{ "introduction": { "name": "Introduction" }, "getting_started": { "name": "Getting Started", "children": { "installation": "Installation", "setup_your_environment": "Setup your environment", "first_steps": "First steps", "command_line_interface": "Command line interface", "permissions": "Permissions", "webassembly": "Using WebAssembly", "debugging_your_code": "Debugging your code" } }, "runtime": { "name": "The Runtime", "children": { "stability": "Stability", "program_lifecycle": "Program lifecycle", "permission_apis": "Permission APIs", "web_platform_apis": "Web Platform APIs", "http_server_apis": "HTTP Server APIs", "location_api": "Location API", "workers": "Workers" } }, "linking_to_external_code": { "name": "Linking to external code", "children": { "reloading_modules": "Reloading modules", "integrity_checking": "Integrity checking", "proxies": "Proxies", "private": "Private modules", "import_maps": "Import maps" } }, "typescript": { "name": "Using TypeScript", "children": { "overview": "Overview", "configuration": "Configuration", "types": "Types and type declarations", "migration": "Migrating to/from JavaScript", "runtime": "Runtime compiler APIs", "faqs": "Frequently asked questions" } }, "standard_library": { "name": "Standard library" }, "examples": { "name": "Examples", "children": { "hello_world": "Hello world", "import_export": "Import and export modules", "manage_dependencies": "Manage dependencies", "fetch_data": "Fetch data", "read_write_files": "Read and write files", "unix_cat": "Unix cat program", "http_server": "HTTP web server", "file_server": "File server", "tcp_echo": "TCP echo server", "subprocess": "Creating a subprocess", "os_signals": "OS signals", "file_system_events": "File system events", "module_metadata": "Module metadata" } }, "testing": { "name": "Testing", "children": { "assertions": "Assertions" } }, "tools": { "name": "Tools", "children": { "script_installer": "Script installer", "formatter": "Formatter", "repl": "Read-eval-print-loop", "bundler": "Bundler", "compiler": "Compiling executables", "documentation_generator": "Documentation generator", "dependency_inspector": "Dependency inspector", "linter": "Linter" } }, "embedding_deno": { "name": "Embedding Deno" }, "help": { "name": "Help" }, "contributing": { "name": "Contributing", "children": { "building_from_source": "Building from source", "development_tools": "Development tools", "web_platform_tests": "Web platform tests", "style_guide": "Style guide", "architecture": "Architecture", "release_schedule": "Release schedule" } } }