// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { assert, assertEquals, assertThrows } from "./test_util.ts"; let isCI: boolean; try { isCI = (Deno.env.get("CI")?.length ?? 0) > 0; } catch { isCI = true; } // Skip these tests on linux CI, because the vulkan emulator is not good enough // yet, and skip on macOS CI because these do not have virtual GPUs. const isLinuxOrMacCI = (Deno.build.os === "linux" || Deno.build.os === "darwin") && isCI; // Skip these tests in WSL because it doesn't have good GPU support. const isWsl = await checkIsWsl(); Deno.test({ permissions: { read: true, env: true }, ignore: isWsl || isLinuxOrMacCI, }, async function webgpuComputePass() { const adapter = await navigator.gpu.requestAdapter(); assert(adapter); const numbers = [1, 4, 3, 295]; const device = await adapter.requestDevice(); assert(device); const shaderCode = await Deno.readTextFile( "cli/tests/testdata/webgpu/computepass_shader.wgsl", ); const shaderModule = device.createShaderModule({ code: shaderCode, }); const size = new Uint32Array(numbers).byteLength; const stagingBuffer = device.createBuffer({ size: size, usage: GPUBufferUsage.MAP_READ | GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST, }); const storageBuffer = device.createBuffer({ label: "Storage Buffer", size: size, usage: GPUBufferUsage.STORAGE | GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST | GPUBufferUsage.COPY_SRC, mappedAtCreation: true, }); const buf = new Uint32Array(storageBuffer.getMappedRange()); buf.set(numbers); storageBuffer.unmap(); const computePipeline = device.createComputePipeline({ layout: "auto", compute: { module: shaderModule, entryPoint: "main", }, }); const bindGroupLayout = computePipeline.getBindGroupLayout(0); const bindGroup = device.createBindGroup({ layout: bindGroupLayout, entries: [ { binding: 0, resource: { buffer: storageBuffer, }, }, ], }); const encoder = device.createCommandEncoder(); const computePass = encoder.beginComputePass(); computePass.setPipeline(computePipeline); computePass.setBindGroup(0, bindGroup); computePass.insertDebugMarker("compute collatz iterations"); computePass.dispatchWorkgroups(numbers.length); computePass.end(); encoder.copyBufferToBuffer(storageBuffer, 0, stagingBuffer, 0, size); device.queue.submit([encoder.finish()]); await stagingBuffer.mapAsync(1); const data = stagingBuffer.getMappedRange(); assertEquals(new Uint32Array(data), new Uint32Array([0, 2, 7, 55])); stagingBuffer.unmap(); device.destroy(); // TODO(lucacasonato): webgpu spec should add a explicit destroy method for // adapters. const resources = Object.keys(Deno.resources()); Deno.close(Number(resources[resources.length - 1])); }); Deno.test({ permissions: { read: true, env: true }, ignore: isWsl || isLinuxOrMacCI, }, async function webgpuHelloTriangle() { const adapter = await navigator.gpu.requestAdapter(); assert(adapter); const device = await adapter.requestDevice(); assert(device); const shaderCode = await Deno.readTextFile( "cli/tests/testdata/webgpu/hellotriangle_shader.wgsl", ); const shaderModule = device.createShaderModule({ code: shaderCode, }); const pipelineLayout = device.createPipelineLayout({ bindGroupLayouts: [], }); const renderPipeline = device.createRenderPipeline({ layout: pipelineLayout, vertex: { module: shaderModule, entryPoint: "vs_main", }, fragment: { module: shaderModule, entryPoint: "fs_main", targets: [ { format: "rgba8unorm-srgb", }, ], }, }); const dimensions = { width: 200, height: 200, }; const unpaddedBytesPerRow = dimensions.width * 4; const align = 256; const paddedBytesPerRowPadding = (align - unpaddedBytesPerRow % align) % align; const paddedBytesPerRow = unpaddedBytesPerRow + paddedBytesPerRowPadding; const outputBuffer = device.createBuffer({ label: "Capture", size: paddedBytesPerRow * dimensions.height, usage: GPUBufferUsage.MAP_READ | GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST, }); const texture = device.createTexture({ label: "Capture", size: dimensions, format: "rgba8unorm-srgb", usage: GPUTextureUsage.RENDER_ATTACHMENT | GPUTextureUsage.COPY_SRC, }); const encoder = device.createCommandEncoder(); const view = texture.createView(); const renderPass = encoder.beginRenderPass({ colorAttachments: [ { view, storeOp: "store", loadOp: "clear", clearValue: [0, 1, 0, 1], }, ], }); renderPass.setPipeline(renderPipeline); renderPass.draw(3, 1); renderPass.end(); encoder.copyTextureToBuffer( { texture, }, { buffer: outputBuffer, bytesPerRow: paddedBytesPerRow, rowsPerImage: 0, }, dimensions, ); const bundle = encoder.finish(); device.queue.submit([bundle]); await outputBuffer.mapAsync(1); const data = new Uint8Array(outputBuffer.getMappedRange()); assertEquals( data, await Deno.readFile("cli/tests/testdata/webgpu/hellotriangle.out"), ); outputBuffer.unmap(); device.destroy(); // TODO(lucacasonato): webgpu spec should add a explicit destroy method for // adapters. const resources = Object.keys(Deno.resources()); Deno.close(Number(resources[resources.length - 1])); }); Deno.test({ ignore: isWsl || isLinuxOrMacCI, }, async function webgpuAdapterHasFeatures() { const adapter = await navigator.gpu.requestAdapter(); assert(adapter); assert(adapter.features); const resources = Object.keys(Deno.resources()); Deno.close(Number(resources[resources.length - 1])); }); Deno.test({ ignore: isWsl || isLinuxOrMacCI, }, async function webgpuNullWindowSurfaceThrows() { const adapter = await navigator.gpu.requestAdapter(); assert(adapter); const device = await adapter.requestDevice(); assert(device); assertThrows( () => { new Deno.UnsafeWindowSurface("cocoa", null, null); }, ); device.destroy(); const resources = Object.keys(Deno.resources()); Deno.close(Number(resources[resources.length - 1])); }); Deno.test(function getPreferredCanvasFormat() { const preferredFormat = navigator.gpu.getPreferredCanvasFormat(); assert(preferredFormat === "bgra8unorm" || preferredFormat === "rgba8unorm"); }); async function checkIsWsl() { return Deno.build.os === "linux" && await hasMicrosoftProcVersion(); async function hasMicrosoftProcVersion() { // https://github.com/microsoft/WSL/issues/423#issuecomment-221627364 try { const procVersion = await Deno.readTextFile("/proc/version"); return /microsoft/i.test(procVersion); } catch { return false; } } }