// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. const targetDir = Deno.execPath().replace(/[^\/\\]+$/, ""); const [libPrefix, libSuffix] = { darwin: ["lib", "dylib"], linux: ["lib", "so"], windows: ["", "dll"], }[Deno.build.os]; const libPath = `${targetDir}/${libPrefix}test_ffi.${libSuffix}`; const dylib = Deno.dlopen( libPath, { store_function_2: { parameters: ["function"], result: "void", }, call_stored_function_2: { parameters: ["u8"], result: "void", }, call_stored_function_2_from_other_thread: { name: "call_stored_function_2", parameters: ["u8"], result: "void", nonblocking: true, }, call_stored_function_2_thread_safe: { parameters: ["u8"], result: "void", }, } as const, ); globalThis.addEventListener("error", (data) => { console.log("Unhandled error"); data.preventDefault(); }); globalThis.onerror = (data) => { console.log("Unhandled error"); if (typeof data !== "string") { data.preventDefault(); } }; globalThis.addEventListener("unhandledrejection", (data) => { console.log("Unhandled rejection"); data.preventDefault(); }); const timer = setTimeout(() => { console.error( "Test failed, final callback did not get picked up by Deno event loop", ); Deno.exit(-1); }, 5_000); Deno.unrefTimer(timer); enum CallCase { SyncSelf, SyncFfi, AsyncSelf, AsyncSyncFfi, AsyncFfi, } type U8CallCase = Deno.NativeU8Enum; const throwCb = (c: CallCase): number => { console.log("CallCase:", CallCase[c]); if (c === CallCase.AsyncFfi) { cb.unref(); } throw new Error("Error"); }; const THROW_CB_DEFINITION = { parameters: ["u8" as U8CallCase], result: "u8", } as const; const cb = new Deno.UnsafeCallback(THROW_CB_DEFINITION, throwCb); try { const fnPointer = new Deno.UnsafeFnPointer(cb.pointer, THROW_CB_DEFINITION); fnPointer.call(CallCase.SyncSelf); } catch (_err) { console.log( "Throwing errors from an UnsafeCallback called from a synchronous UnsafeFnPointer works. Terribly excellent.", ); } dylib.symbols.store_function_2(cb.pointer); try { dylib.symbols.call_stored_function_2(CallCase.SyncFfi); } catch (_err) { console.log( "Throwing errors from an UnsafeCallback called from a synchronous FFI symbol works. Terribly excellent.", ); } try { const fnPointer = new Deno.UnsafeFnPointer(cb.pointer, { ...THROW_CB_DEFINITION, nonblocking: true, }); await fnPointer.call(CallCase.AsyncSelf); } catch (err) { throw new Error( "Nonblocking UnsafeFnPointer should not be threading through a JS error thrown on the other side of the call", { cause: err, }, ); } try { await dylib.symbols.call_stored_function_2_from_other_thread( CallCase.AsyncSyncFfi, ); } catch (err) { throw new Error( "Nonblocking symbol call should not be threading through a JS error thrown on the other side of the call", { cause: err, }, ); } try { // Ref the callback to make sure we do not exit before the call is done. cb.ref(); dylib.symbols.call_stored_function_2_thread_safe(CallCase.AsyncFfi); } catch (err) { throw new Error( "Blocking symbol call should not be travelling 1.5 seconds forward in time to figure out that it call will trigger a JS error to be thrown", { cause: err, }, ); }