// deno-fmt-ignore-file // deno-lint-ignore-file // Copyright Joyent and Node contributors. All rights reserved. MIT license. // Taken from Node 18.12.1 // This file is automatically generated by "node/_tools/setup.ts". Do not modify this file manually import * as common from '../common/index.mjs'; import { setTimeout } from 'timers/promises'; import { Readable } from 'stream'; import assert from 'assert'; function oneTo5() { return Readable.from([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); } function oneTo5Async() { return oneTo5().map(async (x) => { await Promise.resolve(); return x; }); } { // Some, find, and every work with a synchronous stream and predicate assert.strictEqual(await oneTo5().some((x) => x > 3), true); assert.strictEqual(await oneTo5().every((x) => x > 3), false); assert.strictEqual(await oneTo5().find((x) => x > 3), 4); assert.strictEqual(await oneTo5().some((x) => x > 6), false); assert.strictEqual(await oneTo5().every((x) => x < 6), true); assert.strictEqual(await oneTo5().find((x) => x > 6), undefined); assert.strictEqual(await Readable.from([]).some(() => true), false); assert.strictEqual(await Readable.from([]).every(() => true), true); assert.strictEqual(await Readable.from([]).find(() => true), undefined); } { // Some, find, and every work with an asynchronous stream and synchronous predicate assert.strictEqual(await oneTo5Async().some((x) => x > 3), true); assert.strictEqual(await oneTo5Async().every((x) => x > 3), false); assert.strictEqual(await oneTo5Async().find((x) => x > 3), 4); assert.strictEqual(await oneTo5Async().some((x) => x > 6), false); assert.strictEqual(await oneTo5Async().every((x) => x < 6), true); assert.strictEqual(await oneTo5Async().find((x) => x > 6), undefined); } { // Some, find, and every work on synchronous streams with an asynchronous predicate assert.strictEqual(await oneTo5().some(async (x) => x > 3), true); assert.strictEqual(await oneTo5().every(async (x) => x > 3), false); assert.strictEqual(await oneTo5().find(async (x) => x > 3), 4); assert.strictEqual(await oneTo5().some(async (x) => x > 6), false); assert.strictEqual(await oneTo5().every(async (x) => x < 6), true); assert.strictEqual(await oneTo5().find(async (x) => x > 6), undefined); } { // Some, find, and every work on asynchronous streams with an asynchronous predicate assert.strictEqual(await oneTo5Async().some(async (x) => x > 3), true); assert.strictEqual(await oneTo5Async().every(async (x) => x > 3), false); assert.strictEqual(await oneTo5Async().find(async (x) => x > 3), 4); assert.strictEqual(await oneTo5Async().some(async (x) => x > 6), false); assert.strictEqual(await oneTo5Async().every(async (x) => x < 6), true); assert.strictEqual(await oneTo5Async().find(async (x) => x > 6), undefined); } { async function checkDestroyed(stream) { await setTimeout(); assert.strictEqual(stream.destroyed, true); } { // Some, find, and every short circuit const someStream = oneTo5(); await someStream.some(common.mustCall((x) => x > 2, 3)); await checkDestroyed(someStream); const everyStream = oneTo5(); await everyStream.every(common.mustCall((x) => x < 3, 3)); await checkDestroyed(everyStream); const findStream = oneTo5(); await findStream.find(common.mustCall((x) => x > 1, 2)); await checkDestroyed(findStream); // When short circuit isn't possible the whole stream is iterated await oneTo5().some(common.mustCall(() => false, 5)); await oneTo5().every(common.mustCall(() => true, 5)); await oneTo5().find(common.mustCall(() => false, 5)); } { // Some, find, and every short circuit async stream/predicate const someStream = oneTo5Async(); await someStream.some(common.mustCall(async (x) => x > 2, 3)); await checkDestroyed(someStream); const everyStream = oneTo5Async(); await everyStream.every(common.mustCall(async (x) => x < 3, 3)); await checkDestroyed(everyStream); const findStream = oneTo5Async(); await findStream.find(common.mustCall(async (x) => x > 1, 2)); await checkDestroyed(findStream); // When short circuit isn't possible the whole stream is iterated await oneTo5Async().some(common.mustCall(async () => false, 5)); await oneTo5Async().every(common.mustCall(async () => true, 5)); await oneTo5Async().find(common.mustCall(async () => false, 5)); } } { // Concurrency doesn't affect which value is found. const found = await Readable.from([1, 2]).find(async (val) => { if (val === 1) { await setTimeout(100); } return true; }, { concurrency: 2 }); assert.strictEqual(found, 1); } { // Support for AbortSignal for (const op of ['some', 'every', 'find']) { { const ac = new AbortController(); assert.rejects(Readable.from([1, 2, 3])[op]( () => new Promise(() => { }), { signal: ac.signal } ), { name: 'AbortError', }, `${op} should abort correctly with sync abort`).then(common.mustCall()); ac.abort(); } { // Support for pre-aborted AbortSignal assert.rejects(Readable.from([1, 2, 3])[op]( () => new Promise(() => { }), { signal: AbortSignal.abort() } ), { name: 'AbortError', }, `${op} should abort with pre-aborted abort controller`).then(common.mustCall()); } } } { // Error cases for (const op of ['some', 'every', 'find']) { assert.rejects(async () => { await Readable.from([1])[op](1); }, /ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE/, `${op} should throw for invalid function`).then(common.mustCall()); assert.rejects(async () => { await Readable.from([1])[op]((x) => x, { concurrency: 'Foo' }); }, /ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE/, `${op} should throw for invalid concurrency`).then(common.mustCall()); assert.rejects(async () => { await Readable.from([1])[op]((x) => x, 1); }, /ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE/, `${op} should throw for invalid concurrency`).then(common.mustCall()); assert.rejects(async () => { await Readable.from([1])[op]((x) => x, { signal: true }); }, /ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE/, `${op} should throw for invalid signal`).then(common.mustCall()); } } { for (const op of ['some', 'every', 'find']) { const stream = oneTo5(); Object.defineProperty(stream, 'map', { value: common.mustNotCall(() => {}), }); // Check that map isn't getting called. stream[op](() => {}); } }