// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { unitTest, assertEquals, assert, assertThrows } from "./test_util.ts"; unitTest(function resourcesCloseBadArgs(): void { assertThrows(() => { Deno.close((null as unknown) as number); }, Deno.errors.InvalidData); }); unitTest(function resourcesStdio(): void { const res = Deno.resources(); assertEquals(res[0], "stdin"); assertEquals(res[1], "stdout"); assertEquals(res[2], "stderr"); }); unitTest({ perms: { net: true } }, async function resourcesNet(): Promise< void > { const listener = Deno.listen({ port: 4501 }); const dialerConn = await Deno.connect({ port: 4501 }); const listenerConn = await listener.accept(); const res = Deno.resources(); assertEquals( Object.values(res).filter((r): boolean => r === "tcpListener").length, 1 ); const tcpStreams = Object.values(res).filter( (r): boolean => r === "tcpStream" ); assert(tcpStreams.length >= 2); listenerConn.close(); dialerConn.close(); listener.close(); }); unitTest({ perms: { read: true } }, async function resourcesFile(): Promise< void > { const resourcesBefore = Deno.resources(); const f = await Deno.open("cli/tests/hello.txt"); const resourcesAfter = Deno.resources(); f.close(); // check that exactly one new resource (file) was added assertEquals( Object.keys(resourcesAfter).length, Object.keys(resourcesBefore).length + 1 ); const newRid = +Object.keys(resourcesAfter).find((rid): boolean => { return !resourcesBefore.hasOwnProperty(rid); })!; assertEquals(resourcesAfter[newRid], "fsFile"); });