// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. "use strict"; ((window) => { const core = window.Deno.core; const { BadResourcePrototype, InterruptedPrototype } = core; const { ReadableStream, WritableStream } = window.__bootstrap.streams; const { Error, ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf, PromiseResolve, Symbol, SymbolAsyncIterator, SymbolFor, TypedArrayPrototypeSubarray, Uint8Array, } = window.__bootstrap.primordials; const promiseIdSymbol = SymbolFor("Deno.core.internalPromiseId"); async function read( rid, buffer, ) { if (buffer.length === 0) { return 0; } const nread = await core.read(rid, buffer); return nread === 0 ? null : nread; } async function write(rid, data) { return await core.write(rid, data); } function shutdown(rid) { return core.shutdown(rid); } function opAccept(rid, transport) { return core.opAsync("op_net_accept", { rid, transport }); } function opListen(args) { return core.opSync("op_net_listen", args); } function opConnect(args) { return core.opAsync("op_net_connect", args); } function opReceive(rid, transport, zeroCopy) { return core.opAsync( "op_dgram_recv", { rid, transport }, zeroCopy, ); } function opSend(args, zeroCopy) { return core.opAsync("op_dgram_send", args, zeroCopy); } function resolveDns(query, recordType, options) { return core.opAsync("op_dns_resolve", { query, recordType, options }); } const DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE = 16_640; function tryClose(rid) { try { core.close(rid); } catch { // Ignore errors } } function readableStreamForRid(rid) { return new ReadableStream({ type: "bytes", async pull(controller) { const v = controller.byobRequest.view; try { const bytesRead = await read(rid, v); if (bytesRead === null) { tryClose(rid); controller.close(); controller.byobRequest.respond(0); } else { controller.byobRequest.respond(bytesRead); } } catch (e) { controller.error(e); tryClose(rid); } }, cancel() { tryClose(rid); }, autoAllocateChunkSize: DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, }); } function writableStreamForRid(rid) { return new WritableStream({ async write(chunk, controller) { try { let nwritten = 0; while (nwritten < chunk.length) { nwritten += await write( rid, TypedArrayPrototypeSubarray(chunk, nwritten), ); } } catch (e) { controller.error(e); tryClose(rid); } }, close() { tryClose(rid); }, abort() { tryClose(rid); }, }); } class Conn { #rid = 0; #remoteAddr = null; #localAddr = null; #readable; #writable; constructor(rid, remoteAddr, localAddr) { this.#rid = rid; this.#remoteAddr = remoteAddr; this.#localAddr = localAddr; } get rid() { return this.#rid; } get remoteAddr() { return this.#remoteAddr; } get localAddr() { return this.#localAddr; } write(p) { return write(this.rid, p); } read(p) { return read(this.rid, p); } close() { core.close(this.rid); } closeWrite() { return shutdown(this.rid); } get readable() { if (this.#readable === undefined) { this.#readable = readableStreamForRid(this.rid); } return this.#readable; } get writable() { if (this.#writable === undefined) { this.#writable = writableStreamForRid(this.rid); } return this.#writable; } } class TcpConn extends Conn { setNoDelay(nodelay = true) { return core.opSync("op_set_nodelay", this.rid, nodelay); } setKeepAlive(keepalive = true) { return core.opSync("op_set_keepalive", this.rid, keepalive); } } class UnixConn extends Conn {} // Use symbols for method names to hide these in stable API. // TODO(kt3k): Remove these symbols when ref/unref become stable. const listenerRef = Symbol("listenerRef"); const listenerUnref = Symbol("listenerUnref"); class Listener { #rid = 0; #addr = null; #unref = false; #promiseId = null; constructor(rid, addr) { this.#rid = rid; this.#addr = addr; } get rid() { return this.#rid; } get addr() { return this.#addr; } accept() { const promise = opAccept(this.rid, this.addr.transport); this.#promiseId = promise[promiseIdSymbol]; if (this.#unref) { this.#unrefOpAccept(); } return promise.then((res) => { if (this.addr.transport == "tcp") { return new TcpConn(res.rid, res.remoteAddr, res.localAddr); } else if (this.addr.transport == "unix") { return new UnixConn(res.rid, res.remoteAddr, res.localAddr); } else { throw new Error("unreachable"); } }); } async next() { let conn; try { conn = await this.accept(); } catch (error) { if ( ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(BadResourcePrototype, error) || ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(InterruptedPrototype, error) ) { return { value: undefined, done: true }; } throw error; } return { value: conn, done: false }; } return(value) { this.close(); return PromiseResolve({ value, done: true }); } close() { core.close(this.rid); } [SymbolAsyncIterator]() { return this; } [listenerRef]() { this.#unref = false; this.#refOpAccept(); } [listenerUnref]() { this.#unref = true; this.#unrefOpAccept(); } #refOpAccept() { if (typeof this.#promiseId === "number") { core.refOp(this.#promiseId); } } #unrefOpAccept() { if (typeof this.#promiseId === "number") { core.unrefOp(this.#promiseId); } } } class Datagram { #rid = 0; #addr = null; constructor(rid, addr, bufSize = 1024) { this.#rid = rid; this.#addr = addr; this.bufSize = bufSize; } get rid() { return this.#rid; } get addr() { return this.#addr; } async receive(p) { const buf = p || new Uint8Array(this.bufSize); const { size, remoteAddr } = await opReceive( this.rid, this.addr.transport, buf, ); const sub = TypedArrayPrototypeSubarray(buf, 0, size); return [sub, remoteAddr]; } send(p, addr) { const args = { hostname: "", ...addr, rid: this.rid }; return opSend(args, p); } close() { core.close(this.rid); } async *[SymbolAsyncIterator]() { while (true) { try { yield await this.receive(); } catch (err) { if ( ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(BadResourcePrototype, err) || ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(InterruptedPrototype, err) ) { break; } throw err; } } } } function listen({ hostname, ...options }, constructor = Listener) { const res = opListen({ transport: "tcp", hostname: typeof hostname === "undefined" ? "" : hostname, ...options, }); return new constructor(res.rid, res.localAddr); } async function connect(options) { if (options.transport === "unix") { const res = await opConnect(options); return new UnixConn(res.rid, res.remoteAddr, res.localAddr); } const res = await opConnect({ transport: "tcp", hostname: "", ...options, }); return new TcpConn(res.rid, res.remoteAddr, res.localAddr); } window.__bootstrap.net = { connect, Conn, TcpConn, UnixConn, opConnect, listen, listenerRef, listenerUnref, opListen, Listener, shutdown, Datagram, resolveDns, }; window.__bootstrap.streamUtils = { readableStreamForRid, writableStreamForRid, }; })(this);