const { mkdir, open } = Deno; import { FileInfo } from "deno"; import { test, assert } from "../testing/mod.ts"; import { glob } from "./glob.ts"; import { join } from "./path.ts"; import { testWalk } from "./walk_test.ts"; import { walk, walkSync, WalkOptions } from "./walk.ts"; async function touch(path: string): Promise { await open(path, "w"); } async function walkArray( dirname: string = ".", options: WalkOptions = {} ): Promise> { const arr: string[] = []; for await (const f of walk(dirname, { ...options })) { arr.push(f.path.replace(/\\/g, "/")); } arr.sort(); const arr_sync = Array.from(walkSync(dirname, options), (f: FileInfo) => f.path.replace(/\\/g, "/") ).sort(); assert.equal(arr, arr_sync); return arr; } test({ name: "glob: glob to regex", fn() { assert.equal(glob("unicorn.*") instanceof RegExp, true); assert.equal(glob("unicorn.*").test("poney.ts"), false); assert.equal(glob("unicorn.*").test(""), true); assert.equal(glob("*.ts").test("poney.ts"), true); assert.equal(glob("*.ts").test("unicorn.js"), false); assert.equal( glob(join("unicorn", "**", "cathedral.ts")).test( join("unicorn", "in", "the", "cathedral.ts") ), true ); assert.equal( glob(join("unicorn", "**", "cathedral.ts")).test( join("unicorn", "in", "the", "kitchen.ts") ), false ); assert.equal( glob(join("unicorn", "**", "bathroom.*")).test( join("unicorn", "sleeping", "in", "") ), true ); assert.equal( glob(join("unicorn", "!(sleeping)", "bathroom.ts"), { extended: true }).test(join("unicorn", "flying", "bathroom.ts")), true ); assert.equal( glob(join("unicorn", "(!sleeping)", "bathroom.ts"), { extended: true }).test(join("unicorn", "sleeping", "bathroom.ts")), false ); } }); testWalk( async (d: string) => { await mkdir(d + "/a"); await touch(d + "/a/x.ts"); }, async function globInWalk() { const arr = await walkArray(".", { match: [glob("*.ts")] }); assert.equal(arr.length, 1); assert.equal(arr[0], "./a/x.ts"); } ); testWalk( async (d: string) => { await mkdir(d + "/a"); await mkdir(d + "/b"); await touch(d + "/a/x.ts"); await touch(d + "/b/z.ts"); await touch(d + "/b/z.js"); }, async function globInWalkWildcardFiles() { const arr = await walkArray(".", { match: [glob("*.ts")] }); assert.equal(arr.length, 2); assert.equal(arr[0], "./a/x.ts"); assert.equal(arr[1], "./b/z.ts"); } ); testWalk( async (d: string) => { await mkdir(d + "/a"); await mkdir(d + "/a/yo"); await touch(d + "/a/yo/x.ts"); }, async function globInWalkFolderWildcard() { const arr = await walkArray(".", { match: [ glob(join("a", "**", "*.ts"), { flags: "g", extended: true, globstar: true }) ] }); assert.equal(arr.length, 1); assert.equal(arr[0], "./a/yo/x.ts"); } ); testWalk( async (d: string) => { await touch(d + "/x.ts"); await touch(d + "/x.js"); await touch(d + "/b.js"); }, async function globInWalkWildcardExtension() { const arr = await walkArray(".", { match: [glob("x.*", { flags: "g", extended: true, globstar: true })] }); console.log(arr); assert.equal(arr.length, 2); assert.equal(arr[0], "./x.js"); assert.equal(arr[1], "./x.ts"); } );