#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run --reload --allow-run // Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import "./unit_tests.ts"; import { REGISTERED_UNIT_TESTS, colors, readLines, permissionCombinations, Permissions, registerUnitTests, fmtPerms, parseArgs, reportToConn, } from "./test_util.ts"; // @ts-expect-error const internalObj = Deno[Deno.internal]; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const reportToConsole = internalObj.reportToConsole as (message: any) => void; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const runTests = internalObj.runTests as (options: any) => Promise; interface PermissionSetTestResult { perms: Permissions; passed: boolean; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any endMessage: any; permsStr: string; } const PERMISSIONS: Deno.PermissionName[] = [ "read", "write", "net", "env", "run", "plugin", "hrtime", ]; /** * Take a list of permissions and revoke missing permissions. */ async function dropWorkerPermissions( requiredPermissions: Deno.PermissionName[] ): Promise { const permsToDrop = PERMISSIONS.filter((p): boolean => { return !requiredPermissions.includes(p); }); for (const perm of permsToDrop) { await Deno.permissions.revoke({ name: perm }); } } async function workerRunnerMain( addrStr: string, permsStr: string, filter?: string ): Promise { const [hostname, port] = addrStr.split(":"); const addr = { hostname, port: Number(port) }; let perms: Deno.PermissionName[] = []; if (permsStr.length > 0) { perms = permsStr.split(",") as Deno.PermissionName[]; } // Setup reporter const conn = await Deno.connect(addr); // Drop current process permissions to requested set await dropWorkerPermissions(perms); // Register unit tests that match process permissions await registerUnitTests(); // Execute tests await runTests({ exitOnFail: false, filter, reportToConsole: false, onMessage: reportToConn.bind(null, conn), }); } function spawnWorkerRunner( verbose: boolean, addr: string, perms: Permissions, filter?: string ): Deno.Process { // run subsequent tests using same deno executable const permStr = Object.keys(perms) .filter((permName): boolean => { return perms[permName as Deno.PermissionName] === true; }) .join(","); const cmd = [ Deno.execPath(), "run", "--unstable", // TODO(ry) be able to test stable vs unstable "-A", "cli/tests/unit/unit_test_runner.ts", "--worker", `--addr=${addr}`, `--perms=${permStr}`, ]; if (filter) { cmd.push("--"); cmd.push(filter); } const ioMode = verbose ? "inherit" : "null"; const p = Deno.run({ cmd, stdin: ioMode, stdout: ioMode, stderr: ioMode, }); return p; } async function runTestsForPermissionSet( listener: Deno.Listener, addrStr: string, verbose: boolean, perms: Permissions, filter?: string ): Promise { const permsFmt = fmtPerms(perms); console.log(`Running tests for: ${permsFmt}`); const workerProcess = spawnWorkerRunner(verbose, addrStr, perms, filter); // Wait for worker subprocess to go online const conn = await listener.accept(); let expectedPassedTests; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any let endMessage: any; try { for await (const line of readLines(conn)) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const message = JSON.parse(line) as any; reportToConsole(message); if (message.start != null) { expectedPassedTests = message.start.tests.length; } else if (message.end != null) { endMessage = message.end; } } } finally { // Close socket to worker. conn.close(); } if (expectedPassedTests == null) { throw new Error("Worker runner didn't report start"); } if (endMessage == null) { throw new Error("Worker runner didn't report end"); } const workerStatus = await workerProcess.status(); if (!workerStatus.success) { throw new Error( `Worker runner exited with status code: ${workerStatus.code}` ); } workerProcess.close(); const passed = expectedPassedTests === endMessage.passed + endMessage.ignored; return { perms, passed, permsStr: permsFmt, endMessage, }; } async function masterRunnerMain( verbose: boolean, filter?: string ): Promise { console.log( "Discovered permission combinations for tests:", permissionCombinations.size ); for (const perms of permissionCombinations.values()) { console.log("\t" + fmtPerms(perms)); } const testResults = new Set(); const addr = { hostname: "", port: 4510 }; const addrStr = `${addr.hostname}:${addr.port}`; const listener = Deno.listen(addr); for (const perms of permissionCombinations.values()) { const result = await runTestsForPermissionSet( listener, addrStr, verbose, perms, filter ); testResults.add(result); } // if any run tests returned non-zero status then whole test // run should fail let testsPassed = true; for (const testResult of testResults) { const { permsStr, endMessage } = testResult; console.log(`Summary for ${permsStr}`); reportToConsole({ end: endMessage }); testsPassed = testsPassed && testResult.passed; } if (!testsPassed) { console.error("Unit tests failed"); Deno.exit(1); } console.log("Unit tests passed"); if (REGISTERED_UNIT_TESTS.find(({ only }) => only)) { console.error( `\n${colors.red("FAILED")} because the "only" option was used` ); Deno.exit(1); } } const HELP = `Unit test runner Run tests matching current process permissions: deno --allow-write unit_test_runner.ts deno --allow-net --allow-hrtime unit_test_runner.ts deno --allow-write unit_test_runner.ts -- testWriteFile Run "master" process that creates "worker" processes for each discovered permission combination: deno -A unit_test_runner.ts --master Run worker process for given permissions: deno -A unit_test_runner.ts --worker --perms=net,read,write --addr= OPTIONS: --master Run in master mode, spawning worker processes for each discovered permission combination --worker Run in worker mode, requires "perms" and "addr" flags, should be run with "-A" flag; after setup worker will drop permissions to required set specified in "perms" --perms=... Set of permissions this process should run tests with, --addr= Address of TCP socket for reporting ARGS: -- ... Run only tests with names matching filter, must be used after "--" `; function assertOrHelp(expr: unknown): asserts expr { if (!expr) { console.log(HELP); Deno.exit(1); } } async function main(): Promise { const args = parseArgs(Deno.args, { boolean: ["master", "worker", "verbose"], "--": true, }); if (args.help) { console.log(HELP); return; } const filter = args["--"][0]; // Master mode if (args.master) { return masterRunnerMain(args.verbose, filter); } // Worker mode if (args.worker) { assertOrHelp(typeof args.addr === "string"); assertOrHelp(typeof args.perms === "string"); return workerRunnerMain(args.addr, args.perms, filter); } // Running tests matching current process permissions await registerUnitTests(); await runTests({ filter }); } main();