// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import * as path from "https://deno.land/std@0.105.0/path/mod.ts"; import * as semver from "https://deno.land/x/semver@v1.4.0/mod.ts"; import * as cargo from "./cargo.ts"; import { getCratesIoMetadata } from "./crates_io.ts"; import { withRetries } from "./helpers.ts"; export class DenoWorkspace { #workspaceCrates: readonly DenoWorkspaceCrate[]; #workspaceRootDirPath: string; static get rootDirPath() { const currentDirPath = path.dirname(path.fromFileUrl(import.meta.url)); return path.resolve(currentDirPath, "../../../"); } static async load(): Promise { return new DenoWorkspace( await cargo.getMetadata(DenoWorkspace.rootDirPath), ); } private constructor(metadata: cargo.CargoMetadata) { const crates = []; for (const memberId of metadata.workspace_members) { const pkg = metadata.packages.find((pkg) => pkg.id === memberId); if (!pkg) { throw new Error(`Could not find package with id ${memberId}`); } crates.push(new DenoWorkspaceCrate(this, pkg)); } this.#workspaceCrates = crates; this.#workspaceRootDirPath = metadata.workspace_root; } get crates() { return this.#workspaceCrates; } /** Gets the dependency crates used for the first part of the release process. */ getDependencyCrates() { return [ this.getBenchUtilCrate(), this.getSerdeV8Crate(), this.getCoreCrate(), ...this.getExtCrates(), this.getRuntimeCrate(), ]; } getSerdeV8Crate() { return this.getCrateByNameOrThrow("serde_v8"); } getCliCrate() { return this.getCrateByNameOrThrow("deno"); } getCoreCrate() { return this.getCrateByNameOrThrow("deno_core"); } getRuntimeCrate() { return this.getCrateByNameOrThrow("deno_runtime"); } getBenchUtilCrate() { return this.getCrateByNameOrThrow("deno_bench_util"); } getExtCrates() { const extPath = path.join(this.#workspaceRootDirPath, "ext"); return this.#workspaceCrates.filter((c) => c.manifestPath.startsWith(extPath) ); } getCrateByNameOrThrow(name: string) { const crate = this.#workspaceCrates.find((c) => c.name === name); if (!crate) { throw new Error(`Could not find crate: ${name}`); } return crate; } build() { return cargo.build(DenoWorkspace.rootDirPath); } updateLockFile() { return cargo.check(DenoWorkspace.rootDirPath); } } export class DenoWorkspaceCrate { #workspace: DenoWorkspace; #pkg: cargo.CargoPackageMetadata; #isUpdatingManifest = false; constructor(workspace: DenoWorkspace, pkg: cargo.CargoPackageMetadata) { this.#workspace = workspace; this.#pkg = pkg; } get manifestPath() { return this.#pkg.manifest_path; } get directoryPath() { return path.dirname(this.#pkg.manifest_path); } get name() { return this.#pkg.name; } get version() { return this.#pkg.version; } getDependencies() { const dependencies = []; for (const dependency of this.#pkg.dependencies) { const crate = this.#workspace.crates.find((c) => c.name === dependency.name ); if (crate != null) { dependencies.push(crate); } } return dependencies; } async isPublished() { const cratesIoMetadata = await getCratesIoMetadata(this.name); return cratesIoMetadata.versions.some((v) => v.num === this.version); } async publish() { if (await this.isPublished()) { console.log(`Already published ${this.name} ${this.version}`); return false; } console.log(`Publishing ${this.name} ${this.version}...`); // Sometimes a publish may fail due to the crates.io index // not being updated yet. Usually it will be resolved after // retrying, so try a few times before failing hard. return await withRetries({ action: async () => { await cargo.publishCrate(this.directoryPath); return true; }, retryCount: 5, retryDelaySeconds: 10, }); } build() { return cargo.build(this.directoryPath); } updateLockFile() { return cargo.check(this.directoryPath); } increment(part: "major" | "minor" | "patch") { const newVersion = semver.parse(this.version)!.inc(part).toString(); return this.setVersion(newVersion); } async setVersion(version: string) { console.log(`Setting ${this.name} to ${version}...`); for (const crate of this.#workspace.crates) { await crate.setDependencyVersion(this.name, version); } await this.#updateManifestVersion(version); } async setDependencyVersion(dependencyName: string, version: string) { const dependency = this.#pkg.dependencies.find((d) => d.name === dependencyName ); if (dependency != null) { await this.#updateManifestFile((fileText) => { // simple for now... const findRegex = new RegExp( `^(\\b${dependencyName}\\b\\s.*)"([=\\^])?[0-9]+[^"]+"`, "gm", ); return fileText.replace(findRegex, `$1"${version}"`); }); dependency.req = `^${version}`; } } async #updateManifestVersion(version: string) { await this.#updateManifestFile((fileText) => { const findRegex = new RegExp( `^(version\\s*=\\s*)"${this.#pkg.version}"$`, "m", ); return fileText.replace(findRegex, `$1"${version}"`); }); this.#pkg.version = version; } async #updateManifestFile(action: (fileText: string) => string) { if (this.#isUpdatingManifest) { throw new Error("Cannot update manifest while updating manifest."); } this.#isUpdatingManifest = true; try { const originalText = await Deno.readTextFile(this.#pkg.manifest_path); const newText = action(originalText); if (originalText === newText) { throw new Error(`The file didn't change: ${this.manifestPath}`); } await Deno.writeTextFile(this.manifestPath, newText); } finally { this.#isUpdatingManifest = false; } } }