// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. ((window) => { const core = window.Deno.core; const { read, readSync, write, writeSync } = window.__bootstrap.io; const { pathFromURL } = window.__bootstrap.util; function seekSync( rid, offset, whence, ) { return core.jsonOpSync("op_seek_sync", { rid, offset, whence }); } function seek( rid, offset, whence, ) { return core.jsonOpAsync("op_seek_async", { rid, offset, whence }); } function openSync( path, options = { read: true }, ) { checkOpenOptions(options); const mode = options?.mode; const rid = core.jsonOpSync( "op_open_sync", { path: pathFromURL(path), options, mode }, ); return new File(rid); } async function open( path, options = { read: true }, ) { checkOpenOptions(options); const mode = options?.mode; const rid = await core.jsonOpAsync( "op_open_async", { path: pathFromURL(path), options, mode }, ); return new File(rid); } function createSync(path) { return openSync(path, { read: true, write: true, truncate: true, create: true, }); } function create(path) { return open(path, { read: true, write: true, truncate: true, create: true, }); } class File { #rid = 0; constructor(rid) { this.#rid = rid; } get rid() { return this.#rid; } write(p) { return write(this.rid, p); } writeSync(p) { return writeSync(this.rid, p); } read(p) { return read(this.rid, p); } readSync(p) { return readSync(this.rid, p); } seek(offset, whence) { return seek(this.rid, offset, whence); } seekSync(offset, whence) { return seekSync(this.rid, offset, whence); } close() { core.close(this.rid); } } class Stdin { constructor() { } get rid() { return 0; } read(p) { return read(this.rid, p); } readSync(p) { return readSync(this.rid, p); } close() { core.close(this.rid); } } class Stdout { constructor() { } get rid() { return 1; } write(p) { return write(this.rid, p); } writeSync(p) { return writeSync(this.rid, p); } close() { core.close(this.rid); } } class Stderr { constructor() { } get rid() { return 2; } write(p) { return write(this.rid, p); } writeSync(p) { return writeSync(this.rid, p); } close() { core.close(this.rid); } } const stdin = new Stdin(); const stdout = new Stdout(); const stderr = new Stderr(); function checkOpenOptions(options) { if (Object.values(options).filter((val) => val === true).length === 0) { throw new Error("OpenOptions requires at least one option to be true"); } if (options.truncate && !options.write) { throw new Error("'truncate' option requires 'write' option"); } const createOrCreateNewWithoutWriteOrAppend = (options.create || options.createNew) && !(options.write || options.append); if (createOrCreateNewWithoutWriteOrAppend) { throw new Error( "'create' or 'createNew' options require 'write' or 'append' option", ); } } window.__bootstrap.files = { stdin, stdout, stderr, File, create, createSync, open, openSync, seek, seekSync, }; })(this);