// Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ import * as dispatch from "./dispatch.ts"; import { sendAsync, sendSync } from "./dispatch_json.ts"; import { log } from "./util.ts"; import { TextDecoder, TextEncoder } from "./text_encoding.ts"; import { window } from "./window.ts"; import { blobURLMap } from "./url.ts"; import { blobBytesWeakMap } from "./blob.ts"; const encoder = new TextEncoder(); const decoder = new TextDecoder(); export function encodeMessage(data: any): Uint8Array { const dataJson = JSON.stringify(data); return encoder.encode(dataJson); } export function decodeMessage(dataIntArray: Uint8Array): any { const dataJson = decoder.decode(dataIntArray); return JSON.parse(dataJson); } function createWorker( specifier: string, includeDenoNamespace: boolean, hasSourceCode: boolean, sourceCode: Uint8Array ): number { return sendSync(dispatch.OP_CREATE_WORKER, { specifier, includeDenoNamespace, hasSourceCode, sourceCode: new TextDecoder().decode(sourceCode) }); } async function hostGetWorkerClosed(rid: number): Promise { await sendAsync(dispatch.OP_HOST_GET_WORKER_CLOSED, { rid }); } function hostPostMessage(rid: number, data: any): void { const dataIntArray = encodeMessage(data); sendSync(dispatch.OP_HOST_POST_MESSAGE, { rid }, dataIntArray); } async function hostGetMessage(rid: number): Promise { const res = await sendAsync(dispatch.OP_HOST_GET_MESSAGE, { rid }); if (res.data != null) { return decodeMessage(new Uint8Array(res.data)); } else { return null; } } // Stuff for workers export const onmessage: (e: { data: any }) => void = (): void => {}; export function postMessage(data: any): void { const dataIntArray = encodeMessage(data); sendSync(dispatch.OP_WORKER_POST_MESSAGE, {}, dataIntArray); } export async function getMessage(): Promise { log("getMessage"); const res = await sendAsync(dispatch.OP_WORKER_GET_MESSAGE); if (res.data != null) { return decodeMessage(new Uint8Array(res.data)); } else { return null; } } export let isClosing = false; export function workerClose(): void { isClosing = true; } export async function workerMain(): Promise { log("workerMain"); while (!isClosing) { const data = await getMessage(); if (data == null) { log("workerMain got null message. quitting."); break; } if (window["onmessage"]) { const event = { data }; const result: void | Promise = window.onmessage(event); if (result && "then" in result) { await result; } } if (!window["onmessage"]) { break; } } } export interface Worker { onerror?: () => void; onmessage?: (e: { data: any }) => void; onmessageerror?: () => void; postMessage(data: any): void; closed: Promise; } // TODO(kevinkassimo): Maybe implement reasonable web worker options? // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface export interface WorkerOptions {} /** Extended Deno Worker initialization options. * `noDenoNamespace` hides global `window.Deno` namespace for * spawned worker and nested workers spawned by it (default: false). */ export interface DenoWorkerOptions extends WorkerOptions { noDenoNamespace?: boolean; } export class WorkerImpl implements Worker { private readonly rid: number; private isClosing = false; private readonly isClosedPromise: Promise; public onerror?: () => void; public onmessage?: (data: any) => void; public onmessageerror?: () => void; constructor(specifier: string, options?: DenoWorkerOptions) { let hasSourceCode = false; let sourceCode = new Uint8Array(); let includeDenoNamespace = true; if (options && options.noDenoNamespace) { includeDenoNamespace = false; } // Handle blob URL. if (specifier.startsWith("blob:")) { hasSourceCode = true; const b = blobURLMap.get(specifier); if (!b) { throw new Error("No Blob associated with the given URL is found"); } const blobBytes = blobBytesWeakMap.get(b!); if (!blobBytes) { throw new Error("Invalid Blob"); } sourceCode = blobBytes!; } this.rid = createWorker( specifier, includeDenoNamespace, hasSourceCode, sourceCode ); this.run(); this.isClosedPromise = hostGetWorkerClosed(this.rid); this.isClosedPromise.then( (): void => { this.isClosing = true; } ); } get closed(): Promise { return this.isClosedPromise; } postMessage(data: any): void { hostPostMessage(this.rid, data); } private async run(): Promise { while (!this.isClosing) { const data = await hostGetMessage(this.rid); if (data == null) { log("worker got null message. quitting."); break; } // TODO(afinch7) stop this from eating messages before onmessage has been assigned if (this.onmessage) { const event = { data }; this.onmessage(event); } } } }