// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. // Copyright Joyent, Inc. and Node.js contributors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { Buffer } from "node:buffer"; import { notImplemented } from "ext:deno_node/_utils.ts"; import { op_vm_compile_function, op_vm_create_context, op_vm_create_script, op_vm_is_context, op_vm_script_create_cached_data, op_vm_script_get_source_map_url, op_vm_script_run_in_context, } from "ext:core/ops"; import { validateArray, validateBoolean, validateBuffer, validateInt32, validateObject, validateOneOf, validateString, validateStringArray, validateUint32, } from "ext:deno_node/internal/validators.mjs"; import { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE } from "ext:deno_node/internal/errors.ts"; import { primordials } from "ext:core/mod.js"; const { Symbol, ArrayPrototypeForEach, ObjectFreeze } = primordials; const kParsingContext = Symbol("script parsing context"); export class Script { #inner; constructor(code, options = { __proto__: null }) { code = `${code}`; if (typeof options === "string") { options = { filename: options }; } else { validateObject(options, "options"); } const { filename = "evalmachine.<anonymous>", lineOffset = 0, columnOffset = 0, cachedData, produceCachedData = false, // importModuleDynamically, [kParsingContext]: parsingContext, } = options; validateString(filename, "options.filename"); validateInt32(lineOffset, "options.lineOffset"); validateInt32(columnOffset, "options.columnOffset"); if (cachedData !== undefined) { validateBuffer(cachedData, "options.cachedData"); } validateBoolean(produceCachedData, "options.produceCachedData"); // const hostDefinedOptionId = // getHostDefinedOptionId(importModuleDynamically, filename); const result = op_vm_create_script( code, filename, lineOffset, columnOffset, cachedData, produceCachedData, parsingContext, ); this.#inner = result.value; this.cachedDataProduced = result.cached_data_produced; this.cachedDataRejected = result.cached_data_rejected; this.cachedData = result.cached_data ? Buffer.from(result.cached_data) : undefined; } #runInContext(contextifiedObject, options = { __proto__: null }) { validateObject(options, "options"); let timeout = options.timeout; if (timeout === undefined) { timeout = -1; } else { validateUint32(timeout, "options.timeout", true); } const { displayErrors = true, breakOnSigint = false, } = options; validateBoolean(displayErrors, "options.displayErrors"); validateBoolean(breakOnSigint, "options.breakOnSigint"); //if (breakOnSigint && process.listenerCount('SIGINT') > 0) { // return sigintHandlersWrap(super.runInContext, this, args); //} return op_vm_script_run_in_context( this.#inner, contextifiedObject, timeout, displayErrors, breakOnSigint, ); } runInThisContext(options) { return this.#runInContext(null, options); } runInContext(contextifiedObject, options) { validateContext(contextifiedObject); return this.#runInContext(contextifiedObject, options); } runInNewContext(contextObject, options) { const context = createContext(contextObject, getContextOptions(options)); return this.runInContext(context, options); } get sourceMapURL() { return op_vm_script_get_source_map_url(this.#inner); } createCachedData() { return Buffer.from(op_vm_script_create_cached_data(this.#inner)); } } function validateContext(contextifiedObject) { if (!isContext(contextifiedObject)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE( "contextifiedObject", "vm.Context", contextifiedObject, ); } } function getContextOptions(options) { if (!options) { return {}; } const contextOptions = { name: options.contextName, origin: options.contextOrigin, codeGeneration: undefined, microtaskMode: options.microtaskMode, }; if (contextOptions.name !== undefined) { validateString(contextOptions.name, "options.contextName"); } if (contextOptions.origin !== undefined) { validateString(contextOptions.origin, "options.contextOrigin"); } if (options.contextCodeGeneration !== undefined) { validateObject( options.contextCodeGeneration, "options.contextCodeGeneration", ); const { strings, wasm } = options.contextCodeGeneration; if (strings !== undefined) { validateBoolean(strings, "options.contextCodeGeneration.strings"); } if (wasm !== undefined) { validateBoolean(wasm, "options.contextCodeGeneration.wasm"); } contextOptions.codeGeneration = { strings, wasm }; } if (options.microtaskMode !