// This is not a real HTTP server. We read blindly one time into 'requestBuf', // then write this fixed 'responseBuf'. The point of this benchmark is to // exercise the event loop in a simple yet semi-realistic way. const OP_LISTEN = 1; const OP_ACCEPT = 2; const OP_READ = 3; const OP_WRITE = 4; const OP_CLOSE = 5; const requestBuf = new Uint8Array(64 * 1024); const responseBuf = new Uint8Array( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 12\r\n\r\nHello World\n" .split("") .map(c => c.charCodeAt(0)) ); const promiseMap = new Map(); let nextPromiseId = 1; function assert(cond) { if (!cond) { throw Error("assert"); } } function createResolvable() { let methods; const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { methods = { resolve, reject }; }); return Object.assign(promise, methods); } const scratch32 = new Int32Array(4); const scratchBytes = new Uint8Array( scratch32.buffer, scratch32.byteOffset, scratch32.byteLength ); assert(scratchBytes.byteLength === 4 * 4); function send(promiseId, opId, arg, zeroCopy = null) { scratch32[0] = promiseId; scratch32[1] = opId; scratch32[2] = arg; scratch32[3] = -1; return DenoCore.dispatch(scratchBytes, zeroCopy); } /** Returns Promise */ function sendAsync(opId, arg, zeroCopy = null) { const promiseId = nextPromiseId++; const p = createResolvable(); promiseMap.set(promiseId, p); send(promiseId, opId, arg, zeroCopy); return p; } function recordFromBuf(buf) { assert(buf.byteLength === 16); const buf32 = new Int32Array(buf.buffer, buf.byteOffset, buf.byteLength / 4); return { promiseId: buf32[0], opId: buf32[1], arg: buf32[2], result: buf32[3] }; } /** Returns i32 number */ function sendSync(opId, arg) { const buf = send(0, opId, arg); const record = recordFromBuf(buf); return record.result; } function handleAsyncMsgFromRust(buf) { const record = recordFromBuf(buf); const { promiseId, result } = record; const p = promiseMap.get(promiseId); promiseMap.delete(promiseId); p.resolve(result); } /** Listens on, returns rid. */ function listen() { return sendSync(OP_LISTEN, -1); } /** Accepts a connection, returns rid. */ async function accept(rid) { return await sendAsync(OP_ACCEPT, rid); } /** * Reads a packet from the rid, presumably an http request. data is ignored. * Returns bytes read. */ async function read(rid, data) { return await sendAsync(OP_READ, rid, data); } /** Writes a fixed HTTP response to the socket rid. Returns bytes written. */ async function write(rid, data) { return await sendAsync(OP_WRITE, rid, data); } function close(rid) { return sendSync(OP_CLOSE, rid); } async function serve(rid) { while (true) { const nread = await read(rid, requestBuf); if (nread <= 0) { break; } const nwritten = await write(rid, responseBuf); if (nwritten < 0) { break; } } close(rid); } async function main() { DenoCore.setAsyncHandler(handleAsyncMsgFromRust); libdeno.print("http_bench.js start\n"); const listenerRid = listen(); libdeno.print(`listening rid = ${listenerRid}\n`); while (true) { const rid = await accept(listenerRid); // libdeno.print(`accepted ${rid}`); if (rid < 0) { libdeno.print(`accept error ${rid}`); return; } serve(rid); } } main();