// Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { assert } from "../testing/asserts.ts"; import { exists } from "../fs/exists.ts"; export interface DefineFactory { /* eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ (...args: any): object | void; } export interface ModuleMetaData { dependencies: string[]; factory?: DefineFactory | object; exports: object; } type Define = ( id: string, dependencies: string[], factory: DefineFactory ) => void; /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-namespace */ declare global { namespace globalThis { var define: Define | undefined; } } /* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-namespace */ /** Evaluate the bundle, returning a queue of module IDs and their data to * instantiate. */ export function evaluate( text: string ): [string[], Map] { const queue: string[] = []; const modules = new Map(); globalThis.define = function define( id: string, dependencies: string[], factory: DefineFactory ): void { modules.set(id, { dependencies, factory, exports: {} }); queue.push(id); }; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any (Deno as any).core.evalContext(text); // Deleting `define()` so it isn't accidentally there when the modules // instantiate. delete globalThis.define; return [queue, modules]; } /** Drain the queue of module IDs while instantiating the modules. */ export function instantiate( queue: string[], modules: Map ): void { let id: string | undefined; while ((id = queue.shift())) { const module = modules.get(id)!; assert(module != null); assert(module.factory != null); const dependencies = module.dependencies.map((id): object => { if (id === "require") { // TODO(kitsonk) support dynamic import by passing a `require()` that // can return a local module or dynamically import one. return (): void => {}; } else if (id === "exports") { return module.exports; } const dep = modules.get(id)!; assert(dep != null); return dep.exports; }); if (typeof module.factory === "function") { module.factory!(...dependencies); } else if (module.factory) { // when bundling JSON, TypeScript just emits it as an object/array as the // third argument of the `define()`. module.exports = module.factory; } delete module.factory; } } /** Load the bundle and return the contents asynchronously. */ export async function load(args: string[]): Promise { // TODO(kitsonk) allow loading of remote bundles via fetch. assert(args.length >= 2, "Expected at least two arguments."); const [, bundleFileName] = args; assert( await exists(bundleFileName), `Expected "${bundleFileName}" to exist.` ); return new TextDecoder().decode(await Deno.readFile(bundleFileName)); }