// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. ((window) => { const { opNow } = window.__bootstrap.timers; const { cloneValue, illegalConstructorKey } = window.__bootstrap.webUtil; const customInspect = Symbol.for("Deno.customInspect"); let performanceEntries = []; function findMostRecent( name, type, ) { return performanceEntries .slice() .reverse() .find((entry) => entry.name === name && entry.entryType === type); } function convertMarkToTimestamp(mark) { if (typeof mark === "string") { const entry = findMostRecent(mark, "mark"); if (!entry) { throw new SyntaxError(`Cannot find mark: "${mark}".`); } return entry.startTime; } if (mark < 0) { throw new TypeError("Mark cannot be negative."); } return mark; } function filterByNameType( name, type, ) { return performanceEntries.filter( (entry) => (name ? entry.name === name : true) && (type ? entry.entryType === type : true), ); } function now() { return opNow(); } class PerformanceEntry { #name = ""; #entryType = ""; #startTime = 0; #duration = 0; get name() { return this.#name; } get entryType() { return this.#entryType; } get startTime() { return this.#startTime; } get duration() { return this.#duration; } constructor( name = null, entryType = null, startTime = null, duration = null, key = null, ) { if (key != illegalConstructorKey) { throw new TypeError("Illegal constructor."); } this.#name = name; this.#entryType = entryType; this.#startTime = startTime; this.#duration = duration; } toJSON() { return { name: this.#name, entryType: this.#entryType, startTime: this.#startTime, duration: this.#duration, }; } [customInspect]() { return `${this.constructor.name} { name: "${this.name}", entryType: "${this.entryType}", startTime: ${this.startTime}, duration: ${this.duration} }`; } } class PerformanceMark extends PerformanceEntry { [Symbol.toStringTag] = "PerformanceMark"; #detail = null; get detail() { return this.#detail; } get entryType() { return "mark"; } constructor( name, options = {}, ) { if (typeof options !== "object") { throw new TypeError("Invalid options"); } const { detail = null, startTime = now() } = options; super(name, "mark", startTime, 0, illegalConstructorKey); if (startTime < 0) { throw new TypeError("startTime cannot be negative"); } this.#detail = cloneValue(detail); } toJSON() { return { name: this.name, entryType: this.entryType, startTime: this.startTime, duration: this.duration, detail: this.detail, }; } [customInspect]() { return this.detail ? `${this.constructor.name} {\n detail: ${ JSON.stringify(this.detail, null, 2) },\n name: "${this.name}",\n entryType: "${this.entryType}",\n startTime: ${this.startTime},\n duration: ${this.duration}\n}` : `${this.constructor.name} { detail: ${this.detail}, name: "${this.name}", entryType: "${this.entryType}", startTime: ${this.startTime}, duration: ${this.duration} }`; } } class PerformanceMeasure extends PerformanceEntry { [Symbol.toStringTag] = "PerformanceMeasure"; #detail = null; get detail() { return this.#detail; } get entryType() { return "measure"; } constructor( name, startTime, duration, detail = null, key, ) { if (key != illegalConstructorKey) { throw new TypeError("Illegal constructor."); } super(name, "measure", startTime, duration, illegalConstructorKey); this.#detail = cloneValue(detail); } toJSON() { return { name: this.name, entryType: this.entryType, startTime: this.startTime, duration: this.duration, detail: this.detail, }; } [customInspect]() { return this.detail ? `${this.constructor.name} {\n detail: ${ JSON.stringify(this.detail, null, 2) },\n name: "${this.name}",\n entryType: "${this.entryType}",\n startTime: ${this.startTime},\n duration: ${this.duration}\n}` : `${this.constructor.name} { detail: ${this.detail}, name: "${this.name}", entryType: "${this.entryType}", startTime: ${this.startTime}, duration: ${this.duration} }`; } } class Performance { constructor(key = null) { if (key != illegalConstructorKey) { throw new TypeError("Illegal constructor."); } } clearMarks(markName) { if (markName == null) { performanceEntries = performanceEntries.filter( (entry) => entry.entryType !== "mark", ); } else { performanceEntries = performanceEntries.filter( (entry) => !(entry.name === markName && entry.entryType === "mark"), ); } } clearMeasures(measureName) { if (measureName == null) { performanceEntries = performanceEntries.filter( (entry) => entry.entryType !== "measure", ); } else { performanceEntries = performanceEntries.filter( (entry) => !(entry.name === measureName && entry.entryType === "measure"), ); } } getEntries() { return filterByNameType(); } getEntriesByName( name, type, ) { return filterByNameType(name, type); } getEntriesByType(type) { return filterByNameType(undefined, type); } mark( markName, options = {}, ) { // If the global object is a Window object and markName uses the // same name as a read only attribute in the PerformanceTiming interface, // throw a SyntaxError. - not implemented const entry = new PerformanceMark(markName, options); // Queue entry - not implemented performanceEntries.push(entry); return entry; } measure( measureName, startOrMeasureOptions = {}, endMark, ) { if ( startOrMeasureOptions && typeof startOrMeasureOptions === "object" && Object.keys(startOrMeasureOptions).length > 0 ) { if (endMark) { throw new TypeError("Options cannot be passed with endMark."); } if ( !("start" in startOrMeasureOptions) && !("end" in startOrMeasureOptions) ) { throw new TypeError( "A start or end mark must be supplied in options.", ); } if ( "start" in startOrMeasureOptions && "duration" in startOrMeasureOptions && "end" in startOrMeasureOptions ) { throw new TypeError( "Cannot specify start, end, and duration together in options.", ); } } let endTime; if (endMark) { endTime = convertMarkToTimestamp(endMark); } else if ( typeof startOrMeasureOptions === "object" && "end" in startOrMeasureOptions ) { endTime = convertMarkToTimestamp(startOrMeasureOptions.end); } else if ( typeof startOrMeasureOptions === "object" && "start" in startOrMeasureOptions && "duration" in startOrMeasureOptions ) { const start = convertMarkToTimestamp(startOrMeasureOptions.start); const duration = convertMarkToTimestamp(startOrMeasureOptions.duration); endTime = start + duration; } else { endTime = now(); } let startTime; if ( typeof startOrMeasureOptions === "object" && "start" in startOrMeasureOptions ) { startTime = convertMarkToTimestamp(startOrMeasureOptions.start); } else if ( typeof startOrMeasureOptions === "object" && "end" in startOrMeasureOptions && "duration" in startOrMeasureOptions ) { const end = convertMarkToTimestamp(startOrMeasureOptions.end); const duration = convertMarkToTimestamp(startOrMeasureOptions.duration); startTime = end - duration; } else if (typeof startOrMeasureOptions === "string") { startTime = convertMarkToTimestamp(startOrMeasureOptions); } else { startTime = 0; } const entry = new PerformanceMeasure( measureName, startTime, endTime - startTime, typeof startOrMeasureOptions === "object" ? startOrMeasureOptions.detail ?? null : null, illegalConstructorKey, ); performanceEntries.push(entry); return entry; } now() { return now(); } } const performance = new Performance(illegalConstructorKey); window.__bootstrap.performance = { PerformanceEntry, PerformanceMark, PerformanceMeasure, Performance, performance, }; })(this);