// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use deno_core::error::AnyError; use deno_core::futures::channel::mpsc; use deno_core::OpState; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::mem::size_of; use std::os::raw::c_char; use std::os::raw::c_short; use std::path::Path; use std::rc::Rc; mod call; mod callback; mod dlfcn; mod ir; mod repr; mod r#static; mod symbol; mod turbocall; use call::op_ffi_call_nonblocking; use call::op_ffi_call_ptr; use call::op_ffi_call_ptr_nonblocking; use callback::op_ffi_unsafe_callback_close; use callback::op_ffi_unsafe_callback_create; use callback::op_ffi_unsafe_callback_ref; use dlfcn::op_ffi_load; use dlfcn::ForeignFunction; use r#static::op_ffi_get_static; use repr::*; use symbol::NativeType; use symbol::Symbol; #[cfg(not(target_pointer_width = "64"))] compile_error!("platform not supported"); const _: () = { assert!(size_of::() == 1); assert!(size_of::() == 2); assert!(size_of::<*const ()>() == 8); }; pub(crate) const MAX_SAFE_INTEGER: isize = 9007199254740991; pub(crate) const MIN_SAFE_INTEGER: isize = -9007199254740991; pub struct Unstable(pub bool); fn check_unstable(state: &OpState, api_name: &str) { let unstable = state.borrow::(); if !unstable.0 { eprintln!( "Unstable API '{api_name}'. The --unstable flag must be provided." ); std::process::exit(70); } } pub fn check_unstable2(state: &Rc>, api_name: &str) { let state = state.borrow(); check_unstable(&state, api_name) } pub trait FfiPermissions { fn check(&mut self, path: Option<&Path>) -> Result<(), AnyError>; } pub(crate) type PendingFfiAsyncWork = Box; pub(crate) struct FfiState { pub(crate) async_work_sender: mpsc::UnboundedSender, pub(crate) async_work_receiver: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver, } deno_core::extension!(deno_ffi, deps = [ deno_web ], parameters = [P: FfiPermissions], ops = [ op_ffi_load

, op_ffi_get_static, op_ffi_call_nonblocking, op_ffi_call_ptr

, op_ffi_call_ptr_nonblocking

, op_ffi_ptr_create

, op_ffi_ptr_equals

, op_ffi_ptr_of

, op_ffi_ptr_offset

, op_ffi_ptr_value

, op_ffi_get_buf

, op_ffi_buf_copy_into

, op_ffi_cstr_read

, op_ffi_read_bool

, op_ffi_read_u8

, op_ffi_read_i8

, op_ffi_read_u16

, op_ffi_read_i16

, op_ffi_read_u32

, op_ffi_read_i32

, op_ffi_read_u64

, op_ffi_read_i64

, op_ffi_read_f32

, op_ffi_read_f64

, op_ffi_read_ptr

, op_ffi_unsafe_callback_create

, op_ffi_unsafe_callback_close, op_ffi_unsafe_callback_ref, ], esm = [ "00_ffi.js" ], options = { unstable: bool, }, state = |state, options| { // Stolen from deno_webgpu, is there a better option? state.put(Unstable(options.unstable)); let (async_work_sender, async_work_receiver) = mpsc::unbounded::(); state.put(FfiState { async_work_receiver, async_work_sender, }); }, event_loop_middleware = event_loop_middleware, ); fn event_loop_middleware( op_state_rc: Rc>, _cx: &mut std::task::Context, ) -> bool { // FFI callbacks coming in from other threads will call in and get queued. let mut maybe_scheduling = false; let mut work_items: Vec = vec![]; { let mut op_state = op_state_rc.borrow_mut(); let ffi_state = op_state.borrow_mut::(); while let Ok(Some(async_work_fut)) = ffi_state.async_work_receiver.try_next() { // Move received items to a temporary vector so that we can drop the `op_state` borrow before we do the work. work_items.push(async_work_fut); maybe_scheduling = true; } drop(op_state); } while let Some(async_work_fut) = work_items.pop() { async_work_fut(); } maybe_scheduling }