// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. // deno-lint-ignore-file no-window-prefix import { assert } from "./test_util.ts"; Deno.test(function globalThisExists() { assert(globalThis != null); }); Deno.test(function noInternalGlobals() { // globalThis.__bootstrap should not be there. for (const key of Object.keys(globalThis)) { assert(!key.startsWith("_")); } }); Deno.test(function windowExists() { assert(window != null); }); Deno.test(function selfExists() { assert(self != null); }); Deno.test(function windowWindowExists() { assert(window.window === window); }); Deno.test(function windowSelfExists() { assert(window.self === window); }); Deno.test(function globalThisEqualsWindow() { assert(globalThis === window); }); Deno.test(function globalThisEqualsSelf() { assert(globalThis === self); }); Deno.test(function globalThisInstanceofWindow() { assert(globalThis instanceof Window); }); Deno.test(function globalThisConstructorLength() { assert(globalThis.constructor.length === 0); }); Deno.test(function globalThisInstanceofEventTarget() { assert(globalThis instanceof EventTarget); }); Deno.test(function navigatorInstanceofNavigator() { // TODO(nayeemrmn): Add `Navigator` to deno_lint globals. // deno-lint-ignore no-undef assert(navigator instanceof Navigator); }); Deno.test(function DenoNamespaceExists() { assert(Deno != null); }); Deno.test(function DenoNamespaceEqualsWindowDeno() { assert(Deno === window.Deno); }); Deno.test(function DenoNamespaceIsNotFrozen() { assert(!Object.isFrozen(Deno)); }); Deno.test(function webAssemblyExists() { assert(typeof WebAssembly.compile === "function"); }); declare global { namespace Deno { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any, no-var var core: any; } } Deno.test(function DenoNamespaceConfigurable() { const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(globalThis, "Deno"); assert(desc); assert(desc.configurable); assert(!desc.writable); }); Deno.test(function DenoCoreNamespaceIsImmutable() { const { print } = Deno.core; try { Deno.core.print = 1; } catch { // pass } assert(print === Deno.core.print); try { delete Deno.core.print; } catch { // pass } assert(print === Deno.core.print); }); Deno.test(async function windowQueueMicrotask() { let resolve1: () => void | undefined; let resolve2: () => void | undefined; let microtaskDone = false; const p1 = new Promise((res) => { resolve1 = () => { microtaskDone = true; res(); }; }); const p2 = new Promise((res) => { resolve2 = () => { assert(microtaskDone); res(); }; }); window.queueMicrotask(resolve1!); setTimeout(resolve2!, 0); await p1; await p2; }); Deno.test(function webApiGlobalThis() { assert(globalThis.FormData !== null); assert(globalThis.TextEncoder !== null); assert(globalThis.TextEncoderStream !== null); assert(globalThis.TextDecoder !== null); assert(globalThis.TextDecoderStream !== null); assert(globalThis.CountQueuingStrategy !== null); assert(globalThis.ByteLengthQueuingStrategy !== null); });