// Copyright 2018-2025 the Deno authors. MIT license. import { assert, fail } from "@std/assert"; import * as timers from "node:timers"; import * as timersPromises from "node:timers/promises"; import { assertEquals } from "@std/assert"; Deno.test("[node/timers setTimeout]", () => { { const { clearTimeout, setTimeout } = timers; const id = setTimeout(() => {}); clearTimeout(id); } { const id = timers.setTimeout(() => {}); timers.clearTimeout(id); } }); Deno.test("[node/timers setInterval]", () => { { const { clearInterval, setInterval } = timers; const id = setInterval(() => {}); clearInterval(id); } { const id = timers.setInterval(() => {}); timers.clearInterval(id); } }); Deno.test("[node/timers setImmediate]", async () => { { const { clearImmediate, setImmediate } = timers; const imm = setImmediate(() => {}); clearImmediate(imm); } { const imm = timers.setImmediate(() => {}); timers.clearImmediate(imm); } { const deffered = Promise.withResolvers(); const imm = timers.setImmediate( (a, b) => { assert(a === 1); assert(b === 2); deffered.resolve(); }, 1, 2, ); await deffered; timers.clearImmediate(imm); } }); Deno.test("[node/timers/promises setTimeout]", () => { const { setTimeout } = timersPromises; const p = setTimeout(0); assert(p instanceof Promise); return p; }); Deno.test("[node/timers/promises scheduler.wait]", async () => { const { scheduler } = timersPromises; let resolved = false; timers.setTimeout(() => (resolved = true), 20); const p = scheduler.wait(20); assert(p instanceof Promise); await p; assert(resolved); }); Deno.test("[node/timers/promises scheduler.yield]", async () => { const { scheduler } = timersPromises; let resolved = false; timers.setImmediate(() => resolved = true); const p = scheduler.yield(); assert(p instanceof Promise); await p; assert(resolved); }); // Regression test for https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/17981 Deno.test("[node/timers refresh cancelled timer]", () => { const { setTimeout, clearTimeout } = timers; const p = setTimeout(() => { fail(); }, 1); clearTimeout(p); p.refresh(); }); Deno.test("[node/timers] clearTimeout with number", () => { const timer = +timers.setTimeout(() => fail(), 10); timers.clearTimeout(timer); }); Deno.test("[node/timers] clearInterval with number", () => { const timer = +timers.setInterval(() => fail(), 10); timers.clearInterval(timer); }); Deno.test("[node/timers setImmediate returns Immediate object]", () => { const { clearImmediate, setImmediate } = timers; const imm = setImmediate(() => {}); imm.unref(); imm.ref(); imm.hasRef(); clearImmediate(imm); }); Deno.test({ name: "setInterval yields correct values at expected intervals", async fn() { // Test configuration const CONFIG = { expectedValue: 42, intervalMs: 100, iterations: 3, tolerancePercent: Deno.env.get("CI") != null ? 75 : 50, }; const { setInterval } = timersPromises; const results: Array<{ value: number; timestamp: number }> = []; const startTime = Date.now(); const iterator = setInterval(CONFIG.intervalMs, CONFIG.expectedValue); for await (const value of iterator) { results.push({ value, timestamp: Date.now(), }); if (results.length === CONFIG.iterations) { break; } } const values = results.map((r) => r.value); assertEquals( values, Array(CONFIG.iterations).fill(CONFIG.expectedValue), `Each iteration should yield ${CONFIG.expectedValue}`, ); const intervals = results.slice(1).map((result, index) => ({ interval: result.timestamp - results[index].timestamp, iterationNumber: index + 1, })); const toleranceMs = (CONFIG.tolerancePercent / 100) * CONFIG.intervalMs; const expectedRange = { min: CONFIG.intervalMs - toleranceMs, max: CONFIG.intervalMs + toleranceMs, }; intervals.forEach(({ interval, iterationNumber }) => { const isWithinTolerance = interval >= expectedRange.min && interval <= expectedRange.max; assertEquals( isWithinTolerance, true, `Iteration ${iterationNumber}: Interval ${interval}ms should be within ` + `${expectedRange.min}ms and ${expectedRange.max}ms ` + `(${CONFIG.tolerancePercent}% tolerance of ${CONFIG.intervalMs}ms)`, ); }); const totalDuration = results[results.length - 1].timestamp - startTime; const expectedDuration = CONFIG.intervalMs * CONFIG.iterations; const isDurationReasonable = totalDuration >= (expectedDuration - toleranceMs) && totalDuration <= (expectedDuration + toleranceMs); assertEquals( isDurationReasonable, true, `Total duration ${totalDuration}ms should be close to ${expectedDuration}ms ` + `(within ${toleranceMs}ms tolerance)`, ); const timestamps = results.map((r) => r.timestamp); const areTimestampsOrdered = timestamps.every((timestamp, i) => i === 0 || timestamp > timestamps[i - 1] ); assertEquals( areTimestampsOrdered, true, "Timestamps should be strictly increasing", ); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "setInterval with AbortSignal stops after expected duration", async fn() { const INTERVAL_MS = 500; const TOTAL_DURATION_MS = 3000; const TOLERANCE_MS = 500; const DELTA_TOLERANCE_MS = Deno.env.get("CI") != null ? 100 : 50; const abortController = new AbortController(); const { setInterval } = timersPromises; // Set up abort after specified duration const abortTimeout = timers.setTimeout(() => { abortController.abort(); }, TOTAL_DURATION_MS); // Track iterations and timing const startTime = Date.now(); const iterations: number[] = []; try { for await ( const _timestamp of setInterval(INTERVAL_MS, undefined, { signal: abortController.signal, }) ) { iterations.push(Date.now() - startTime); } } catch (error) { if (error instanceof Error && error.name !== "AbortError") { throw error; } } finally { timers.clearTimeout(abortTimeout); } // Validate timing const totalDuration = iterations[iterations.length - 1]; const isWithinTolerance = totalDuration >= (TOTAL_DURATION_MS - TOLERANCE_MS) && totalDuration <= (TOTAL_DURATION_MS + TOLERANCE_MS); assertEquals( isWithinTolerance, true, `Total duration ${totalDuration}ms should be within ±${TOLERANCE_MS}ms of ${TOTAL_DURATION_MS}ms`, ); // Validate interval consistency const intervalDeltas = iterations.slice(1).map((time, i) => time - iterations[i] ); intervalDeltas.forEach((delta, i) => { const isIntervalValid = delta >= (INTERVAL_MS - DELTA_TOLERANCE_MS) && delta <= (INTERVAL_MS + DELTA_TOLERANCE_MS); assertEquals( isIntervalValid, true, `Interval ${ i + 1 } duration (${delta}ms) should be within ±${DELTA_TOLERANCE_MS}ms of ${INTERVAL_MS}ms`, ); }); }, });