## Debugger Deno supports [V8 Inspector Protocol](https://v8.dev/docs/inspector). It is possible to debug Deno programs using Chrome Devtools or other clients that support the protocol (eg. VSCode). To activate debugging capabilities run Deno with `--inspect` or `--inspect-brk` flag. `--inspect` flag allows to attach debugger at any point in time, while `--inspect-brk` will wait for debugger being attached and pause execution on the first line of code. ### Chrome Devtools Let's try debugging simple program using Chrome Devtools; for this purpose we'll use [file_server.ts](https://deno.land/std@v0.50.0/http/file_server.ts) from `std`; a simple static file server. Use `--inspect-brk` flag to break execution on the first line. ```shell $ deno run --inspect-brk --allow-read --allow-net https://deno.land/std@v0.50.0/http/file_server.ts Debugger listening on ws:// Download https://deno.land/std@v0.50.0/http/file_server.ts Compile https://deno.land/std@v0.50.0/http/file_server.ts ... ``` Open `chrome://inspect` and click `Inspect` next to target: ![chrome://inspect](../images/debugger1.jpg) It might take a few seconds after opening the devtools to load all modules. ![Devtools opened](../images/debugger2.jpg) You might notice that Devtools paused execution on the first line of `_constants.ts` instead of `file_server.ts`. This is an expected behavior and is caused by the way ES modules are evaluated by V8 (`_constants.ts` is left-most, bottom-most dependency of `file_server.ts` so it is evaluated first). At this point all source code is available in the Devtools, so let's open up `file_server.ts` and add a breakpoint there; go to "Sources" pane and expand the tree: ![Open file_server.ts](../images/debugger3.jpg) _Looking closely you'll find duplicate entries for each file; one written regularly and one in italics. The former is compiled source file (so in case of `.ts` files it will be emitted JavaScript source), while the latter is a source map for the file._ Add a breakpoint in `listenAndServe` method: ![Break in file_server.ts](../images/debugger4.jpg) As soon as we've added the breakpoint Devtools automatically opened up source map file, which allows us step through the actual source code that includes types. Let's send a request and inspect it in Devtools: ``` $ curl ``` ![Break in request handling](../images/debugger5.jpg) At this point we can introspect contents of the request and go step-by-step to debug the code. ### VSCode Deno can be debugged using VSCode. Official support in plugin is being worked on - https://github.com/denoland/vscode_deno/issues/12 We can still attach debugger by manually providing simple `launch.json` config: ```json { "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { "name": "Deno", "type": "node", "request": "launch", "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}", "runtimeExecutable": "deno", "runtimeArgs": ["run", "--inspect-brk", "-A", ""], "port": 9229 } ] } ``` **NOTE**: Replace `` with actual script name. This time let's try with local source file, create `server.ts`: ```ts import { serve } from "https://deno.land/std@v0.50.0/http/server.ts"; const s = serve({ port: 8000 }); console.log("http://localhost:8000/"); for await (const req of s) { req.respond({ body: "Hello World\n" }); } ``` Change `` to `server.ts` and run created configuration: ![VSCode debugger](../images/debugger6.jpg) ![VSCode debugger](../images/debugger7.jpg) ### Other Any client that implements Devtools protocol should be able to connect to Deno process. ### Limitations Devtools support is still immature, there are some functionalities that are known to be missing/buggy: - autocomplete in Devtools' Console causes Deno process to exit - profiling and memory dumps might not work correctly