// Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. // This is a "special" module, in that it define the global runtime scope of // Deno, and therefore it defines a lot of the runtime environment that code // is evaluated in. We use this file to automatically build the runtime type // library. // Modules which will make up part of the global public API surface should be // imported as namespaces, so when the runtime type library is generated they // can be expressed as a namespace in the type library. import { window } from "./window.ts"; import * as blob from "./blob.ts"; import * as consoleTypes from "./console.ts"; import * as csprng from "./get_random_values.ts"; import * as customEvent from "./custom_event.ts"; import * as Deno from "./deno.ts"; import * as domTypes from "./dom_types.ts"; import * as domFile from "./dom_file.ts"; import * as event from "./event.ts"; import * as eventTarget from "./event_target.ts"; import * as formData from "./form_data.ts"; import * as fetchTypes from "./fetch.ts"; import * as headers from "./headers.ts"; import * as textEncoding from "./text_encoding.ts"; import * as timers from "./timers.ts"; import * as url from "./url.ts"; import * as urlSearchParams from "./url_search_params.ts"; import * as workers from "./workers.ts"; import * as performanceUtil from "./performance.ts"; import * as request from "./request.ts"; // These imports are not exposed and therefore are fine to just import the // symbols required. import { core } from "./core.ts"; // During the build process, augmentations to the variable `window` in this // file are tracked and created as part of default library that is built into // Deno, we only need to declare the enough to compile Deno. declare global { interface CallSite { getThis(): unknown; getTypeName(): string; getFunction(): Function; getFunctionName(): string; getMethodName(): string; getFileName(): string; getLineNumber(): number | null; getColumnNumber(): number | null; getEvalOrigin(): string | null; isToplevel(): boolean; isEval(): boolean; isNative(): boolean; isConstructor(): boolean; isAsync(): boolean; isPromiseAll(): boolean; getPromiseIndex(): number | null; } interface ErrorConstructor { prepareStackTrace(error: Error, structuredStackTrace: CallSite[]): string; } interface Object { [consoleTypes.customInspect]?(): string; } } // A self reference to the global object. window.window = window; // This is the Deno namespace, it is handled differently from other window // properties when building the runtime type library, as the whole module // is flattened into a single namespace. window.Deno = Deno; // Globally available functions and object instances. window.atob = textEncoding.atob; window.btoa = textEncoding.btoa; window.fetch = fetchTypes.fetch; window.clearTimeout = timers.clearTimeout; window.clearInterval = timers.clearInterval; window.console = new consoleTypes.Console(core.print); window.setTimeout = timers.setTimeout; window.setInterval = timers.setInterval; window.location = (undefined as unknown) as domTypes.Location; window.onload = undefined as undefined | Function; window.onunload = undefined as undefined | Function; // The following Crypto interface implementation is not up to par with the // standard https://www.w3.org/TR/WebCryptoAPI/#crypto-interface as it does not // yet incorporate the SubtleCrypto interface as its "subtle" property. window.crypto = (csprng as unknown) as Crypto; // window.queueMicrotask added by hand to self-maintained lib.deno_runtime.d.ts // When creating the runtime type library, we use modifications to `window` to // determine what is in the global namespace. When we put a class in the // namespace, we also need its global instance type as well, otherwise users // won't be able to refer to instances. // We have to export the type aliases, so that TypeScript _knows_ they are // being used, which it cannot statically determine within this module. window.Blob = blob.DenoBlob; export type Blob = domTypes.Blob; export type Body = domTypes.Body; window.File = domFile.DomFileImpl as domTypes.DomFileConstructor; export type File = domTypes.DomFile; export type CustomEventInit = domTypes.CustomEventInit; window.CustomEvent = customEvent.CustomEvent; export type CustomEvent = domTypes.CustomEvent; export type EventInit = domTypes.EventInit; window.Event = event.Event; export type Event = domTypes.Event; export type EventListener = domTypes.EventListener; window.EventTarget = eventTarget.EventTarget; export type EventTarget = domTypes.EventTarget; window.URL = url.URL; export type URL = url.URL; window.URLSearchParams = urlSearchParams.URLSearchParams; export type URLSearchParams = domTypes.URLSearchParams; // Using the `as` keyword to use standard compliant interfaces as the Deno // implementations contain some implementation details we wouldn't want to // expose in the runtime type library. window.Headers = headers.Headers as domTypes.HeadersConstructor; export type Headers = domTypes.Headers; window.FormData = formData.FormData as domTypes.FormDataConstructor; export type FormData = domTypes.FormData; window.TextEncoder = textEncoding.TextEncoder; export type TextEncoder = textEncoding.TextEncoder; window.TextDecoder = textEncoding.TextDecoder; export type TextDecoder = textEncoding.TextDecoder; window.Request = request.Request as domTypes.RequestConstructor; export type Request = domTypes.Request; window.Response = fetchTypes.Response; export type Response = domTypes.Response; window.performance = new performanceUtil.Performance(); // This variable functioning correctly depends on `declareAsLet` // in //tools/ts_library_builder/main.ts window.onmessage = workers.onmessage; window.workerMain = workers.workerMain; window.workerClose = workers.workerClose; window.postMessage = workers.postMessage; window.Worker = workers.WorkerImpl; export type Worker = workers.Worker; window[domTypes.eventTargetHost] = null; window[domTypes.eventTargetListeners] = {}; window[domTypes.eventTargetMode] = ""; window[domTypes.eventTargetNodeType] = 0; window[eventTarget.eventTargetAssignedSlot] = false; window[eventTarget.eventTargetHasActivationBehavior] = false; window.addEventListener = eventTarget.EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener; window.dispatchEvent = eventTarget.EventTarget.prototype.dispatchEvent; window.removeEventListener = eventTarget.EventTarget.prototype.removeEventListener; // Registers the handler for window.onload function. window.addEventListener( "load", (e: domTypes.Event): void => { const onload = window.onload; if (typeof onload === "function") { onload(e); } } ); // Registers the handler for window.onunload function. window.addEventListener( "unload", (e: domTypes.Event): void => { const onunload = window.onunload; if (typeof onunload === "function") { onunload(e); } } ); // below are interfaces that are available in TypeScript but // have different signatures export interface ImportMeta { url: string; main: boolean; } export interface Crypto { readonly subtle: null; getRandomValues: < T extends | Int8Array | Uint8Array | Uint8ClampedArray | Int16Array | Uint16Array | Int32Array | Uint32Array >( typedArray: T ) => T; }