import * as blob from "./blob.ts"; import * as encoding from "./text_encoding.ts"; import * as domTypes from "./dom_types.d.ts"; import { ReadableStreamImpl } from "./streams/readable_stream.ts"; import { isReadableStreamDisturbed } from "./streams/internals.ts"; import { getHeaderValueParams, hasHeaderValueOf, isTypedArray, } from "./util.ts"; import { MultipartParser } from "./fetch/multipart.ts"; // only namespace imports work for now, plucking out what we need const { TextEncoder, TextDecoder } = encoding; const DenoBlob = blob.DenoBlob; function validateBodyType(owner: Body, bodySource: BodyInit | null): boolean { if (isTypedArray(bodySource)) { return true; } else if (bodySource instanceof ArrayBuffer) { return true; } else if (typeof bodySource === "string") { return true; } else if (bodySource instanceof ReadableStreamImpl) { return true; } else if (bodySource instanceof FormData) { return true; } else if (bodySource instanceof URLSearchParams) { return true; } else if (!bodySource) { return true; // null body is fine } throw new Error( `Bad ${} body type: ${}` ); } function concatenate(arrays: Uint8Array[]): ArrayBuffer { let totalLength = 0; for (const arr of arrays) { totalLength += arr.length; } const result = new Uint8Array(totalLength); let offset = 0; for (const arr of arrays) { result.set(arr, offset); offset += arr.length; } return result.buffer as ArrayBuffer; } async function bufferFromStream( stream: ReadableStreamReader ): Promise { const parts: Uint8Array[] = []; const encoder = new TextEncoder(); while (true) { const { done, value } = await; if (done) break; if (typeof value === "string") { parts.push(encoder.encode(value)); } else if (value instanceof ArrayBuffer) { parts.push(new Uint8Array(value)); } else if (value instanceof Uint8Array) { parts.push(value); } else if (!value) { // noop for undefined } else { throw new Error("unhandled type on stream read"); } } return concatenate(parts); } export const BodyUsedError = "Failed to execute 'clone' on 'Body': body is already used"; export class Body implements domTypes.Body { protected _stream: ReadableStreamImpl | null; constructor( protected _bodySource: BodyInit | null, readonly contentType: string ) { validateBodyType(this, _bodySource); this._bodySource = _bodySource; this.contentType = contentType; this._stream = null; } get body(): ReadableStream | null { if (this._stream) { return this._stream; } if (this._bodySource instanceof ReadableStreamImpl) { this._stream = this._bodySource; } if (typeof this._bodySource === "string") { const bodySource = this._bodySource; this._stream = new ReadableStreamImpl({ start(controller: ReadableStreamDefaultController): void { controller.enqueue(bodySource); controller.close(); }, }); } return this._stream; } get bodyUsed(): boolean { if (this.body && isReadableStreamDisturbed(this.body)) { return true; } return false; } public async blob(): Promise { return new DenoBlob([await this.arrayBuffer()], { type: this.contentType, }); } // ref: public async formData(): Promise { const formData = new FormData(); if (hasHeaderValueOf(this.contentType, "multipart/form-data")) { const params = getHeaderValueParams(this.contentType); // ref: const boundary = params.get("boundary")!; const body = new Uint8Array(await this.arrayBuffer()); const multipartParser = new MultipartParser(body, boundary); return multipartParser.parse(); } else if ( hasHeaderValueOf(this.contentType, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") ) { // From // Copyright (c) 2014-2016 GitHub, Inc. MIT License const body = await this.text(); try { body .trim() .split("&") .forEach((bytes): void => { if (bytes) { const split = bytes.split("="); const name = split.shift()!.replace(/\+/g, " "); const value = split.join("=").replace(/\+/g, " "); formData.append( decodeURIComponent(name), decodeURIComponent(value) ); } }); } catch (e) { throw new TypeError("Invalid form urlencoded format"); } return formData; } else { throw new TypeError("Invalid form data"); } } public async text(): Promise { if (typeof this._bodySource === "string") { return this._bodySource; } const ab = await this.arrayBuffer(); const decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8"); return decoder.decode(ab); } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any public async json(): Promise { const raw = await this.text(); return JSON.parse(raw); } public arrayBuffer(): Promise { if (isTypedArray(this._bodySource)) { return Promise.resolve(this._bodySource.buffer as ArrayBuffer); } else if (this._bodySource instanceof ArrayBuffer) { return Promise.resolve(this._bodySource); } else if (typeof this._bodySource === "string") { const enc = new TextEncoder(); return Promise.resolve( enc.encode(this._bodySource).buffer as ArrayBuffer ); } else if (this._bodySource instanceof ReadableStreamImpl) { return bufferFromStream(this._bodySource.getReader()); } else if ( this._bodySource instanceof FormData || this._bodySource instanceof URLSearchParams ) { const enc = new TextEncoder(); return Promise.resolve( enc.encode(this._bodySource.toString()).buffer as ArrayBuffer ); } else if (!this._bodySource) { return Promise.resolve(new ArrayBuffer(0)); } throw new Error( `Body type not yet implemented: ${}` ); } }