// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { dirname, fromFileUrl, join, resolve, toFileUrl, } from "../test_util/std/path/mod.ts"; export { dirname, fromFileUrl, join, resolve, toFileUrl }; export { existsSync, walk } from "../test_util/std/fs/mod.ts"; export { readLines } from "../test_util/std/io/mod.ts"; export { delay } from "../test_util/std/async/delay.ts"; export const ROOT_PATH = dirname(dirname(fromFileUrl(import.meta.url))); async function getFilesFromGit(baseDir, cmd) { const p = Deno.run({ cmd, stdout: "piped", }); const output = new TextDecoder().decode(await p.output()); const { success } = await p.status(); if (!success) { throw new Error("gitLsFiles failed"); } p.close(); const files = output.split("\0").filter((line) => line.length > 0).map( (filePath) => { return Deno.realPathSync(join(baseDir, filePath)); }, ); return files; } function gitLsFiles(baseDir, patterns) { baseDir = Deno.realPathSync(baseDir); const cmd = [ "git", "-C", baseDir, "ls-files", "-z", "--exclude-standard", "--cached", "--modified", "--others", "--", ...patterns, ]; return getFilesFromGit(baseDir, cmd); } /** List all files staged for commit */ function gitStaged(baseDir, patterns) { baseDir = Deno.realPathSync(baseDir); const cmd = [ "git", "-C", baseDir, "diff", "--staged", "--diff-filter=ACMR", "--name-only", "-z", "--", ...patterns, ]; return getFilesFromGit(baseDir, cmd); } /** * Recursively list all files in (a subdirectory of) a git worktree. * * Optionally, glob patterns may be specified to e.g. only list files with a * certain extension. * * Untracked files are included, unless they're listed in .gitignore. * * Directory names themselves are not listed (but the files inside are). * * Submodules and their contents are ignored entirely. * * This function fails if the query matches no files. * * If --staged argument was provided when program is run * only staged sources will be returned. */ export async function getSources(baseDir, patterns) { const stagedOnly = Deno.args.includes("--staged"); if (stagedOnly) { return await gitStaged(baseDir, patterns); } else { return await gitLsFiles(baseDir, patterns); } } export function buildMode() { if (Deno.args.includes("--release")) { return "release"; } return "debug"; } export function buildPath() { return join(ROOT_PATH, "target", buildMode()); } export function getPrebuiltToolPath(toolName) { const PREBUILT_PATH = join(ROOT_PATH, "third_party", "prebuilt"); const platformDirName = { "windows": "win", "darwin": "mac", "linux": "linux64", }[Deno.build.os]; const executableSuffix = Deno.build.os === "windows" ? ".exe" : ""; return join(PREBUILT_PATH, platformDirName, toolName + executableSuffix); }