// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use google_storage1::api::Object; use google_storage1::hyper; use google_storage1::hyper_rustls; use google_storage1::oauth2; use google_storage1::Storage; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::io::Cursor; static GIT_HASH: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| { test_util::run_collect(&["git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"], None, None, None, true) .0 .trim() .to_string() }); #[derive(serde::Serialize)] struct Metric { name: String, value: i64, sha1: String, #[serde(rename = "type")] type_: String, time: i64, } pub struct Reporter { wtr: csv::Writer>, gcloud_client: Option, } impl Reporter { pub async fn new() -> Self { dotenv::dotenv().ok(); let gcloud_client = match std::env::var("CI").map(|_| std::env::var("GOOGLE_SVC_KEY")) { Ok(Ok(key_str)) => { let secret = oauth2::parse_service_account_key(key_str) .expect("Failed to load service account key"); let auth = oauth2::authenticator::ServiceAccountAuthenticator::builder(secret) .build() .await .unwrap(); let client = hyper::Client::builder().build( hyper_rustls::HttpsConnectorBuilder::new() .with_native_roots() .https_or_http() .enable_http1() .enable_http2() .build(), ); Some(Storage::new(client, auth)) } _ => None, }; Self { wtr: csv::Writer::from_writer(vec![]), gcloud_client, } } pub fn write_one(&mut self, type_: &str, name: &str, value: i64) { self .wtr .serialize(Metric { name: name.to_string(), type_: type_.to_string(), value, sha1: GIT_HASH.clone(), time: chrono::Utc::now().timestamp_millis(), }) .unwrap(); } pub fn write(&mut self, type_: &str, hashmap: &HashMap) { for (name, value) in hashmap { self.write_one(type_, name, *value); } } pub async fn submit(mut self) { self.wtr.flush().unwrap(); if let Some(client) = self.gcloud_client.take() { let mut reader = Cursor::new(self.wtr.into_inner().unwrap()); let object: Object = Object::default(); client .objects() .insert(object, "deno_benchmark_data") .name(&format!("{}.csv", *GIT_HASH)) .param("uploadType", "multipart") .upload(&mut reader, "text/csv".parse().unwrap()) .await .unwrap(); } } }