// Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { test, assert } from "./test_util.ts"; test(function globalThisExists() { assert(globalThis != null); }); test(function windowExists() { assert(window != null); }); test(function windowWindowExists() { assert(window.window === window); }); test(function globalThisEqualsWindow() { // @ts-ignore (TypeScript thinks globalThis and window don't match) assert(globalThis === window); }); test(function DenoNamespaceExists() { assert(Deno != null); }); test(function DenoNamespaceEqualsWindowDeno() { assert(Deno === window.Deno); }); test(function DenoNamespaceIsFrozen() { assert(Object.isFrozen(Deno)); }); test(function webAssemblyExists() { assert(typeof WebAssembly.compile === "function"); });