== undefined) { validateString(options.microtaskMode, "options.microtaskMode"); } return contextOptions; } let defaultContextNameIndex = 1; export function createContext( // deno-lint-ignore prefer-primordials contextObject = {}, options = { __proto__: null }, ) { if (isContext(contextObject)) { return contextObject; } validateObject(options, "options"); const { name = `VM Context ${defaultContextNameIndex++}`, origin, codeGeneration, microtaskMode, // importModuleDynamically, } = options; validateString(name, "options.name"); if (origin !== undefined) { validateString(origin, "options.origin"); } if (codeGeneration !== undefined) { validateObject(codeGeneration, "options.codeGeneration"); } let strings = true; let wasm = true; if (codeGeneration !== undefined) { ({ strings = true, wasm = true } = codeGeneration); validateBoolean(strings, "options.codeGeneration.strings"); validateBoolean(wasm, "options.codeGeneration.wasm"); } validateOneOf(microtaskMode, "options.microtaskMode", [ "afterEvaluate", undefined, ]); const microtaskQueue = microtaskMode === "afterEvaluate"; // const hostDefinedOptionId = // getHostDefinedOptionId(importModuleDynamically, name); op_vm_create_context( contextObject, name, origin, strings, wasm, microtaskQueue, ); // Register the context scope callback after the context was initialized. // registerImportModuleDynamically(contextObject, importModuleDynamically); return contextObject; } export function createScript(code, options) { return new Script(code, options); } export function runInContext(code, contextifiedObject, options) { validateContext(contextifiedObject); if (typeof options === "string") { options = { filename: options, [kParsingContext]: contextifiedObject, }; } else { options = { ...options, [kParsingContext]: contextifiedObject, }; } return createScript(code, options) .runInContext(contextifiedObject, options); } export function runInNewContext(code, contextObject, options) { if (typeof options === "string") { options = { filename: options }; } contextObject = createContext(contextObject, getContextOptions(options)); options = { ...options, [kParsingContext]: contextObject }; return createScript(code, options).runInNewContext(contextObject, options); } export function runInThisContext(code, options) { if (typeof options === "string") { options = { filename: options }; } return createScript(code, options).runInThisContext(options); } export function isContext(object) { validateObject(object, "object", { allowArray: true }); return op_vm_is_context(object); } export function compileFunction(code, params, options = { __proto__: null }) { validateString(code, "code"); if (params !== undefined) { validateStringArray(params, "params"); } const { filename = "", columnOffset = 0, lineOffset = 0, cachedData = undefined, produceCachedData = false, parsingContext = undefined, contextExtensions = [], // importModuleDynamically, } = options; validateString(filename, "options.filename"); validateInt32(columnOffset, "options.columnOffset"); validateInt32(lineOffset, "options.lineOffset"); if (cachedData !== undefined) { validateBuffer(cachedData, "options.cachedData"); } validateBoolean(produceCachedData, "options.produceCachedData"); if (parsingContext !== undefined) { if ( typeof parsingContext !== "object" || parsingContext === null || !isContext(parsingContext) ) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE( "options.parsingContext", "Context", parsingContext, ); } } validateArray(contextExtensions, "options.contextExtensions"); ArrayPrototypeForEach(contextExtensions, (extension, i) => { const name = `options.contextExtensions[${i}]`; validateObject(extension, name, { nullable: true }); }); // const hostDefinedOptionId = // getHostDefinedOptionId(importModuleDynamically, filename); const result = op_vm_compile_function( code, filename, lineOffset, columnOffset, cachedData, produceCachedData, parsingContext, contextExtensions, params, ); result.value.cachedDataProduced = result.cached_data_produced; result.value.cachedDataRejected = result.cached_data_rejected; result.value.cachedData = result.cached_data ? Buffer.from(result.cached_data) : undefined; return result.value; } export function measureMemory(_options) { notImplemented("measureMemory"); } const USE_MAIN_CONTEXT_DEFAULT_LOADER = Symbol( "USE_MAIN_CONTEXT_DEFAULT_LOADER", ); const DONT_CONTEXTIFY = Symbol("DONT_CONTEXTIFY"); export const constants = { __proto__: null, USE_MAIN_CONTEXT_DEFAULT_LOADER, DONT_CONTEXTIFY, }; ObjectFreeze(constants); export default { Script, constants, createContext, createScript, runInContext, runInNewContext, runInThisContext, isContext, compileFunction, measureMemory, };