// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use std::io::Read; use deno_fetch::reqwest; use pretty_assertions::assert_eq; use regex::Regex; use test_util as util; #[tokio::test] async fn deno_serve_port_0() { let mut child = util::deno_cmd() .current_dir(util::testdata_path()) .arg("serve") .arg("--port") .arg("0") .arg("./serve/port_0.ts") .stdout_piped() .spawn() .unwrap(); let stdout = child.stdout.as_mut().unwrap(); let mut buffer = [0; 52]; let _read = stdout.read(&mut buffer).unwrap(); let msg = std::str::from_utf8(&buffer).unwrap(); let port_regex = Regex::new(r"(\d+)").unwrap(); let port = port_regex.find(msg).unwrap().as_str(); let cert = reqwest::Certificate::from_pem(include_bytes!( "../testdata/tls/RootCA.crt" )) .unwrap(); let client = reqwest::Client::builder() .add_root_certificate(cert) .http2_prior_knowledge() .build() .unwrap(); let res = client .get(&format!("{port}")) .send() .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!(200, res.status()); let body = res.text().await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(body, "deno serve --port 0 works!"); child.kill().unwrap(); child.wait().unwrap(); } #[tokio::test] async fn deno_serve_no_args() { let mut child = util::deno_cmd() .current_dir(util::testdata_path()) .arg("serve") .arg("--port") .arg("0") .arg("./serve/no_args.ts") .stdout_piped() .spawn() .unwrap(); let stdout = child.stdout.as_mut().unwrap(); let mut buffer = [0; 52]; let _read = stdout.read(&mut buffer).unwrap(); let msg = std::str::from_utf8(&buffer).unwrap(); let port_regex = Regex::new(r"(\d+)").unwrap(); let port = port_regex.find(msg).unwrap().as_str(); let cert = reqwest::Certificate::from_pem(include_bytes!( "../testdata/tls/RootCA.crt" )) .unwrap(); let client = reqwest::Client::builder() .add_root_certificate(cert) .http2_prior_knowledge() .build() .unwrap(); let res = client .get(&format!("{port}")) .send() .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!(200, res.status()); let body = res.text().await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(body, "deno serve with no args in fetch() works!"); child.kill().unwrap(); child.wait().unwrap(); }