# Runtime Documentation for all runtime functions (Web APIs + `Deno` global) can be found on [`doc.deno.land`](https://doc.deno.land/https/github.com/denoland/deno/releases/latest/download/lib.deno.d.ts). ## Web APIs For APIs where a web standard already exists, like `fetch` for HTTP requests, Deno uses these rather than inventing a new proprietary API. The documentation for all of these Web APIs can be found on [doc.deno.land](https://doc.deno.land/https/raw.githubusercontent.com/denoland/deno/master/cli/js/lib.deno.shared_globals.d.ts). The TypeScript definitions for the implemented web APIs can be found in the [`lib.deno.shared_globals.d.ts`](https://github.com/denoland/deno/blob/master/cli/js/lib.deno.shared_globals.d.ts) and [`lib.deno.window.d.ts`](https://github.com/denoland/deno/blob/master/cli/js/lib.deno.window.d.ts) files. Definitions that are specific to workers can be found in the [`lib.deno.worker.d.ts`](https://github.com/denoland/deno/blob/master/cli/js/lib.deno.worker.d.ts) file. ## `Deno` global All APIs that are not web standard are contained in the global `Deno` namespace. It has the APIs for reading from files, opening TCP sockets, and executing subprocesses, etc. The TypeScript definitions for the Deno namespaces can be found in the [`lib.deno.ns.d.ts`](https://github.com/denoland/deno/blob/master/cli/js/lib.deno.ns.d.ts) file. The documentation for all of the Deno specific APIs can be found on [doc.deno.land](https://doc.deno.land/https/raw.githubusercontent.com/denoland/deno/master/cli/js/lib.deno.ns.d.ts).