// Copyright 2018 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { test, testPerm, assert, assertEqual } from "./test_util.ts"; import * as deno from "deno"; testPerm({ env: true }, async function envSuccess() { const env = deno.env(); assert(env !== null); env.test_var = "Hello World"; const newEnv = deno.env(); assertEqual(env.test_var, newEnv.test_var); }); test(async function envFailure() { let caughtError = false; try { const env = deno.env(); } catch (err) { caughtError = true; assertEqual(err.kind, deno.ErrorKind.PermissionDenied); assertEqual(err.name, "PermissionDenied"); } assert(caughtError); }); testPerm({ write: true }, function makeTempDirSync() { const dir1 = deno.makeTempDirSync({ prefix: "hello", suffix: "world" }); const dir2 = deno.makeTempDirSync({ prefix: "hello", suffix: "world" }); // Check that both dirs are different. assert(dir1 != dir2); for (const dir of [dir1, dir2]) { // Check that the prefix and suffix are applied. const lastPart = dir.replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, ""); assert(lastPart.startsWith("hello")); assert(lastPart.endsWith("world")); } // Check that the `dir` option works. const dir3 = deno.makeTempDirSync({ dir: dir1 }); assert(dir3.startsWith(dir1)); assert(/^[\\\/]/.test(dir3.slice(dir1.length))); // Check that creating a temp dir inside a nonexisting directory fails. let err; try { deno.makeTempDirSync({ dir: "/baddir" }); } catch (err_) { err = err_; } assertEqual(err.kind, deno.ErrorKind.NotFound); assertEqual(err.name, "NotFound"); }); test(function makeTempDirSyncPerm() { // makeTempDirSync should require write permissions (for now). let err; try { deno.makeTempDirSync({ dir: "/baddir" }); } catch (err_) { err = err_; } assertEqual(err.kind, deno.ErrorKind.PermissionDenied); assertEqual(err.name, "PermissionDenied"); });