// Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { BufReader, EOF, UnexpectedEOFError } from "./bufio.ts"; type Reader = Deno.Reader; type Writer = Deno.Writer; import { assert } from "../testing/asserts.ts"; /** copy N size at the most. * If read size is lesser than N, then returns nread * */ export async function copyN( dest: Writer, r: Reader, size: number ): Promise { let bytesRead = 0; let buf = new Uint8Array(1024); while (bytesRead < size) { if (size - bytesRead < 1024) { buf = new Uint8Array(size - bytesRead); } const { nread, eof } = await r.read(buf); bytesRead += nread; if (nread > 0) { const n = await dest.write(buf.slice(0, nread)); assert(n === nread, "could not write"); } if (eof) { break; } } return bytesRead; } /** Read big endian 16bit short from BufReader */ export async function readShort(buf: BufReader): Promise { const high = await buf.readByte(); if (high === EOF) return EOF; const low = await buf.readByte(); if (low === EOF) throw new UnexpectedEOFError(); return (high << 8) | low; } /** Read big endian 32bit integer from BufReader */ export async function readInt(buf: BufReader): Promise { const high = await readShort(buf); if (high === EOF) return EOF; const low = await readShort(buf); if (low === EOF) throw new UnexpectedEOFError(); return (high << 16) | low; } const MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = BigInt(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER); /** Read big endian 64bit long from BufReader */ export async function readLong(buf: BufReader): Promise { const high = await readInt(buf); if (high === EOF) return EOF; const low = await readInt(buf); if (low === EOF) throw new UnexpectedEOFError(); const big = (BigInt(high) << 32n) | BigInt(low); // We probably should provide a similar API that returns BigInt values. if (big > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) { throw new RangeError( "Long value too big to be represented as a Javascript number." ); } return Number(big); } /** Slice number into 64bit big endian byte array */ export function sliceLongToBytes(d: number, dest = new Array(8)): number[] { let big = BigInt(d); for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) { dest[7 - i] = Number(big & 0xffn); big >>= 8n; } return dest; }