(s[0]) && !isHttpWhitespace(s[s.length - 1])) { return s; } return StringPrototypeMatch(s, HTTP_BETWEEN_WHITESPACE)?.[1] ?? ""; } class AssertionError extends Error { constructor(msg) { super(msg); this.name = "AssertionError"; } } /** * @param {unknown} cond * @param {string=} msg * @returns {asserts cond} */ function assert(cond, msg = "Assertion failed.") { if (!cond) { throw new AssertionError(msg); } } /** * @param {unknown} value * @returns {string} */ function serializeJSValueToJSONString(value) { const result = JSONStringify(value); if (result === undefined) { throw new TypeError("Value is not JSON serializable."); } return result; } window.__bootstrap.infra = { collectSequenceOfCodepoints, ASCII_DIGIT, ASCII_UPPER_ALPHA, ASCII_LOWER_ALPHA, ASCII_ALPHA, ASCII_ALPHANUMERIC, HTTP_TAB_OR_SPACE, HTTP_WHITESPACE, HTTP_TOKEN_CODE_POINT, HTTP_TOKEN_CODE_POINT_RE, HTTP_QUOTED_STRING_TOKEN_POINT, HTTP_QUOTED_STRING_TOKEN_POINT_RE, HTTP_TAB_OR_SPACE_PREFIX_RE, HTTP_TAB_OR_SPACE_SUFFIX_RE, HTTP_WHITESPACE_PREFIX_RE, HTTP_WHITESPACE_SUFFIX_RE, httpTrim, regexMatcher, byteUpperCase, byteLowerCase, collectHttpQuotedString, forgivingBase64Encode, forgivingBase64Decode, AssertionError, assert, serializeJSValueToJSONString, }; })(globalThis);